H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

not really other then Justin Wong P.Gorath And James Chen
nobody has really used shuma

More like no tournaments are really going on.

best bet is this upcoming installment of wednesday night fights

Again, I still think he’s not that great.

Some of you seem to start to notice while the rest of you are still in denial. There’s no secret to using Shuma. 5 days or 5 years, he will will still be assist tier.

And speaking of an assist i face someone using mystic stare, aside from the weak damage it was easy to avoid.

And most of what holds him back is unnecessary recovery and taunts on lots of his moves… To much necessity on corners to use his bnb.

His potential as an anchor with X-factor and level 3 is lost with his terrible mobility.

Also the hype that he can kill someone with Chaos Dimension which anyone can do with 3 meters, also there’s a good amount of characters who can kill someone with 2 meters using the DHC glitch and 3 that can kill sent.

And the term Tentacle Terror is in fact in lameeeeee…and perhaps use Testicle Terror in lieu of Tentacle Terror because the character is balls.

I played a friend of mine who was able to rushdown with him. I know this might sound fammiliar but give it time. A month isn’t enough time to properly come to term with basic stuff like move properties and mix up. Let alone hidden exploits that might be below the surface.

Any assist can be good or bad depending on how you use it. Saying that you faced one person who did not succesfully use it does not say a whole lot about it. Also the low damage doesn’t seem so bad when you consider that you can combo from it, or use it to extend certain combos.

The thing that’s awesome about chaos dimension is not that it can kill with 3 meters but that it’s an unblockable kill with 3 meters. Much like X-23, if your scared that they’ll run away from it, you don’t even need to risk wasting the meter by pulling it at random. Just make them block a sent drone assist, activate chaos dimension when the first drone hits them, and boom. Enormous damage.

At least, that’s my understanding of it.

If you think he’s such ass then why the hell are you posting in his character forum? I understand that is your opinion, but sitting around going “he sucks, he sucks, he sucks” doesn’t accomplish anything but take up space on this thread. It’d be more productive to try and work around the characters faults rather than just complain about them…

Shuma backdash tricks are pretty good.

‘fast charge’ character, not ‘fast’ charge character. As in, the charge moves themselves are TVC fast, not SF Guile fast.

From what I’ve seen so far, I don’t think Shuma is really good either. But then again, neither is Hsein-ko, yet she can support a team very well. People will find ways to make Shuma work. He clearly has some interesting strengths and I think at the moment, we are all kind of still awkward with him. He seems like he’ll need to be played a very specific way and nobody’s really got that down pat yet. No surprise really.

I still think my idea for Shuma’s move changes was better than what Capcom did here <_<


Man, this game’s writing has so much thought put into it! Props to Frank Tieri. Now if only we got a comic series off it…

Also, Shuma mirror match: “What a handsome devil you are!”

Not to mention that he proposes to Hsien-ko - the deity has good taste!

“starfish” says the hulk

what does Dormammu say to Shuma exactly?

What is thy will, Ancient One?
Back to the Chaos Dimension with you!

shuma has become my opponent’s favorite target
he usually ends up taking the most punishment early on…

Agreed. I will bitch from here until the end of time that charge moves in a VS game is beyond retarded. Kinda wish that during the Shuma pose after every Hyper he would go into a counter mode where he would just slap the opponent away. BITCH LET ME POSE!!! :rofl:

I don’t understand why he has 950k. It isn’t like he has a weird hitbox like Ammy/Arthur nor the zoning madness of MODOK to having this health. That and Chaos Dimension should really let you do something else afterward just like some of the other level 3s. Sometimes I just don’t even want to go for long combos, pop Chaos Dimension and immediately hit :h: for the fear of running out of time/missing during a simple combo.

I been trying to hit opponent’s with Mystic Stare and its working out ok. I get some of those that get highly defensive and those that rush me down in hopes of removing the debuff. Best thing so far for me is Mystic Stare exploding during Aerial Mystic Smash to go do another aerial combo afterward.

I do like Mystic Ray as an assist though. With my other teammates Wesker/Dormammu, teleporting then Mystic Ray is great. But I really don’t want Shuma to play a third fiddle! He definetely needs assists to help him get around. He is rather terrible as an anchor. Been mostly relying on his normal throw XX Mystic Ray XX Launcher.

so looking like shuma will end up like hsien-ko?(used mostly for the assist)

I never played TVC so I’m unfamiliar with the particulars of what you’re referring to, but I assume the idea is that the time you have to hold back is reduced from a normal street fighter game? If this is the case then I still question whether this really helps shuma at all, as it doesn’t really matter how short the actual charge time is when each charge move itself has such long start-up (even non-charge smash has huge start-up). That’s also why I think conversation about mystic ray beating out other projectiles is kinda silly: If you’re actually in a projectile fight, you will lose when it comes to trading, because of the huge start-up. Now there are ways around that of course, but it just felt like people were saying shuma can go back and forth with doom or sent beams, when obviously you just can’t.

In other matters, we should recognize that shuma’s properties while getting hit are really weird and (for now at least) advantageous to the shuma player. Somehow shuma screws up other characters regular bnb super combos, making the timing different or just plain popping out of them at weird moments. Dormammu’s pillar into fire combo, Dante’s bnb into guns…shuma regularly escapes them where no other character does. Also notice when Shuma gets dizzied like from She-Hulk’s grab, he instantly splats on the ground and serves out his dizzy stun all stretched out flat instead of the normal character’s standing dizzy thing.

Right now I think cr. M is shuma’s savior. You should really never have a need to use L, air L or cr. L when M does everything better and safer. cr. M is key to his mystic stare game too and helps with the recovering and the start-up

Funny thing is I’ve seen H-Ko wreck shops multiply times by players who took the time to understand the in’s and out of the character, only morons use a character just for the assist and don’t learn how to fight with that character. Look what Flash is doing with Joe.

Yea, I sneak cr. M into Shuma’s back dash since he is invulnerable until his Eye is back into his socket + you cancel the dash. Whenever I feel Im blocking a bit two much.

Want to know whats really fun with shuma? Put someone in block stun with this block string, c.m c.h jump forward medium mystic smash repeat. If they are in the corner they cannot advance gaurd out of this block string, the forward momentum of the attacks negates pushback, its funny to do this loop like 4-5 times before they learn not to advance gaurd it also builds lots of meter. Then, I haven’t used this, if u have forced them to stop advance gaurding that should open up command grab shenanigans not that he does any damage with his…

I am pure rushdown with shuma on point and if I could do decent combo’s off small hit confrims I would do well with him. i’ve done alright against even top tier people online his biggest attribute is bypass projectile bullshit. Sure its online but i think its balanced cause i can not reliably do his combo’s online but can land them everytime offline seems like a fair trade. Also something I still haven’t tested, can he beat out common jump attacks with c.h? For instance the jump heavy zero or dive sword dante etc.

Seems contradictory. One is giving recognition while the other is a command.