H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

That’s the thing though. So many characters can play Keepaway and with the right assists meh keepaway becomes okay keepaway and so on. If Shuma is truly terrible against keepaway it doesn’t look good for him in the long run.

^thats why you build a team that can at least fight against most strategies.

my whole team’s gameplan is lockdown/keep away(Arthur/Shuma/Sentinel)
so it’s not that much of a problem for me

Mystic Stare > Sent spit. Forgot to check vs. drones though. Kinda not worth the effort, as you’d only come across it if someone was spamming spit (so basically online only). Also seems to cut out Doom L Plasma Beam, but nothing higher. So it’s definitely not bad.

At this point it’s seeming like I have more success with going for resets as opposed to actual combos, because a lot of stuff I try midscreen just doesn’t work. Guess I just have to loop people to the corner or something.

Is Shuma having trouble against Sent with Missiles that surprising? That’s a bitch of a combination for ANYONE to deal with imo…

People just need time to adjust to Shuma before they start finding strats to make him a more solid character, all the tools are there I’m sure, he just needs more time to be tinkered with, I mean just look at all the loops people found with him in a matter of days.

and until then he’s a BLAST to play with anyway, so I’m more than happy with our tentacled Elder God atm. :smiley:

I’ve been thinking this myself, and it does kind of explain his shitty j.:s:, dropping combos mid-loop for resets instead of going into an air series can yield some scary damage. That might just be how I end up rocking Shuma all the time, it’s certainly a fun way to mind-f**k people

Oh, hah. I’ve been going into the air series (usually simple MMH:u:H) then doing H Mystic Smash. You’re supposed to be able to relaunch, but I’m bad at it right now. So instead, I found that if you do that, you end up behind your opponent pretty often, so you can start another mixup (going c.LMH xx Mystic Stare or c.LMH xx tk M Mystic Smash, for example) while crossing behind them. Plenty of mixup and shenanigans for the tentacle monster. :3

does anyone find it strange that while shuma is probably the strongest marvel villain
he has never appeared in a marvel cartoon or animated film
i mean if they can have galactus animated why not shuma?

Is shuma the lowest damage character in the game? Consider the complexity of his combo’s just to do 500k with 1 meter. Alot of characters can easily do over 500k with no meter and like 700k with 1 meter. Even zero does more damage per hit, and he has the same level loops that shuma does.

Problem is that most of his moves also hit more than once. Mystic Bash causes so much god damn damage scaling with all the hits. Aside from the :h: :u::h: loop, i been having trouble finding a decent BnB that does decent damage that is reliable. Wish he would hit a bit harder considering he hits the opponent way too much with most of his moves or have some sort of special rule for his specials to not cause so much god damn damage scaling.

Another problem I’ve been having is that I feel like all his damaging combos only work in the corner and he has seldom ways of finishing combos mid-screen.

I been running into that problem as well. You need to be on the ball to cancel a Mystic Stare into Hyper Mystic Smash if not they opponent will react in time. It is kinda annoying how other characters… can literally take a while to hit confirm into their supers. If they are not grounded or something, Shuma won’t be able to hit them because they wake up waaay to fast.

Did trag do any combo vids for Shuma Gorath?

I’m using the 2l 2m 2h jm jm jh j8h j236 m 5m 2h s jmj m jh js for a bnb, but it the damage is really meh.
Is there a reliable bnb that doesn’t sacrifice damage for meter gain I should be using?
(I run a phoenix team, so I don’t like spending meter as a part of a bnb, but I prefer not getting 280k on a bnb either)

I got grabbed out of air mystic smash so many times by sentinel today. not fun! Still gonna try and get good with Shuma though. I like the character alot and his assist really helps me out.

My Lockdown/Keep Away Shuma Team Got Demolished Tonight
i was this close to scrapping it and starting from scratch :frowning:
but it’s my best team and i don’t know what to do

Arthur Usually Fills the screen with projectiles
sentinel acts as the tank
and Shuma Covers Arthur/Sent with mystic ray assist

sadly once shuma gets on point though
he usually gets killed fast or i end up having to tag him out

Shuma with dagger/drone, bottle/drone, dagger/punch, or dagger/bomb to cover his approaches is pretty beastly.

Well if we seriously don’t find a non training mode BnB that does more than 300k mid-screen I don’t see a reason to play him, takes u 4 combo’s to kill an average hp character. You are fighting an uphill battle with numbers like that. To be fair his assist can be key factor in some teams, but the more i play him the weaker it feels he is.

To clarify this is not a QQ he’s low tier comment above. I’ve actually learned alot playing him and have used him in every match. The more I play him the weaker he seems though, his supers aren’t effective for DHC in damage comparison etc, his combo’s seem to suck. He does have some good mix ups, but its no more tricky then wolvie or mags etc and they do way more damage for way less effort. I don’t plan to stop playing him, but he’s going to be permanent B-team member if something isn’t found with him.

It takes 2 combos. You’ll have 3 bar by the time you start the second combo 9_9 and shuma with 3 bars kills anyone.

Anyone with three bars can kill someone, or at least can kill alot of characters that really shouldn’t be considered in the equation.

BTw i did come up with my own BnB for midscreen that does 340k-380k un optimized that is actually simple to do and pushes them along way. For now its just c.l,c.m.ch j.m(2 hits) j.H, j.u+H, J.medium mystic smash, land medium, heavy into whatever, i’m using c.h/launcher into air combo. You can do a c.m c.h, j.m,j.h,ju+h, land c.h loop before this combo and works jsut fine. The interesting thing about doing this midscreen is that the medium after land will cross up shuma but the medium hits slightly behidn him and the heavy corrects shuma’s direction. I’ve yet to find a good finisher if not in corner i just go for j.m,j.m,j.H,Ju+h,j.Heavy or medium mystic smash.

If i’m using my match version i can start it off and aerial or ground hitting assist and not worry about hitstun deterioration or proper positioning. Also the j.H, Ju+h,J. medium mystic ball to land medium Heavy can also be done in the air if they get trapped in a sent assist or something to start combo’s midair.

Yeah, but with 3 bars shuma can kill you and THEN heavily damage whoever’s coming in next. You might say that X-23 can do the same, but she can’t combo into dirt nap as easily as shuma can combo into chaos dimension.

I think you are all obsessing too much on raw damage right now. Hsein-ko is an interesting character and she probably does even less damage than Shuma. If you’re playing shuma only for damage, you’re probably better off going and playing Dante.

In the mean time, I posted a few midscreen B&B’s that I found on youtube that do plenty fine damage just earlier. Use mystic stare more.