H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

just want to post up on the wall of awesomeness that is shuma. While playing out a couple of matches the activation of shuma’'s Lv3 (the bite part) beats out spencer’s bionic lancer, then going into the super it self.

Edit:My fault misread it as Ray instead of smash.

Edit2:its possible, but its strict timing, as soon as Shuma lets go of the opp and tentacles touch the ground input the super.

the fact that he poses after a hyper combo really makes his hyper’s unsafe on block
i’ve had matches where i do a hyper combo and after it’s blocked
i get punished instantly by the opponent’s hyper combo

seems like something dan would do and not the tentacled terror that is shuma-gorath

if people are trying to teleport behind you to mess up charges and stuff, why not use his spinny jump move or stone smash? Don’t those have pretty big hitboxes that go behind shuma? You should be buffering charge inputs while jumping and holding back/down anyway, it’s much safer than doing it on the ground.

shuma is feeling pretty terrible at this point…really, what’s he supposed to do against sent with doom missiles?

Honestly, P.Gorath I’d just say switch to someone who can handle keepaway like that. So far it seems like shuma is awful against keepaway.

at this point i’m only using shuma for his mystic ray assist
it’s just too good to give up

He isn’t. Shuma isn’t really the best rushdown character. Your best option is to DHC or tag in to another character.

i think shuma has to be the most unique character in the game
no doubt about it

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A raw tag is is way unsafe. and unless he gets a hit in to combo into a hyper DHCing isnt the safest option either.
Really all I can say for shuma getting in against good keepaway is a really nice assist and good use of airdash and mystic smash :confused:

I tried shuma on point tonight online got some interesting results. Some keep away teams got obliterated by mystic smash, they think they are so safe shooting projectiles lol. That being said hidden missles rapes this tacts face. Also once you’ve established the threat of full screen medium mystic smashes jump dash light mystic smashes just to close space is really effective. If they tried to dash under you this pretty much stops that tact, if they stay full screen alot of time its safe cause they are not ready for it or not in position to punish.

Tbh i think i would have done really well with him if I actually got combo’s with him, I’d land the crouching medium and mess up combo somehow almsot every time. The one thing that kept happening i didn’t know what to do with was if they got hit by my assist or i caught them mid air. I’m suppose i need to use some kind of air combo into mystic smash or something.

So far I’ve only seen 2 things that are don’t know if i could beat even if i had good execution. The first is hidden missle assist or lariat assist, both seem very effective against him. Tron seems like it be same issue but u can just cross up when u expect her. The other major problem I see are random supers, might not be random but things like mageneto spam that throw out a super the second they see mystic smash. He seems to rely heavly on mystic smash to close distance and its so punishable by some supers, so combo’s like mags/sent spam or Arthur/taskmaster etc.

In case u wonder what I use I ran shuma/spencer/sent. My spencer with sent assist can beat alot of good/decent teams online even if shuma gets bodied. Shuma does alright with sent assist but I’d need to do serious practice with combo’n off his assist. Ultimately I don’t plan to use him with sent cause my A team si wolvie/spencer/sent but its good for building experience/macthups.

I just want to ask a few question that I hope u guys dont mind.

Right now I’m using a TaskMaster , Shuma, Tron team. The team is meant to do massive dmg, do lots combo, but also have the ability to play keepaway.

Some questions are does Shuma mystic ray OTG assist delay sometime? I tried doing it several times after a air combo from taskmaster and SOMETIME it hits and sometime it doesnt. So I adapted and I would do a Air combo, Hit Master Arrow Hvy shooting down, into the mystic ray and continue my combo from there.

second question. Does Shuma have any good cross-over mix-up when someone is coming in or when I snapback to take someone else in? I think I can do his ball w/e as a cross over cause it switches side with the light one and use task or tron assist to hit them as they come in…

Iono Shuma is fun and I want to make this team work =D.

this is why people need to use mystic stare more often in combos. Beastly. Shuma can kill in 3 bars no problem (and gains half of it back in the process)

That second combo is interesting. I wonder how many reps of Mystic Stare can be done.

I also think he could have easily finished that off with any other move for a better finisher. Perhaps even hyper mystic smash or chaos dimension.

i find it funny how shuma’s not even been out for one week and already we have someone who thinks he’s terrible

too be fair, he said at this point. No one knows his true potential but so far he’s pretty meh against good keepaway.

that’s why you don’t use him on point against keep away