H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

^a little P.R. work from Justine and everyone will jump on the wagon lol

^I dunno, I still have yet to see a She-Hulk or a Spencer who knew that the hell they were doing, if they didn’t already love the character prior to last week.

At five bucks a pop, its going to be hard for some people to get into the flow of Shuma even if Justin makes him look gdlk. Not to mention there is still the group of rather whiny enthusiasts still crying a bucket of tears cause the DLC is less then 1 MB and therefore on the disk. Considering the circumstances its enough to get their collective panties more twisted then a ball of yarn and somewhat apathetic towards the green guy.

I’ve gotten hyper mystic smash to connect full screen but the timing is very strict and you probably lose damage but if you’re the one in the corner it may be in an option. I do cr.l,cr.m,crhXXMystic stare M, S, sj,MMHS, and as soon as I land I go for HMS. The timing to go for is as soon as they explode the first ball should be right there so the first ball combos off of the explosion. I don’t remember the damage right now but I think it was between 500 and 600k. I suck at this so hope someone can use it. Basically as long as you sneak mystic stare in the ground chain you get HMS no matter where they land. They end up a full screen away so maybe you can rush them afterwards and put them in the corner?

from justin’s twitter

"Couldn’t make a new team fast enough guys. :frowning: Ill be playing Trish Storm Chun Li tonight. Scrub team. Shuma and Jill still in the lab"
so no shuma or jill tonight

So I guess so far it means that Shuma is more of a tricky character? Maybe with the right assist he can keep some crazy pressure on.

Good to know, but half of the cast can already do this. And the point character is free to punish with an air dash, special, hyper, super jump, etc.

He could have a diff hit stun reaction like Capt. A. does. But it looks like that combo was dropped in the video and the Sent. launch was late compared to when he did it to Viper.

I’ve ran into a ton of she hulk and Spencer’s (who both where labeled bad) since the last major, nothing stops flavor of the month fans/players from hopping on the wagon of what ever is hot at the moment, I expect no less from Shuma or any of the cast once a player puts on a good showing with em in tournament.

all it takes is for some to use him in a tourney during a stream and do well and you’ll see more people use him. Look at Spenser. and before him She-hulk, before her Amy. And so on and so on…

Oh well, was looking forward to seeing what he could come up with, but no great loss, would like to see more of his storm anyway.

Finally got him! YES.

Having a blast. Them animations! His ending rocks, too.

Man, Shuma seems to fit in a lot teams right now. He’s a really versatile character with a really versatile assist. I could care less how much he’s used because he’s one of my favorite characters. To all the haters, Shuma was one of the first characters in the VS. series and even before that with MSH, he deserves a slot as much as anyone else.

i gotta agree he’s pretty fun to use and even though i’ve said it before
i feel the need to say it again

mystic ray really helps me out as an assist

in my opinion it’s better then haggar’s lariat ryu’s shoryuken tron’s flamethrower or akuma’s tatsu for keep away teams

because all of the ones i listed require your opponent to already be in your face and mystic ray can hit them out of the air as well as hit them on the ground

though there are probably some people out there will prefer the ones above to mystic ray but in my honest opinion it helps out too much for me to consider dropping shuma

Can’t wait to see some gameplay, this assist sounds really beastly.

^You haven’t see it yet?

Hey guys im giving Shuma a chance…

He seems a little bit weak in my opinion, im used to heavy hitting teams, my main team is task master - dormamu - akuma and that team pretty much tentacle rapes you.

So im asking for a little help, its been hard for me to decide wether he should be my first, second or third character, i mean shuma with bars its a monster (chaos dimension scares rush down characters like wolvie and chun), but the problem is that i find it really hard to use him as first or even second, because he ends up dying and doing pretty much nothing to the enemy team.

So you guys help me decide, maybe a short description or even some pointers would be appreciated…

Been playing shuma all night, love him! I noticed he has kind of a hard time to get in vs good zoners and can’t really keep up on his own against them. But his balls are pretty good for closing that distance and often gives you a really ambigious crossup or combo in to L if it hits them.

Overall I’m happy with shuma but I’m having trouble dealing significant damage with him, mostly when I’m comboing midscreen. I play mostly online so his loop is often a no-go for me as it requires some timing, even though it’s alot easier then say mags combos but still easy to mess up online. Anyone got any good midscreen combos that do decent damage? Doesn’t have to burn meter, just something that brings them to the corner so I can setup my unblockables easier with Wesker would be good.

yeah thats what i was tying to say earlier…learning these combos in training mode is good but getting in with him in actual matches is pretty difficult IMO. he gets his lunch ate early and it ends up being 3 vs 2 real fast.

i know its day two (and i’m currently really sick) but yeah…i love his play style and its what i was looking for in a point character but i just wish he had higher health and better level ones. hopefully somebody on the stream tonight plays him so we can see more strats.

Put a solid projectile assist with him to negate or stuff other projectiles.

i really doubt anyone’s gonna use shuma tonight on The WNF Stream
they will probably stick to they’re main teams

im with cobra here. Chances of someone uses Shuma or Jill tonight is really low.

Came up with the greatest name for blue Shuma…
wait for it…