H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Oh two weird things about Shuma:

He doesn’t have a crumple animation. He just lays there for a while but you can still hit him normally. So yeah he’s still “crumpling” but you just can’t see it visually.

Well this one is just for fun but have you guys seen his dizzy animation? Like with She-Hulk’s heavy strike. It’s his octopus form and it’s just well… see for yourself.

Does anyone else see Shuma as a hard counter for Sentinel? Instant overheads are seriously so easy vs the guy. And his multi-hitting moves break super armor.

the eyes from Mystic Stare if hit will explode after like what 3 seconds?

I am thinking of some really nice unblockable mixups with shuma’s overhead mystic smash and any low-hitting assist -v-

Who else in this game has a low hitting assist?

Ok, update from my earlier post: I’ve been able to link at least one rep of his loop before my earlier combo. I need some sleep, but I’ll be trying for two reps tomorrow, though I suspect deterioration will make it impossible. Here we go:

Well… so far, the only realistic option I can find for comboing into HMSmash mid-screen is as follows (opener is random and can be substituted for anything you like):

j.:h: -> cr.:m: -> cr.:h: -> j.:m: -> j.:h: -> j.u+:h: -> cr.:m: (2 hits) -> cr.:h: -> Mystic Stare M -> cr.:m: (2 hits) -> cr.:h: -> :s: -> sjc. -> sj.:m::m::h: -> sj.Mystic Smash L -> land (eyes detonate) -> Hyper Mystic Smash or Ray

Damage is between 570k and 590k so far. Works anywhere on screen. There are only two caveats: first, you have to pause just slightly to let them fall to get both hits of the cr.:m:'s, which is essential, because it’s the second hit that pulls them close; second, the final Mystic Smash can cause some annoying cross-up (for you) that may make the wrong hyper come out if you aren’t on point with your timing.

I’m really enjoying all of the Chaos Dimension set-ups with Shuma right now. It’s even better for those people that like to use D. Phoenix as a last character cause if you can manage to lock her down while coming in, you can score a free Chaos Dimension and kill her right away.

I’m hoping to make a video sometime tomorrow or the day after. Really fun stuff!

the eyes explode after a few seconds. However, the explosion is blockable, and the eyes vanish if shuma gets hit.

The command grab is fast as hell, but he can’t combo out of it ( for all reasonable purposes, technically exploding eyes can let him combo afterwards, but the timing is totally impractical ) and the range is extremely tiny.

I’m finding that Mystic Stare and Smash are the keys to his game so far. The Smashes have been covered. They’re fantastic mixups and easily comboable into and out of other stuff. I think if you can work the Stare into the early parts of some of your staple combos you can really pressure the opponent, and you can actually juggle back into a combo from the Stare, and if it goes off on them in mid-air they’re put in free-fall until they hit the ground, so free hyper or whatever.

Edit: Haha! Just had a great idea. I wonder if you could combo a Stare in early, do a loop or two, and then launch them about a half-second before the eyes were about to detonate? It should leave them completely open to literally anything you wanted to do. I’ll get to testing that first thing in the morning!

X-23, She-hulk, Felicia, Wesker as far as I know. there are probably more.

Wesker could potentially be a good teammate for Shuma. His OTG-hitting assist is good for helping with combos and setting up unblockables. He also probably benefits from Shuma’s assists thanks to his teleport and crossup game. He is also a good battery for building up meter for chaos dimension, and his counter super can be used to thwart people who try to punish Shuma’s sexy posing after a whiffed or blocked hyper. Furthermore they both have lv 3’s so you don’t necessarily need to have shuma on point if you manage to get that 3 bar and need to finish someone off.

i wish shuma had chaos split…

anyway, i’m having trouble getting in on opponents without getting killed. any decent match vids yet?

I’d love to see some match play of people that use him. I spent a lot of time on combos yesterday, but when people wanted to play, I realized that I had no anti-Sentinel strategies, nor did I know what to do outside of combos. I do see a lot of potential with him, and I look forward to what crazy shenanigans people come up with. Hell, tk’d Mystic Smash is a shenanigan in itself, so ambiguous.

Shuma will not be used all that much
a lot of people hate his appearance and find him to be a waste of dlc

it’s the same reason why you don’t see many modok players
because people don’t want to play as someone they think looks really really stupid

TK Mystic Smash has to be the most abusable “Get in there” move in the game.
You are put in so much blockstun, Shuma has the freedom to toy with you afterwards.


I like it off of mystic Stare, or off of OTG mystic Ray with Hsien-Ko assist, otherwise no, I think its just useful because it lasts forever, and while the chip sucks, its a good way to buy time against XFC.

Be forewarned though, Viper will blow throw that shit like a summers breeze.

My sister and I were talking about it yesterday, and we really just don’t see Shuma as a hard pick for Sentinel. He’s got a lack of mobility options, and the mystic Ray startup gets him spit on from full screen.

I notice that some characters so reliant on assists to get in (She-Hulk) are usually able to demolish Sentinel, but Shuma’s weird. His loops are especially effective on Sent, because his hitbox is so enormous, but as far as hitting him to start it up… its not really as advantageous as say… Zero or X-23.

[]She-Hulk - Torpedo
]Wesker - Gun
[]Akuma - Hyaki Gojin
]Hulk - Gamma Wave
[]Iron Man - Smart bomb
]Dante - Ice… eh he’s bullshit anways. What doesn’t he have?
[]X-23 - Ankle Slice
] Viewtiful Joe - Shocking Pink
[] Chirs Redfield - Mine
] Shuma Gorath - Mystic Ray.

didnt download shuma … i know its probably been said already but i dont feel like scrolling through hella pages lol. is this fool hella broken or what? i havent played against any yet

Prepare yourself for carnage man. TK Mystic Smash is an overhead, and gets him in very fast and efficiently. Learn to pushblock well. If you pushblock TK Mystic Smash no later than say the 3rd hit, you can possibly dash up and punish, assuming Shuma isn’t covering his back with an assist.
He has charge moves, so if you see him under Guile-Syndrome, be ready for some kind of projectile to come out. He also does pretty good damage, so try to watch out. He also has an okay airdash.

lol oh snap. i heard he as a possible infinite on sentinel too? idk my friends at school are all hella buzzin about this fool and i feel like im falling behind lol. i had a feeling he’d be crazy too though lol. then again i had the same feeling about MODOK but he turned out to be mr. trollface. we’ll see about this little green man

Really? I think Shuma has one of the coolest character models. He will not be used that much because he is optional content…

apparently justin wong is going to use jill valentine and shuma gorath tonight at WNF