H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

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Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

Replace Cthulhu with Shuma

I think “waste of flesh” has enough punch as a reply.

Any decent combos into Hyper Mystic Smash aside from a fast as fuck cancel of c.:h: or Mystic Stare? It so god damn annoying… that super does great damage if I can fucking connect it!

Can’t it be OTG’d?

If you somehow did some long ass unrecoverable knockdown like Chris’ Boulder Punch or Haggar Double Lariat. Aside from that I have yet to figure out to do it on his own. The arc is so dumb… I thought maybe if I used different strengths like Taskmaster’s Arrow Hyper would give me a different arc but no avail… tried holding it like Storm’s Elemental Rage and nothing either. Maybe Konami Code during the Hyper Freeze? >_<

Do a combo like LMHS SJC MMHS Mystic Ray M xx Hyper Mystic Smash

Rather just do Hyper Mystic Ray since 99.9% that will lead me into a corner. There is no possible way to cause a nearby knockdown with Shuma because of the way j.:s: ends. Unless I missed something. =/

thats really all I can think off. Maybe cr.H xx Mystic ray M will combo into hyper Mystic smash?

i may just make shuma a permanent part of my team and drop akuma
one of the reasons being that sweet mystic ray assist
it’s been annoying the hell out of people

yet to try him out online, but I can imagine it would. It’s a beam that covers the screen.

Where do you guys think Shuma fits best in a team line up, 1st, 2nd or 3rd?

I’d say its team dependent, but I see him fitting best as first or second.
He doesn’t seem like a anchor char.

1st or 2nd. Mostly dependent on how you use your meter. I think Shuma can do decently as a battery, or you can put in a battery first and save up for Chaos dimension combos.

I’m seriously loving his Chaos Dimension set ups, so I’ve been keeping him in 2nd, he really needs assists to function efficiently, so I don’t want to make him an anchor…

You have to put the number on the back of the CD case into your Co- wait, wrong game, lol

So played some matches tonight with shuma online. I don’t think i got his loop combo going against any tough opponents, lmhs is ingrained pretty hard into me. I saw one other person decent ranked using shuman, though he was going the taskmaster/shuma/doom route with keep away. I am more of a rushdown kind of guy abd tbh I found myself basically spamming air mystic smash. I generally wasn’t even trying to hit them for instance if they super jump then just jump medium air mystic smash to get in close.

I have yet to master spacing of his mystic smashes but it is really looking to be the standard way to approach/get in against someone who isn’t approaching you. Btw spamming heavy air mystic smash against sentinal is to pro, pure rape on him. TBH i was playing very slow because i had to constantly stop and think what to do next rather than instinctively reacting. One thing I really need to look into is how good of an AA his crouching heavy is.

Like i said before i was using him as an anchor but I find his Hyper mystic smash super to be a pretty good DHC for me and I put him on point against anyone who was really bad. TBH I’m having serious trouble doing combo’s in lvl 3 xfactor whenver i did have to use him as an anchor, thinking I might just magic series it even though i typicall won’t be able to end in a super with this. His assist is so awesome though I’m loving the ray assist it stops that annoying jump away projectile faggotry against Wolverine

Shuma > assists

Oh dear God, I’m ROFLing so hard.


it kinda looks like shuma is immune to the DHC trick.

Well… so far, the only realistic option I can find for comboing into HMSmash mid-screen is as follows (opener is random and can be substituted for anything you like):

tk’ed Mystic Smash M -> cr.:m: (2 hits) -> cr.:h: -> Mystic Stare M -> cr.:m: (2 hits) -> cr.:h: -> :s: -> sjc. -> sj.:m::m::h: -> sj.Mystic Smash L -> land (eyes detonate) -> Hyper Mystic Smash

The hyper’s gotta be timed just right to get decent damage without them being juggled by just the top few balls or just falling through and recovering. And even then, the best I’ve been able to get damage-wise is just under 500k, which is less than I was hoping for. Maybe you guys can figure something better out with this idea, though.

Edit: This also works mid-screen with Hyper Mystic Ray (they land very close to you so you get a lot of hits), but the damage is about the same. You can also do the final Mystic Smash of the combo as the M version and you’ll land on the other side of them in case you want it for screen positioning, too.

What are the properties of his Mystic Force (The special where he throws eyeballs on you)? If it connects does it do anything special by itself? Sometimes the eyes explode, sometimes they don’t, I assume that’s determined by a button press.

How’s the reach and priority on his command grab?