H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I’m going to try out some of the loops from the Desk video. Looks useful.

I’m having a bitch of a time trying to combo Mystic Stare. I play on pad and each time I go for it I got Smash instead.

My apologies to my video for misleading folks… for some reason my training room was set to high for some god damn reason. Tested it again it is indeed 50k / 350k. God damn it… >=/

i can say this for sure
shuma doesn’t suffer like hsien-ko does
honestly hsien-ko needs to spend 1 meter for dark force to seem useful to most people(just for her swinging assist)

is shuma a good meter builder?

Jill seems like a way better meter builder if that’s what your looking for

i prefer shuma’s character, always been a fan of him. thinking of putting in him with Sent / Mag and seeing how that goes (i don’t have MvC3 yet :frowning: will in less than 4 weeks though)

Soooo, what seem to be his strengths/play style? Does he offer anything besides for the fans? He is an interesting character, but based off of what we’ve been seeing, he seems to rely on meter for big damage and doesn’t really seem to have big zoning moves. I know it’s only the first day, but since day 1 of MvC3 we pretty much got a good feel for what a character can do right now (i know things will change months-years from now). Everyone went straight to Sentinel b/c he was a good character with good assists, same with Dante and Doom’s Assists. So is there anything that seems to stick out for Shuma or does he just rely on mixups to land a lvl 3? Does he have any good approaches to get in or priority on some moves that can help him play keep away?

Anyone finding good mid-screen BnB’s into hypers? I’m especially looking for a mid-screen way to reliably combo into HMSmash. Also, what are people playing around with as his best loops?

Mystic Ray is probably shuma’s best assists and one of the best assists for keep away teams

as for him on point
like i said before he doesn’t suffer like hsien ko
and unlike her

i can see him being pretty good on point instead of just being a punching bag for the opponent

Not only his assist is great for zoning it also OTGs from what I saw in a video.

Ahhhh, finished up my Winter quarter of college today…couldn’t have come at a better time since Shuma is now available! On the negative note, I only got about 3hrs of sleep last night due to finishing up a 10hr accounting assignment, lol. I’m gonna try and get in some time with Shuma later, but not sure how much before I pass out from exhaustion.

So what’s the general thought here on Shuma so far?

I actually LOL’d at that.

Decent damage, good range, likes good assists, kind of meter dependant, but he builds meter decently thanks to loops, loops, and more loops

also, Chaos Dimension is god…

Apart from personal preference, I’m still waiting to see why it is Shuma should edge out one of my other characters.

He’s like the most powerful being on the roster canon wise so thats a huge plus. He’s fucking awesome to use, but so is Viewtiful Joe.

My opinion

He’s pretty cool. Shuma has some solid assists. Ray and Stare are probably his best. On point, I can’t seem to really get him going and I get raped for free. He’s definitely a character that needs some sort of assist to take up the screen to help him get in. Shumas mobility isn’t that great, so once he’s in hes gotta stay in. On in coming characters after a death or snap back, he’s pretty tricky. You can do a cross up mystic smash as they come in then go into whatever combo. He does a dick load of damage and chip with his hypers (except both of them have the longest recovery i’ve seen in the game so far)

My biggest gripe? After an air combo you are left soooooo far from the opponent (if you aren’t in the corner). Too far to dash up OTG Hyper. If the recovery on his air S was a little faster, then MAYBE you could. I think they could have given Shuma a teleport or something to help his mobility.

Can you combo off of his command grab and if not, is there anything noteworthy about it?

Mystic stare then one it hits instantly do his cmd grab and you can combo after it.

some people online don’t expect you to pick shuma
one of my opponents freaked out and said something along the line of “What The?!..The Eyeball!!”

i think he’s going to receive more hate then modok based on just his appearance

If you get hate mail for playing as Shuma, send a message back and talk like Shuma.

“Yes, embrace the chaos, embrace SHUMA-GORATH” or something.

Shuma loves hate mail. it adds to the Chaos.