H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!


Jill’s Instantly effective once you start using her?
i thought she was advanced and had a steep learning curve
due to her combo’s/setup’s

The Jill thread is that way Son.

< ------

I kinda feel like Im getting some great results/ thoughts on how to use her, but definitly will be amazing with time put into her. Did a first to 20 with a friend this afternoon while putting Jill on point each match and learned a bit more each time… only won like 7/20 while randoming the rest of the team, but the mix ups you can do with her on point are… sexy to say the least.

But anyway Shuma is definitly a fun new addition. Really like his play style, but going to take a bit of time to get a solid team with him (not using Sentinel anyway) Havnt decided on an assist for him yet either. The mystic smash is pretty good up close though.

Also agree on that air S… ugh low to the ground its fine, and its good that it can make you get back down there faster but in general… hate it haha. Very fun character that I was looking forward to from the start.

5:43 PM(6:43 EST)and Shuma’s still not up…
i won’t have anytime to practice with him and play with my friends online at this rate

I been doing some playtime into Shuma. So far I have Wolverine/X-23/Shuma and using Mystic Ray as an assist. I’m really liking Mystic Ray assist. In a few matches I played with him it really screwed people up. Like how it shut down Sentinel drones.

I been taking it slow in the lab when it comes to him. Right now I’m working on jump cancel combos I get from c.H.


I dont know if these are new or not, but nonetheless

Im in the Training Mode spending my time looking for a BnB loop thats the most damaging with no meter, and a Loop that builds the most meter.

You can relaunch from an OTG Mystic Ray in the corner, no Mystic Stare needed for relaunches. I’ve been seeing a lot of it, and otg Ray to s.M s.S does more damage. 2a 2b 2c 5s, sj. b b c s[2], 8B 5b 5s sj. b b c s, Hyper Mystic Ray. Still in the lab, I’ll have more on him later.

God damn, he is still not available in the European store! Fuck, I’ve got a USA store account and I can see him there, but I don’t wanna risk downloading something that I may not be able to install in my European console.

Can anyone tell me whether you can use online stuff that you’ve downloaded from an area that is not yours? Any help?

Pretty sure the content is locked for the region of your game. Meaning, download from the US store only if your game is the NA version.

Also, gaise, we need a good combo compilation… So many of them coming out. @_@


One cool thing I’ve found is that you can link a standing H to another standing H provided the hitstun allows it. What this allows is the ability to call in an assist with a large window.

The setup I’m currently working on is doing a tiger knee M Mystic smash to standing H, A2 (Sent drones), Standing H, Hyper mystic smash.

Removing the HC from the equation, if your opponent is blocking, I’m curious if it will cause some sort of annoying lockdown. The guide shows that standing H is +12 on hit and block. Keep in mind that if it hits with the HC, it’s not as damaging as doing a full combo to air, to his OTG HC. He misses out on about 30k damage.

His DHC to Hyper mystic smash however, can potentially add a fuck ton of damage.

I’m liking Shuma. A lot.

Desk never disappoints! I see now why CD doesn’t OTG anymore, Mystic Ray gets the job done.

i like his mystic ray assist on my team but once shuma gets on point
he’s usually slaughtered by the opponent(faced someone who at one point used a team of akuma ryu and dante saving all his meter to do one full assault on me)

God damn. Thanks for the tip.

so, how is the priority of the mystic stare assist?

this is probably my biggest problem right now with trying out shuma

if Spencer and Wesker go down, a come back with Shuma is very difficult

I haven’t had a chance to experiment with it yet, but Shuma’s j.S leads me to believe he might be able to do the TAC whiff reset like She-Hulk and Ammy can. Anyone tried this?

The thing is that Shuma’s j.s AUTOMATICALLY brings himself down no matter what. So unless maybe you can time it somehow when they hit the floor… I don’t think it would work. Hell I was trying mash on it while I connected and didn’t get anything special.