H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I’m just happy they GAVE him an air dash, although an 8-way would be nice… personally I wish they gave him a teleport, not only would that tremendously help his game, I wanna seem him crawl through his little portals, lol.

Yeah, but the recovery is pretty much unnecessary, that’s my only gripe with it…

Hyper Mystic Smash seems like it’s still ass, lol. It still has that inconsistent hitbox, and Hyper Mystic Ray is just a cleaner combo ender… HMS probably would make a good spacing Hyper for his zoning if it didn’t make him so vulnerable

Edit: though you can XFC his HMS and dash up into a combo on hit, I don’t really have time to play around with the idea right now, but it might make for a few 100% combos

See if he can exchange cancel his jS when he’s low to the ground so it cancels the recovery or see if he can air dash cancel jS

Unless I’m doing something wrong, it seems j.:s: is completely uncancellable, even with a Hyper (profound sadness)

Maybe we’ll get lucky and the shittyness of his j.:s: is unintentional and will get patched or something, lol.

Here is the damage for Chaos Dimension. Its on default damage. I apologize for the quality… camera is ass.


maybe J.S sets up for devitalization tick throws?

it’s not impossible, but Devitalization is pretty ass too, no practical follow ups and bad range…

i know it’s been one day but i don’t see any hidden potential on moves that will jump his tiers, many of his properties make no sense no ground bounce on jump s or wall bounce on standing h… he definitely needs an 8-way air dash. He just seems slow for his size and his recovery on his projectile charge is kinda bad which is odd since charge moves (eyeballs) shouldn’t have such an amount of recovery. Doesn’t seem suited for point or as an anchor. Probably be sick with Arthur, Sent, Dorm, Magneeto, Doom. Will be okay with any OTG assist chars. He’s another RYU so far.

Since his best move is clearly his Chaos Dimension does he have any any sort of irregular meter growth?
need to find some glitches.

I don’t think he’s that bad, but I think they mad him alittle too frustrating to use effeciently. I see more MODOK then I do Ryu, takes alot to be good, takes even more to not pick someone better.

I feel like Jill came out much better then Shuma, but my biggest complaint is the fact that this game shits on charge inputs. Mystic Stare and Mystic Smash have no business being the same direction. It’s a small gripe, but its a big deal missing out on more damage for a weird spike move.

So what Cthulu based monster movie you like better, The Mist or Monsters?

Really? Mystic Stare is a charge like Gamma Wave and Mystic Smash is :qcf: like Gamma Charge, so how is that a problem? And the “spike move” is the cornerstone to his loops and mixups. I don’t see how he is “frustrating” to use efficiently either because for one, it’s the first day he’s available! And how is he like Ryu either?

dont miss

Chaos Dimension is FUCKIN’ awesome, can’t wait to put Shuma on my team. He seems to have been well-worth the wait…

…PSN hasn’t updated yet though, smh. Knew I should’ve pre-ordered.

^That was awesome, lmao.

Not at home to test any of this, but does shuma’s spike ball hit overhead, like his light mystic smash? If it does not does his air light mystic smash? You can tiger knee his light mystic smash for a crazy fast overhead if it works that way. I also see him revolving his mixup games around mystic smash cross overs and such with an assist. Also seems important to know what you can punish with just ground heavy mystic smash it goes far and in one of the few matches i used him in I used it to go over and punish a ryu fireball.

In regards to his j.S move, you can do quite an easy ambigious cross over attack with it with a good assist. Also realize he can easily combo off his grabs into a stare(i use medium input window is more generous) combine this with an assist and you can develop some decent combo’s off grabs. I want to play someone like ammy with crazy grab range and see how he does in airgrab battles. If his airgrab is good you can easily go for airgrab reset in the corner as opposed to j.S into super.

i didn’t expect to hear anyone call shuma a bad character
out of the two dlc characters
he’s more straight forward while jill takes a lot of time to understand(looks like that anyways) and get good with
due to her moves and trying to use “Mad Beast” To Your Advantage(As well as her feral crouch)and her hypers require precise timing otherwise they don’t connect(in the case of her kick)or they do crap damage(in the case of machine gun spray)

air mystic smash hits high, not the grounded version. yes you can tiger knee it for quick overhead. you can also go right into his BnB after it. c.L combos after air Mys Smash

well then Mth time to start practicing my mix ups because tiger knee l. mystic smash its sooo quick it might as well be an instant overhead, also m assuming it breaks hyper armor combine that with mystic stare to stop the fly away forever sents, nom nom sentinal.

His air Mystic Smash hits overhead, the ground version does not. And his regular grab is good (more so since it heals him), it’s the command one thats meh…

Except he’s, you know, interesting… lol

I’m looking forward to zapping floaty Sents out of the air with Mystic Ray lol.

and that Ends the Crying about his Level 3 damage.

What Tiers, day one Tiers? and lol mayne I didn’t know he already has a place on a non existent Tier list, your really really overreacting/exaggerating bro, don’t end up like Justine Wong calling Adon bad, or the many who said She Hulk & Spencer are bad characters. Give it time.

Forget about discussing “what Shuma needs” lets focus on what Shuma’s got, and how we can use it.

if shuma’s not up by 5:00 PM
i’ll just watch a movie or something
but more likely then not
the dlc will be up before then(hopefully)

heres a quick video of the air mystic smash overhead [youtube keeps crashing during upload unfortunately]
20110315_164119.mp4 video by Myke256 - Photobucket

another vid of his assist and DHC with taskmaster. they seem to work well together
20110315_121310.mp4 video by Myke256 - Photobucket