H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

His j.B is an instant overhead, combos into his Air Mystic Smash, which combos into loop or anything. O:

lol, the more people playing him faster he will be figured out.

He’s just a smooth criminal.

How’s Mystic Ray as an assist?! I’ve been waiting to get my hands on that for Dormammu since I found out about it.

after an air combo into j.S knockdown after being pushed near the corner you can pick up [Mystic Ray H > 236XX > S > j.H (Chaos Dimension)] if the combo hasn’t gone on too long

please no loli notation

has anyone combo’d a hyper mystic smash after a normal throw mid-screen? guide says it’s possible but cant get it to connect yet


well it does say fairly tough to time, try different timings.

if you could read “loli” notation you could hit that hyper

i get the feeling thats just a mistake, supposed to be mystic ray/hyper mystic ray

off a midscreen throw you can get mystic ray > chaos dimension > dash S > …

Mission 10 is the coolest combo ever.

i have more than this but i’m mad tired and have a cold. maybe i’ll do a real vid in the afternoon or something.

edit will post vid tomorrow. edited the wrong part

quick questions tho…

what should we do after air (whatever you use before launch), magic series into S, land, j. S?? nothing i tried hit after the j. S

i guess thats where an assist comes in, huh?

for clarification i’m not talking about magic series x mystic ray.

my day one without looking in the guide combo

(so if its in the guide or a better/similar combo is in…sorry lol)

off the top of my head…

C. L, M, H, jc M, j. M, j. H, j. up+H, j. M, j. M, j. H, up+H, M, H, L mystic splash, M, H, S, magic series into S, land S

notation might be off. i’ll edit this later.

Shuma’s after-attack pose is starting to bug me… it makes HMS and HMR extremely unsafe on block and prevents him from getting any sort of positioning done on hit… his command throw seems pretty weak too.

HMR and HMS really shouldn’t be used outside of combos anyways, besides, if you REALLY need to, you can still DHC to make it safe…

What’s the frame data on Devitalization? It’s in the guide right?

Yeah, I know they -shouldn’t- … though HMS does amazing chip damage… just surprisingly unsafe relative to most other MvC3 projectile hypers because of the pose.

Frame data should be in the guide, I don’t have one on hand… but I’ve noticed that it’s very short range and doesn’t have any practical followups. The knockdown is fairly long, but Shuma spends it in his taunt pose.

I cant check right now, but maybe it’s possible to call an OTG assist while Shuma is “posing” during the knockdown?

So Mystic Ray Assist + Beserker Slash possibilities maybe?


do you think you could make a vid or someone please because im having a hard time doing more than one loop

Hey guys, I’m gonna make a team building thread. Any ideas for a title?

Also, check out his mission mode combos! [media=youtube]lPGFxrVm22w[/media]
Mission 10 looks kinda useful for once.

I heard that Morrigan has a special winquote against him - anyone know what it is?

Bringers of Chaos: Team building thread.

The Many Angled Ones:Team Building thread.

Old Ones:Team Building thread

Lords of Chaos:team building thread.

Strike a Pose:Shuma Gorath Team discussion.


“My, what strong tentacles you have. I hope the party is just getting started.”