H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

What the mystic ray assist? It does look good, I wanna see how it works on my chris redfield team, if it turns out it helps chris control the air I might stick shuma in there, especially since he seems to benefit from having meter. Naturally ill need to figure out the kind of character he is and if he fits into the overall dynamic of my team. Im not a big fan of sticking characters in your team just for the assist.

Oh well looking forward to his release, but ill understand if he ends up being delayed over here. Oh and not to be one to complain about something thats free, but am I the only one that felt the pax demo was ass? Seth didn’t walk us through his move like i thought he would, he barely showed us anything in fact. Oh well.

I wouldn’t mind that at all. It’s just another 3v2.5 game I’m going to look forward to. It might be a bit painful to watch the almighty squid get a beatdown but it will pass. And with the strong aversion towards charge moves, it’s going to interesting to behold overall. Mystic Smash spam, maybe? Eh, that actually sounds fun. I may join them.

Jill And Shuma will be still be included in The XBL/PSN Update Tomorrow
microsoft and sony probably already have them and are waiting to update the psn/xbl stores
the only time i can really remember dlc characters being delayed for the north america psn was when valkenhayn hellsing(Blazblue CS) was going to come out but there was some sort of glitch with the character or whatever and they needed to fix it
so he was delayed

We will get an answer from Capcom in a few Im guessing.

how about common sense
people are jumping the gun on this
it’s delayed for japan because nobody there can even access the internet
none of the other countries have that problem
so a worldwide delay seems very unlikely

delaying it for everyone doesn’t help japan in anyway

I going to tell you once, to chill out and use sentences.


You don’t know whats going down at Capcom right now, or how the said incident affected Capcom, and if “Common Sense” was a legit answer we wouldn’t be having this conversation, nor would a thread have popped up in the Ask capcom forum.

Actually, internet is one of the ONLY things actually functioning in Japan and plus, I’m sure safety of employees is FAR more important than DLC. Sure it may suck, but I’d rather have people be safe over a game.

dude it’s a dlc
releasing it does not make the entire country of japan explode
they probably don’t have to do anything regarding dlc outside japan

Its funny how your able to toss a joke around like that, right after what happened to Japan…

Maybe it was just an accidental poor choice of words.

Let’s go return our attention to the Lord of Chaos, shall we? Then again, natural disasters could very well be Shuma-Gorath’s hobby.

^See now that’s on purpose. But don’t blame me. My cousin in Japan actually told me yesterday how it was that damn Shuma DLC, that I kept mentioning, that caused the you know. He’s morbid like that.

what am i gonna say?
the way everyone’s acting
that’s how it seems to me
everyone thinks capcom japan has to do everything for every country

this isn’t the first time a major crisis happened
Hurricane Katrina
come to mind

they were horrible horrible tragedies that will forever be etched into our minds
but ya know what?
we got over it and went back to work

it was hard and a challenge to do so
but it was something that had to be done
somehow someway i believe japan will get through this with all the support and help they can get

if everyone stopped and halted everything whenever a disaster happened
we wouldn’t get anything done

everyone’s freaking out like chickens with they’re heads cut off running around
and that just makes it worse

bad things happen all the time in the world
we can’t stop doing what we’re doing everytime we hear of something like this
because then we’d just be like statues

Dude, I was just saying that there are more important things to be worried about for those located in Japan than getting DLC out on time. No one is panicking, just concerned for the situation these people are in. Plus, no one has said that it is Japan only yet.

Anyways, the “demo” with Seth sucked hard. The other guy was an idiot and didn’t let Seth show off anything.

they also pronounced shuma gorath wrong

The “demo” was basically Seth’s face. The other guy just asked way too many questions and a majority were too general or irrelevant to our needs.

If the DLC does get delayed for everyone, I do not see it taking longer than a week.

Like most of the characters in the game when calling him in. I hate how even Tron can’t say her own name correctly, the Bonne part.

Lol, that was the first sign that it would be terrible if the guy couldn’t even say it right.

is there anything left to discuss?

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Good news.

finally now everyone can shut up and start acting like normal civil humans
instead of savages going at each others throats

does anyone know when exactly the update will be?

5-6 PM EST For PSN

2-4 Pacific AM For XBL