H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

yea jill seems like by being speedy she would fit my teams needs but then again shuma looks like a better assist and point character

so it’s hard to chose

^Looking at your sig you already chosen. lol

But really play the character and see if he/she or Shuma in this case “It” fits your style/Team, then choose.

my playstyle is keep away and as for my sig
that could change when i get the characters
she just seems like the obvious choice right now

Mystic ray assist looks really good. It has a bit of start-up, but it looks to be about as much as something like unibeam or mighty spark, and it covers the entire screen. Not bad at all.

Marvel vs Capcom 3 Jill and Shuma-Gorath Download Content Delayed (andriasang.com, 03.14.2011)

I hate to be the bearer of bad news; unsure as to whether this affects us or just JP.

Seth Killian demoes Shuma-Gorath and Jill!


And we get to see his air dash!


he didn’t do much to demo either of them though

Demo was whack!

If they do delay the advent of the Old One, it is perfectly understandable.

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I figured the only reason it would be delayed in Japan is because of the rolling black outs. I mean is the PSN stationed here I assume it could go off without a hitch?

We got the game first I hope we get the DLC too. That’s a really stupid reason to delay anything. I would be pissed if I got an earthquake and a Shuma delay in the same week. It’s not like they’re not already finished the characters…

^its more then understandable if they do delay the release of Shuma.

I couldn’t disagree more. I’m sure the unlock code is still ready to get released, at least in the US, and it definitely isn’t respectful to delay anything.

…Guess we will have to agree to disagree.

Agreed. I’m still hoping for Shuma tomorrow though.

i hope Shuma/Jill Are still coming out tomorrow for North America

i got a $20 psn card over the weekend just for them and while i can wait a little bit longer

it would suck having to sit on that card for another week or two

You never know things could be worse.

I fore seen many using Shuma Gorath in the same light as Doom is being used, just for the assist, rather then the assist and learning to play the character in the up coming weeks, Things will be fun.

though there’s not much chance of it being delayed for north america
after all someone cared to bring up that shuma and jill were playable at pax which ended yesterday
so wouldn’t it seem a bit of a tease to let you play as them and then delay them?

i assume they would of said something if they were going to be delayed
when they were at the event

Not when I look at the big picture.