H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Beautiful… Simply stunning…

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he’s waiting for you, you know.

go to him.

I must admit he truly is a sight for sore-eyes

I bet even Hugh Hefner must be green with envy, judging by all the bitches Shuma must get with that mystic stare

Best thing ever.

Mac… I think… I think I love you. If I wasn’t under a betting punishment right now I would make that my av right now.

add him to the GIF.

You are a true gentleman

It would be pointless if the eyes didn’t stay. That should be an auto-tweak. Tagging out Shuma should not make the eyes vanish, way more potential for setups that way. Depth is good. Shuma is one of those characters who plays a completely different game than everyone else, and that is how he should play.

“The name “Shuma Gorath” is first used in a “Kull” short story “The Curse of the Golden Skull,” which was unpublished until 1967, years after the author’s death. In it, a dying magician named Rotath invokes the “iron-bound books of Shuma Gorath” in a curse against humanity.
Its first comic-book appearance was as an adversary for Doctor Strange in the pages of Marvel Premiere #3-9 (July 1972-July 1973) This re-imagining of the character resembled a giant purple eye with tentacles. In most subsequent appearances the color of the creature was changed from purple to green. Like Cthulhu, it was a giant tentacled creature which evoked terrible dread and was worshipped in time immemorial and long ago locked away from our plane of existence.
The character subsequently appears in Marvel Premiere #14 (March 1974), Doctor Strange #81 (February 1987), Strange Tales Vol. 2 #4-15 (April 1987-April 1988), Fantastic Four #314 (May 1988), Conan the Barbarian #252 (January 1992), #258-260 (July-September 1992), Fantastic Four Annual #27, Avengers #29 (June 1990), and Marvel Knights #26-27 (March-April 2006).”

In response to Sensei Rouzu who posted right below you, it depends where each of these character is. In their home dimensions both Shuma and Mephisto are omnipotent. Dormammu’s the weakest of the three, however he knows spells that would allow him to bind Shuma or Mephisto and direct them in the right situation. Shuma has existed before the formation of the universe, while Mephisto and Dormammu have not.

No way, it was REALLY GOOD that they exploded when he tagged out, it allowed for unblockable DHC’s.

BTW, as a show of how much I love Shuma ; I made a Shuma Gorath avvie for myself in Secondlife. I wear it sometimes when I DJ. Just kinda float in the air above everyone, massive, tentacles scripted to flog about and the eye tacks people. I even have an effect for Chao Dimension.

Most people think I’m a Beholder though >>

This is probably the best you will find for all things Shuma ; Shuma-Gorath (Old Ones, demon, Dr. Strange and Conan foe)

I’m so glad Shuma’s a commin back. Storyline wise he’s the most powerful character to appear thus far, and he was always on my main MvC2 team. Time to show the rest of the cast just how big a waste of flesh they really are.

I realize Lovecraft is more popular, but shouldn’t the thread title be: Robert E. Howard would be proud? lol

Howard was inspired by Lovecrafts works though. So, nevermind.

Agreed 200%.


Yeah, you know, I was mostly referring to his assist, guys. In the case of the assist, the eyes should latch to the opponent. If they exploded when Shuma-Gorath tags out, then we would have an unblockable assist here. xD

And man, I didn’t remember that his eyes exploded when he tagged out! Isn’t that… like a free tag in? :confused:

Screenshot, please!

Yeah, I knew about Howard. But the thing is, Shuma-Gorath is a Lovecraft-style creature from a design perspective. Howard simply decided to tribute the Cthulhu Mythos, and used them as an inspiration for the design.

That’s why I opted to reference Lovecraft instead: Shuma-Gorath was the “inspirational offspring” of the universe he created. Referencin’ the master and not the student, you know. :slight_smile:

Umm, but maybe I should change the title to “H. P. Lovecraft would approve”?

oh stop it robo! you’re making me blush!!!

Yeah its a free tag in.

Whoa, he should totally keep that!

Ill take one a little later. I may have time today actually, I don’t have any DJ sets or club/radio responsibilities until 3 am so lots of free time.