H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I’d say Dormammu simply because strange said so.

If Shuma-Gorath wasn’t created by Marvel and is part of the Conan Universe, why does Marvel have him outside of Conan stories and even appearing video games and the new story line coming out?

They don’t, there’s just some inspiration in his earlier work.

In their respective universes they’re all essentially omnipotent. In the mainstream marvel universe… Shuma or Dorm, not quite sure which though.

Because essentially the Marvel character is only the same in name, the character as he is represented in marvel continuity was created by marvel employees.

Dormammu has actually admitted his inferiority to shuma

They’d actually both fit in the story really well, by the way. The same logic applies… “People break dimensional walls, and something from ‘outside’ comes in”

Mephisto is a lame 6th rater compared to Dorm and Shuma tho’. Nightmare might be in their league, but that’s about it.

Little known fact Dormammu is responsible for the creation of satanish,an equal of mephisto, really shows the difference in power. Shame what happened to nightmare, though i did like how he asked mikaboshi for his heart back,he seemed so sure of himself

Hold on, gotta check a wiki. I might have to rage up.

Nobody is as powerful as Captain America though

Setting the world on fire with a thought?


Regardless I can’t wait to see more of Shuma. Too bad that won’t be for a loooong time.

Oh, im sorry, i thought you knew, my condolences

It’s funny how much people are saying they like Shuma but have to go to wiki et al to know about the character. Sure I am one of those people, but still. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shuma-Gorath is only technically a Marvel character, deep down he’s straight up Capcom’s.

Japanese wanted him because he gave them boners, the japs love that tentacle porn and well Shuma wrapping himself around Chun, x-23, and Felicia will fulfill that FAP demographic

I’d imagine that Marvel finds him hard to use. Once they came up with that image of him with his tentacles crossed in front of his body like arms… well that was the timeless image.

Edit: When I was looking for that double Chaos Dimension combo, I saw that there are a ton of movies on youtube of Shuma doing his life drain throw to a number of different (female) characters… with extra sound effects.

Shuma teased Dr. Strange with an image of Dormammu admitting he was inferior. Whether it was real or not is unknown, but Dr. Strange also said that Mephisto and Satannish are like “Mice in a great temple” when compared to one of Shuma’s lesser realms.

So yeah, Shuma is pretty damn powerful. He’s probably more powerful than Dormammu, it’s just that Dormammu -does- more with his power. Shuma pops up every now and again to say hello, gets beat through some esorteric means and then sits back for another 3 years or so like a gentleman. I’m sure he has other hobbies.

Nailed it right on the head there.

IMO one of the reasons Shuma isn’t as popular as he could be, some serious badass decay there.

I imagine the ‘artists’ are already busy :sweat:

Welcome to MUGEN

I like that most of all about Shuma. The fact his appearances are rare makes him feel like more of a big deal.

I think the fact that an inter-dimensional-space-time tentacle monster of death crosses his arms and gives a look that says “DEAL WITH IT” makes him feel like more of a big deal.

If he was in UFC his ring name would be, Shuma ‘The Big Deal’ Gorath.

And so it is done

Classy Shuma-Gorath picture by Macarratti - Photobucket

enjoy, and stay classy shuma-fans