H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Also, Shuma had a genei-jin style duplication super at one point, didn’t he? I remember he had it in Marvel super heroes vs Street Fighter. In MvC3, Zero pretty much has the exact same move, so I wonder if this will be added or changed?

I just want the glory days of Shuma in Marvel Super Heroes back, man.

Glad to see so much knowledge about Lovecraft in this thread!
Agreed about the comments regarding his moveset. He needs:

1- To keep Hyper Mystic Smash.

2- To get a new level 1 super. His split super was useless, and now Zero has a similar one.

3- To have his inputs changed. Charge inputs suck… although I wouldn’t really mind them.

4- To get new specials. Come on, Capcom, his powers open up lots of creative possibilities for you! This guy literally can do ANYTHING.

5- To have an air dash and a teleport. Hell, this guy could eat the universe and you tell me that he wouldn’t be able to levitate?

6- You should be able to combo off Devitalization. Like you can do with Super-Skrull’s Elastic Slam.

7- Mystic Stare should now: eat as many projectiles as eyes are fired (in past games a single Hadouken could take out all the eyes?), cause regular damage, chip a lot AND cause unblockable damage if the eyes explode when they are sticking to you. Only THEN will this move become somewhat decent, Capcom!

Ha ha, props for the reference!

But, just to add a bit of trivia to the thread: Shuma-Gorath wasn’t actually inspired by Cthulhu, but by Shub-Niggurath (note the similar names).

Nice ideas!

Ha ha, would love to see that.

Man, Shuma-Gorath and M.O.D.O.K. in the same game… not even in my wildest LSD-induced fantasies would I have even considered the possibility of something like that happening. HYPE!

I LOL’d.

Thanks, dude. Geez, this is the first forum I’ve been to in which it is such an achievement to get a thread started…

If you actually keep it updated then you’re alright in my book bro


Take that for granted.

uh wat

Uhh, I mean, I will keep the thread updated.

Genei-jin supers are rarely useless. All they need to do is change it so that he’ll be able to use it for combos and then you have a recipe for fun. I’d imagine it would lead to a lot of tick throw opportunities with devitalisation or energy drain, since pushblock aside it pretty much forces your opponent into defense. I also think energy drain should become an unbreakable command throw.

Anyway I’m getting Mystic Smash and Devitalisation mixed up. He should be able to combo off devitalisation with an OTG or something…in fact he should be able to combo off Crystal smash too. Dive kick style moves themselves aren’t cool anymore unless they have a followup of some sort.

Well, you know, his split super actually was ridiculously useless. And so was Zero’s Genei-jin in TVC.
For sure, it would be fine if Capcom made it right… although I am really hoping that he gets a new, more flashy super.

For the record:
Mystic Stare = eye projectile.
Devitalization = command grab.

And yeah, man, being able to combo off crystal smash would rock! It could cause a ground bounce like Dante and Zero’s dive moves.
Like: Air combo > Crystal smash > Super.

Zero’s wasn’t really useless. It’s just that a lot of the top players didn’t really use it because it didn’t fit their style. There are many videos of japanese combos putting it to use to really impressive effect. It’s just that in TvC, most rushdown style characters prefer to save the meter for megacrash rather than burn it on supers unless absolutely necessary. It didn’t help that Zero has very low health and needs megacrash to avoid being destoyed in one combo because of this.

Also, in TvC his genei-jin didn’t copy normals. It reduced their damage scaling significantly but it didn’t copy them, so it had barely any effect on his combos.

I could see Shuma’s illusion super being useless because of his moveset, which will no doubt be updated.

Yeah, I know it did have some uses. I once saw a pretty nice Genei-jin Team Super trick. But overall, it just didn’t have a lot of good things going for it, you know. Especially since it didn’t copy normals.

The thing is though, Zero is the kind of character who actually can work with a genei-jin like super because he’s fast and can lay on the pressure. For Shuma Gorath a genei-jin is kind of random, since he’s not exactly super fast nor a pressure machine. At the very least I hope it’ll effect mystic stare and allow him to chip people really hard or something.

There is a double in the reference all but the most hardcore fans would miss. Shuma Gorath actually is part of the Lovecraftian Mythos. He first appeared in Conan novels, and Robert E Howard and H.P. Lovecraft were very close friends and shared mythos in their stories. Conan, Krull and the Lovecraftian stories all take place in the same world. They were able to use him because Marvel had the Conan licence back in the day, and he has since become an iconic character as a Dr Strange villain.

It is a shame Marvel does’t have the Conan rights anymore, would love to have Conan and/or Sonya and/or Kull and/or Thulsa Doom in the vs series.

I am a huge Shuma fan. He is easily my favorite character in all of the Vs games.

I hope he gets a Super which mimics his use of the Time Gem in Marvel Superheroes. The ability to freeze and unfreeze opponents with each touch was awesome and the most unique variation of a Custom Combo style super in any game I have seen. He certainly needs a second super move and it would work so well in MVC3.

As mentioned previously, they need to make his life drain throw closer to Marvel Superheroes as well. I would also love to see his air Mystic Smash have similar OTG followup potential as other moves in the game already which allow extended combos. Eyes as an assist would be nice, they are one of the most annoying projectiles in the game and are good for forcing tags.

Yeah, not to mention that his Genei-jin:

a) Didn’t replicate his specials properly.
b) Actually messed up his basic combos.

Just came up with another change that they should make to Shuma-Gorath: Mystic Smash should chip like a motherfucker and be safe on block (like Viewtiful Joe’s Red Hot Kick).

I wasn’t saying that I hate him, I’m just…meh.

this times a bazillion

Yep. Shuma is a great character that just needs a few tweaks;

Time Gem powers from MSH (stone freeze) as a timed super (level 3 as well).
Hyper Mystic Smash should be in as a level 1 super.
Special teleport a la Spiral using animation similar to his intro. Ability to come out of teleport with Mystic Smash would be great as well.
down/back and down/forward Stone Drop.
Different properties for command grab depending on button used.
Mystic Stare should have it’s MSH properties.

That’s it.

Wow, really? Conan and Lovecraft’s stories take place in the same universe? o.0 That is awesome!!! Man, I totally didn’t know that. I just thought that he was simply Marvel’s rendition of Shub-Niggurath?

Also, I hear you, man, Shuma-Gorath is also my single favourite Versus character. Heck, he is my favourite fighting game character ever, period. Man, I am seeing lots of good taste around.

Agreed, his life-draining throw should be as deadly as it was in Marvel Super Heroes. It should replenish yellow health and be untechable. BTW, it is 100% likely that we will get Mystic Stare as an assist again. But this time around, they should latch to the opponent even if Shuma-Gorath isn’t on screen.

Who is the most powerful, Shuma, Mephisto, or Dormammu?

Shuma, and to sakuradensetsu well done, couldn’t have said it better myself. Interesting note strange shuma is actually stronger than conan shuma(yes they are the same charcter but the expanding of back story and abilities is notable) and conan shuma actually had more than just tentacles and a eyeball,he had pincers and claws and such.