H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

When he wins, he gives you a “I’m sexy” look and his eye turns blue.

That doesn’t sound odd at all. I only had two ‘must have’ requests. Strider and Gambit.

this. Shuma’s a suave bastard. Look at the artwork for him on the bonus disc already. He looks like he should be sipping a martini.

btw, I don’t know if anyone’s posted this yet, but here = http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/77/1514501-shuma_gorath_marvel_vs.jpg

high quality shuma gorath artwork for MVC3

I call total dibs on photoshopping shuma with a martini in his tentacle. I will also put him on a bearskin rug by a roaring fire.

Class action

And his new dimensional super should look something like this. http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/5/57606/1504782-behold_super.jpg

^ also given that pose, I think he’d look best with a top hat and cane. Looks like he should be resting his tentacles on a stick. Oh, and give him a GIANT MONACLE for good measure.

Consider it done

Oh man, I’m anticipating this.

IMO, he really does go hand in hand alongside Mookie.

It just feels…right.

Eye look forward to it. I’m really green with envy when it comes to people who can photoshop.



Heh, well looks like the mods OKed it, then congrats to OP =3

I think they’ll make his 2 moves from the first games into QCFs. If he were to get mroe moves what do you think he’d get?

I loved the Shuma announcement today. I was at school playing MvC2 (with Shuma) against some folks, and the somebody brings in their laptop with the info. To celebrate I just started building meter to hit with Chaos Dimension over and over and over. Can’t wait to get the tentacle monster that he is back on the field and driving people crazy.

I would have thought of better returning characters for dlc, but SG is crazy enough to be back in the game!

naw shuma gorath is great DLC. I think a lot of people wanted him in the game but assumed he wouldn’t be in due to not being as relevant as other marvel characters anymore. He’s one of the truly unique characters in this franchise so it’s a shame to let such an interesting moveset go to waste.

I’ve always loved Shuma but goddamn I cannot use him FOR SHIT. Hopefully they change his moves to QCF for easymode, and give him a few new tricks.

yeah, he needs a damaging combo that doesn’t rely entirely on his level 3. Most good shuma combos you see on youtube seem to assume he has 3 bars.

I celebrated today by quietly whispering “mystic stare” to random passers by.

I once had a Shuma money match with Justin just so I could see decent tricks with Shuma. His B&B into the life-eating throw takes off a chunk in MvC2. Other than that, though, he’s kind of a pokey character that has to be careful not to get hit ever. When Dhalsim has better combos than you, you know you’re in trouble. =\

As far as I remember he didn’t have many mixups either? Give him a way to combo off Mystic Smash and then his pressure game will be a lot better. Mystic smash for crouch blocking targets and air life drain for jumpers. If he can combo off both then he’ll have a shot at being good.

Seems like if they decided to expand on the mechanic the delayed explosion from mystic stare could be awesome for combos… imo