H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Haha stereotyping his own community like that? For shame.

Woah he had a command grab? The only two that I remember was the drain one and the throw the dude across the screen one. What does the command grab do?

qcb k

Bah I remember now. It was his version of a power bomb. Wasn’t terribly useful IIRC.

Ideas for a new hyper
1.opens portal which has demons flood out and run across screen
2.dissapears instantly reappearing as a giant eye which shoots a beam at a downward angle like amaterasus assit
3. A grab were he creates a replica earth which he sets on fire
4. Floats up and sends his tentacles into the ground which shoot back out on both sides similar to the magnetic shockwave with tentacles

i’m sorry, but mahvel isnt mahvel without shuma. i’m so glad they added him/her in.

hopefully, he/she will get the msh style mystic stare back where it doesnt latch on.

and they need to bring back the energy drain where it will drain yellow health too.

other than that, i hope chaos dimension >>> all

Shuma has no sex… but it’s pretty Male. Either way, I’m hype, I’ve always played Shuma since MvsSF

^ shuma probably has plenty of sex. /durhur

I reckon Shuma will have buffed comboing options and some new zoning tools. Mystic stare is fine, but I think he needs some kind of full-screen beam attack from his eye. I’d also like to see him do a classic gamma-wave style tentacle attack where he thrusts his tentacles into the ground and attacks by spiking them upwards across the screen or something. A teleport passing through portals could also work well with him.

Shuma’s always been a sort of hybrid grappler who doesn’t know what he really wants to do, so a buff to his energy drain is possibly in order. Give it 3 versions - one that sucks life to him, one that sucks life and heals his teammates with it, and one that sucks special bar. A hyper energy drain would be awesome too.

Also I’m curious, what comic has he turned up in recently?

Shuma FTW.
Its nice to see not too many people complain about him. Or maybe they dont give a fuck.
Or maybe because this two chars didnt get their own trailers, they dont have that much of an impact.

Shuma’s what the roster needs more of. He’s one of those universally liked classics. It’s impossible not to be glad to see him back.

I don’t know about all that…

I’ve never seen anyone hate on Shuma. Seriously never. I’ve seen everyone from Megaman to Haggar to Chun Li to Morrigan to Deadpool and Dante get dissed, But whenever Shuma’s mentioned it’s always been positively. I’ve never seen anything negative despite unhealthy lurking.


Fuck it I’m gonna go play MvC2 and rock the shuma

I’ll rock your shuma…if yknow what I mean…


i’m definitely glad to see shuma made the roster. i wanna play him day one, tho. its gonna sound odd but this guy, strider and nightcrawler are the only ones i really wanted to see.

doubt we get nightcrawler and i expect to see strider back but this was a welcome addition. i really wish we could see gameplay tho.

You guys havent read the thread tags :rofl:


btw, will dlc chars be available in tournies?

double post bug lol

The green team returns in MvC 3!..minus Amingo

Doom/Hulk/Shuma is one of my fav teams…cannot wait.