H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Right, but I’ll throw the worst-case scenario out there:

  1. Mystic Ray carries your opponent to the top of the screen, making its utility outside of covering the screen extremely limited.

  2. Mystic Ray has a huge startup time in the final version, to the point where you have to actively protect Shuma during it.

  3. The guide says Mystic Ray L is better for winning projectile wars. All versions hit 10 times; does Mystic Ray H hit 10 times regardless of where it connects, or does it spread those hits out, and thus is beaten out by pretty much everything in a firefight, but as an exchange it covers the screen? The guide says that Hyper Mystic Ray hits more in the corner, suggesting that this may be true; Mystic Ray H might be versatile while actually being a very bad beam.

  4. The beam starts downward; how long does it take to get to the horizontal axis? If it’s too slow, you can’t use it for cross-ups with Dormammu, which is my intended purpose.

  5. The beam might not “blast” people back like the rest do, and instead hold them in place; Hyper Mystic Ray seems this way. If the assist creates no space, then it’s more difficult to combo into, and it also becomes limited in a keepaway fashion.

So, I think there’s a lot to stave us off from being optimistic or making claims that this assist will be a game-changer. The funny thing is, all we need is ONE video showing Mystic Ray H to figure all of this out, but Capcom didn’t demo the move for us, nor has any disk-hacker…

An easy task: when Phoenix was first demoed, she started with 5 bars. It’s all done in training mode; they just started them with more to make it easier to demo their moves. Shuma-Gorath will not start with extra meter.

Edit;beaten to the punch.

oh, I totally forgot about Pheonix’s reveal video. ok, that does make sense.

kinda a bummer though, that would have been awesome (and in character!)

This, it would have been so much better if the hackers just demoed each of Shuma’s moves and assist, instead of there ghetto gameplay videos.

Mystic Ray is such an odd beam special that it’s hard to theorize much of anything about it sadly, but in regards to your fifth point, if his Mystic Ray didn’t push back on hit wouldn’t that make it easier to combo in/out of? or is this flu making my head stupid? Now that I think about it (ugh) it might not push back on hit, because what use would an OTG assist be if it knocked them too far away to do anything with? (unless you’re just using it to tack more damage to the end of a combo but there’s better ways to do that)

Well I wasn’t comparing the moves directly, I was more drawing a comparison to the heavy usage of the particular assists (I don’t think I’ve seen a Tron using Bandit Boulder once…)

Haha, you are right in general, but I am biased here - I am hoping for Shuma-Gorath to be Dormammu’s partner in crime. Dormammu can combo off of any beam assist in the game, but his Teleport :m: doesn’t have quite the reach to fully combo without an assists help. So, I can Plasma Beam -> Teleport and catch them from the knockback into a full combo, but if Mystic Ray just carries my opponent upward, then the assist won’t be usable for me. I desperately want a beam assist on my team, but I dislike all of the current beam characters. So, Shuma-Gorath is my faint hope.

For most characters, yes, not knocking the character back would be a blessing. For Dormammu, I want that knockback. If you remember Wesker’s character demo video Seth did, he showed how Wesker can catch someone off of Dante’s Jam Session. Dormammu can do the same thing, but he can do it off of beams as well. Here is an example:

I was just being selfish (I will remain so, however!).

Which is funny, since it has 10 hit points - it can beat out two full Hadokens before expiring, and will beat out Trigger Happy and most light and medium beams straight-up.

Have more faith in the Chaos Lord, brother karsticles.

Ah I see, I didn’t realize you were talking specifically for Dormammu, that makes a lot more sense then. All things aside I can’t wait to see how Shuma will mesh with Magneto and Trish, he gives Trish an OTG which is incredibly helpful to her combos, and Mags can always use more zoning support (plus catching people with assists from far away and chaining into Gravity Squeeze is one of my favorite ways to troll in this game :D)

If Mystic Ray ends up as a good enough beam assist, I might use Magneto’s Hyper Grav assist instead of EM Disruptor… I’m already thinking of ways to use the Hyper Grav and/or Peekaboo assists to set up Chaos Dimension

Edit: 5 more days, I am SO amped :smiley:

Who do I have to kill to get these days to seed up, I was thinking… Father time?

Lol this image has to be a taunt, for those dying to see mystic ray
Shuma & Jill, 3DS SSF4 playable at various places in U.S. : News : EventHubs.com

do you guys think shuma could very well be the third character i’ve been looking for all this time?

i use arthur/sentinel and was told i would need a fast character to balance the whole team out

but out of akuma and wolverine i don’t know who to pick

so come next tuesday i might be putting shuma on my team
if he fits well enough(and yes i know he’s not a fast character but would he fit and benefit from the team and the team benefit from him?)

Jill doesn’t look too different from X-23 play style wise(meaning if X-23 didn’t work for me then Jill probably won’t either)

i could be wrong but right now i have more hope in shuma impressing me then jill

I am not a man of faith.

I bet you can use Hyper Grav in some combination with Trish’s traps; that could be fun. Thus far the only practical uses I’ve seen for it are for helping Hsien-ko combo and for funky Deadpool combos. If you can use Mystic Stare effectively mid-combo and it still blows up though, that might be far better for Magneto than Mystic Ray.

Someone here must be going… O.o

I’m really curious about the properties of the bombs left by Mystic Stare in this game compared to MvC2… especially if it still lets him safe-tag (although he looks solid enough in this game that that might not be as neccessary as it was in MvC2)

I haven’t had much of a chance to play around with the Hyper Grav assist (mostly because of that godly fast EM Disruptor), his Hyper Grav assist would definitely make jumping in on Trish a nightmare, between that Peekaboo and Hopscotch. Even if Hyper Grav doesn’t end up being a huge boon to Trish, just the idea of calling Mags assist>Chaos Dimension for a freebie combo into Shuma’s level 3 sounds way too enticing not to try lol…

I know it’s not popular, but have you messed with Force Field? It only has 1 frame of vulnerability; so, it’s not quite as good as Haggar’s startup, but it still offers a nice option.

A big change is that the Eye Bombs are no longer an un-blockable.

Edit:Also i don;t really think we will have a hard time combo into Chaos Dimensions, shuma loops are looking mad easy.

Well that’s a shame, but I’ll gladly take that in exchange for all of Shuma’s apparent buffs lol

Well I didn’t think they would be difficult, but all the same, the more ways there are to combo into it the better…

^Truth, since Seth is head out to the event where Shuma and Jill will be playable, he may demo Shuma and Jill, and if so then we will get to see Mystic Ray for the 1st time.

Where did you hear this about Seth? I would be all-too-excited for this.

Never mind, I found it.

We better get some gameplay footage, unofficial or not, soon. Mystic Ray could be one of the best projectiles in the game, but we need to see it in action.

EDIT: [media=youtube]G5J6_3S01AE[/media]

Shuma Gameplay w/ Mystic Ray in action as assist too!

Jeez Mystic Stare H (I’m assuming because of the range) just zipped through the screen. I guess we can’t use Mystic Ray L as a typical beam; takes awhile before it goes horizontal. His roll looks silly too but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.