H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Do some people’s backdashes have invincibility? I noticed that Ammy’s and Wesker’s backdash can dodge some projectiles. Maybe because they are so low to the ground when they do it? Thought that be a Shuma only thing >_<

Well, Hsien-ko’s forward dash has a period of invincibility. /shrug

It’s an easy 6 days, too. So much fun to be had in this game.

^Those Six days will be a long six for me, because Shuma Gorath is my Character yo, picture Yipes with out a Magneto for a month. Thats how I am right now with out my Shuma Gorath.

I love the start up animation of Shuma Gorath Chaos Dimensions, how Shuma forums his maw and then luges forward at the Opp is tight, Glad Chaos Dimension was buffed so that we can Combo launcher L’s M’s and H is the unblockable, instead of just lights in the previous games.

^Naw, you could do medium attacks during CD in previous games which means you could also do his launcher aswell. Pretty much the same thing here.

And yes, the startup animation for CD is epic except it goes downhill after that… I know, I know, but I just can’t help it. Anyways, I like his other hypers’ startup animations too; he’s such a spaz… in a good way.

Really now? oh well guess I’ve gon and forgotten.

Drugs Drugs stay off of them :stuck_out_tongue: IDK his line for Hyper Mystic Ray hans’t grow on me yet. Now when we say that character is getting mawed we mean it literally when Shuma Gorath is on the screen.

I noticed that when Shuma does some of his poses, it takes a split second for the tentacles to render. He is so badass that the game cannot comprehend him.

So stoked! Not sure why I didn’t realize this until now, but Shuma comes out the day after I’m done with school for this quarter. There shall be nothing holding me back from enjoying the tentacled goodness! Instead of saying “in the lab” in reference to training, I’m now officially going to say “in the Chaos Dimension”.

Brothers, lettuce unite and force online opponents to fear the ancient one!!!

EDIT: Any idea who I should drop from my team? I’m leaning toward Taskmaster only because I think Shuma will be able to fill his spot nicely. Although, I’m actually the worst with using Doom at this point. I really can’t see myself dropping Dorm. He’s just too badass.

^I feel you, just six more.

^the awesomeness is just that great.

still waiting for that gameplay, maybe there will be a chance of us getting our 1st glimpse at Mystic Ray and also as an assist.


I really wanna see the Mystic Ray assist. The guide makes it sound like it’s godly. I mean c’mon…a SWEEPING beam that can OTG and also deals like 130k damage??? I’d really like Shuma to be my point character, but if his Mystic Ray assist turns out to be super good then I’m in quite the conundrum.

If it is what the guide makes it out to be Shuma Gorath may be on equal footing with Dr Doom as a well rounded character.

I may be biased (considering my main team is Tron/Viper/Doom) but I’d say drop Task, Doom is a good all around character, all of his assists are good, and he does stupid meterless damage (which makes him a great battery for dat Chaos Dimension, lol).

I myself am gonna try out Magneto/Shuma/Trish, both Mags and Trish work as batteries which’ll make setting up Chaos Dimension easier, and Mystic Ray assist gives Trish and Mags a much appreciated OTG. Not to mention that all three can burn meter effortlessly should the situation arise (Gravity Squeeze, Chaos Dimension, Round Harvest -> Max Voltage chipping)

Im surprised that there aren’t any new recruits for the Chaos army, I thought his Official trailer would have brought in some players by now.

That’s good though. Keep Shuma in the fam! We don’t need outsiders! heh

I think shuma’s more of an aquired taste, personally.

mystic ray assist hits OTG? That’s SICK!

And it doesn’t screw with my current tactics at all. I go with Mags/Wesker/Doom right now so I was worried that I’d lose my OTG assist.

Did I miss something or aren’t they suppose to release Jill and Shuma tomorrow (friday)?

The doors to Chaos open on the 15th

Don’t get too excited until we actually see it in use. Plenty of assists hit OTG but are too slow to use practically. We haven’t even seen Mystic Ray yet…

Even if it doesn’t OTG well, the first post (which is what I’m going by, because I don’t have the guide) say’s that it’s Shuma’s :h: Mystic Ray, which means it hits like… everything, lol

If Mystic Ray ends up being good enough I could see it totally overshadowing both his Smash and Stare assists a la Cold Star/Gustaff Fire/Lariat

What makes Gustaff Fire, Lariat so good are those assist invincibility, Shuma Mystic Ray will be best used for zoning, since the laser goes full screen and hits every bit of space from the ground up and above Shuma Gorath head. Since I got Dormammu I usually don’t care for OTG but then again Trish doesn’t have a Otg so it still a plus for me. Im pretty sure Mystic Smash will have its uses for rush down.

I noticed in the reveal video, that When shuma started the fight against Akuma, he had 3 bars of hyper, while Akuma had the typical 1. And this wasn’t through a screen cut or anything, it showed from the taunts at the geggining of the fight to “Ready? Fight!”, and Shuma had 3 FUCKING BARS.

Maybe I’m looking to far into this, but if this implies that shuma automatically comes in with 3 bars, then holy shit guys. holy shit.

please proove me wrong so I don’t get my hopes up to high <:)