H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I can imagine a Shuma-Gorath rubber toy like Stretch Armstrong. I would so buy that.

and The winner is…

Shuma Gorath just needs to drop now, this wait feels longer then when I was waiting for the games to drop.

Edit: and after listening to Shuma’s theme for a 2nd time its not as bad as I thought it was, still they could have done better.

Considering how much I hated his MSHvsSF theme, I thought they did an amazing job.

shuma is slow but not that slow. slower than average.

sorta makes sense since hes always been a keepaway/grappler hybrid.

after c.h, jump cancel into loop, you can relaunch into air combo.

air mystic smash has enough frame advantage on hit to allow you to continue chaining into your ground normals. m version for sure and i know it works for one other version. i forgot is it h or l. maybe for all versions.

about chaos dimension:

after activation, you can do pretty much anything you want then combo into launch, end with j. s, call assist for otg, relaunch, m, m, grab. in fact, this is his trial 10 on mission mode.

it might be possible to otg after chaos dimension, but i dont know any assist that is fast enough for that. hyper mystic ray after chaos dimension does not work.

Can you tiger knee air mystic smash?

after chaos Dimensions, see if you can use M Mystic Ray to OtG.

Edit: can Shuma Gorath Cancel his dash into normals? The Guide book says nothing on his ground dash.

Its not that easy by comparison, the engines different, and significantly stronger, the cell shading, virtually everything they put in this game was made from the ground up. Dante has a distinctly different look in this game then in DMC3 so, it leads me to believe that he was Capcom’s favorite love child, as everything about him has been made more explosive then ever.

With TvC the hardware so so weak that it took less effort to make such toned down sprites that Capcom had enough money to do an even better job then usual. Didn’t quite save the game, but it looked nice enough.

Shuma looks more or less amazing from a technical standpoint, its actually alittle jarring to see how overwhelming his actual sprite is compared to others, he sticks out but in a better then good but still alittle odd way. But he looks like he takes a minute to learn.

how many more days? ? ?? ???/

11 for those that pre-ordered.

so long. Soooo LLLLOOOONNGGG

something else rather disturbing I noticed…

We’ve yet to hear Shuma sa “waste of flesh” once :frowning:

I prefer to think of it as a week and a half. Somehow that makes it feel shorter.

For those that pre-ordered? When does the rest of us get them then? I’m planning on sticking shuma on point in mvc3 :smiley:

Everyone gets them on March 15. I don’t know why he said that.

I assumed those that pre-ordered gets a crack at them a month earlier than those that didn’t? I remember hearing that.

I assumed those that pre-ordered gets a crack at them a month earlier than those that didn’t? I remember hearing that.

You are mistaken sir. Everyone can get them at the same time. CE purchasers merely get a voucher to alleviate the cost.

Yup, we get them free.

Meh, 5 bucks isn’t bad for a character that will change the ecosystem of the game.

10 Days, ARGH! This wait is going to kill me if Capcom doesn’t put out a trailer.