H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Doesn’t really matter, we’ve got all the facts down so it’s pretty easy to figure out what we’ll be getting.

Basically a lv3 that used to be awesome because it allowed for unscaled resets and did a ton of damage. Doesn’t do quite as much damage anymore and doesn’t need to reset because all lv3’s ignore damage scaling now. Used to be able to combo after it by yourself, but can’t do that anymore.

Oh well, maybe the starting hit with the bite has like, huge invincibility on it or something. It does apparently have a huge hitbox. You can probably use it like any other invincible lv3 to punish people and then do a combo into chaos dimenson. At least X-23 can’t boast being able to so easily combo into dirt nap off an activation hit.

Question: does the first hit (the bite) ignore damage scaling too? Does it reset damage scaling for any other hits afterwards? That would be badass.

Thats what has been said many times about X move, and yet players had a change of heart once they get there hands on the characters move set. I.E. Doom’s Hidden missile assist was labeled trash, now its considered one of the best assist in the game.

It does, Not to mention Shuma’s Chaos Dimensions does more damage then Dirt Nap.

Don’t know we will find out on the 15th.

I thought Chaos Dimension did 50k (bite) then 350k. Dirt nap does 400k. Are you talking about damage potential?

As I see it at the moment, Chaos Dimension and Dirt Nap are kind of opposites. You can combo easily into CD but you’ll need an assist to follow up (if its even possible). You’ll need an assist to combo into Dirt Nap but you can follow up after Dirt Nap alone (near corners).

Anyways, we still haven’t seen any footage of Devitalization (is there an image in the guide?; still need to get one of those). It was the most out of place move, aesthetically, in his sprite days so I’m kind of interested at what it looks like now.

Naw, just raw damage, IIRC Dirt Nap does 300K.

I’ll take Chaos Dimensions over Dirt nap, for those reasons.

No one has yet to try Mystic Ray M after a Chaos Dimension, for a possible OTG by himself, since Mystic Ray M is used to OTG after Shuma’s air or ground throw into a combo, it wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot after Chaos Dimensions for a possible follow up.

It looks normal, no more morph into that thing with hundreds of tiny small tentacles, the image of Devitalization just shows Shuma high up in the air with his tentacles wrapped around the Opp about to drop him.

man, they really cheaped out didn’t they? I was really looking forward to seeing him morph into his devitalisation throw form.

Idea ; combo into or DHC into Chaos Dimension and X-Factor when the bite connects, then combo. Curious to see how that works.

If I am right, you just did a damage reset and activated X-Factor. Combo, CD to reset damage, X-Factor for damage boost and to cancel the startup, connect with launcher (may need to add an assist at some point in this to help you), follow with reset aircombo, combo into the grab portion of CD (possibly resetting damage again?). If we do find ways to OTG after CD this will be insane.

Cheaped out? Have you looked at the level of detail and love put into his animations? This guy had more go into him than any other character in the game it seems.

Yeah, but all his real morphing has been cut. He doesn’t turn into a blob when he’s hit anymore, doesn’t have a devitalisation transform… You’ll notice his tentacles are ragdoll physics too and Chaos Dimension is…underwhelming. His spinning air move doesn’t look as good because he spins slowly now, and finally they decided to not bother with the traditional after-images on mystic smash. It seems they’ve avoided giving him a lot of his old animations that would require another slightly complex model.

I think he looks better than ever, personally. You can’t expect the development team to make fresh models for every single animation - this is exactly why most of the Darkstalker cast wasn’t even considered for the game. Be glad that Capcom just gave him different animations instead of avoiding him altogether, which is what most people thought when Shuma-Gorath hopefuls initially spoke up. I will gladly take a cut corner over a cut character.

I still don’t really buy that whole models spiel about the transforming characters. This is a high budget game, not some doujin work. I’m pretty sure that capcom has the power to make those models (especially when you consider that Shuma’s devitilisation and hit animations aren’t particularly complex polygon structures to begin with) I honestly think it was more to do with them being a bit lazy and cutting production time by avoiding extra work where not necessary, which is fair.

I can’t say this is the best he’s looked, imo. I still think I really prefer his sprited forms now that I’ve seen him in motion, but for the mot part I am pretty happy with how they’ve handled it, just a bit miffed to see certain things absent. He could use a little bit more wow-factor.

Did you notice the lack of features? Did you notice that the roster is only 36 characters? Resources are limited. Yes, they can make transforming characters; Capcom has never said it’s not possible, but it takes resources that are better spent elsewhere. Shuma-Gorath already transforms a ton when compared against the rest of the roster; Capcom put a lot of effort into him.

^I agree, the likes of Shuma Gorath, The Dog and Dormammu had a lot of work put into them, and imo are the best models in the game.

Not to mention Dante as well! Shuma was postponed as DLC because of all the work they did on his model. Personally, he looks better then half the cast because of his details. Plus, I’m sure he’ll be pretty decent gameplay wise.

I suspect that a lot of Dante’s animations were taken straight from DMC3 if that is possible, so he actually have taken a fair bit less work than you think. Then again, I don’t know if importing those animations from DMC3 into MvC3 Dante’s model is directly is something they can do, but it seems to have worked for all the TvC to MvC3 characters.

So how bout that Shuma Gorath gameplay?

There’s more? :0

Lots :slight_smile:

where? Nobody’s posted links since that last time where we saw him in his default colours.

^Sarcasm mayhaps.

I must know.