H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I don’t know what the fuse is about when it comes to Chaos Dimensions damage, the super does 400k start to finish, like most of the Level 3’s save for a few. Add in the perk of being able to combo in-between the start up and the full on super itself makes it one of the most damaging. I’m happy with it.

Also, you can always snap out another character and while they switch in, use it for free damage. Any unblockable hit hyper is good IMO.

X23s actually does 400k just saying.

Instead of an otg you can combo into it now. Seems like a fair trade off. Can you otg with xfc though?

You probably could if Shuma’s wavedash is good enough. Also, I think Shuma looks faster on video because of how smooth his model is.

when you kill a character…

use lv3 before the come, summon good assist (in my case, dormammu Dark Hole) to prevent them from touching the floor and just jump up lv3 unblockable.

Good if its like the last char about to die.

How long is CDs duration? I think ive read it was 10 seconds (twice x23s) but I am not too sure.

I believe its about 6 seconds…
I don’t have my guide here but the guide lists it.

Nope, it’s just 5. Have the guide right here with me.

More then enough time to kill anything that moves. - in Ocelot voice.

don’t lose your cool until you get your hands on em for a few hours & then some.

I agree. The gameplay was rushed, but he looks pretty good from it.

Hmm, I wonder I am getting these false info from (otg after CD and 10 second CD duration), must have dreamt them.

Anyways, has it been confirmed that the Shuma-Gorath we see now is the final one (gameplay-wise)? Aesthetically, I hope he’s not but that’s besides the point.

Can’t really complain on how he plays based on videos because he looks way too much fun. It’s just too bad we don’t have any videos of regular ray and stare (he got hit out of it in that one video, doesn’t count). Curse the natural aversion towards charge moves. I’m glad they’re faster these days.

Plus, you can buffer the charge while you’re in Mystic Smash bounce.

Just wait until he gets an official trailer out, then we’ll all be like “ohhhh!”

anyway, I guess I am kind of bummed about Chaos Dimension essentially being an inferior Dirt Nap at this stage. It has potential to do a little bit more damage but I was really hoping that Chaos Dimension would give Shuma a unique niche out of the cast.

The damage and the no otg is definately a dissapointment. With Dirt Nap, you get the full 400k of damage, invisibility and even a follow up combo when near corners. Chaos Dimension, you either get 350k (if you don’t combo into it or 400k (hopefully when you connect with the activation you won’t mess up and wasted the 3 bars for 50k), no buff (that we know of) during the duration and no otg by himself. I like the fact that you can use your launcher but its not enough.

Ironic how Shuma-Gorath was one of the few who actually had a level 3 in previous games (a powerful one at that) and now the majority of the cast has a level 3 and they “seem” superior to Chaos Dimension. Let’s just hope everything else is decent or that improvements are made if at all possible. I guess Capcom put their all their love for Shuma into mystic smash :frowning:

Another thing that devalues chaos dimension is that being a reset isn’t a big deal anymore. Lv3 combos all ignore damage scaling now, so resetting into a lv3 is kind of pointless when you could just combo into one. The only advantage I see in that is stuffing incoming characters after a kill. And yeah, Dirt nap is better because you an combo after it. arg.

Probably would have to combo it instead of just activating it blindly. Launcher, OTG [I don’t remember if Shuma can OTG on his own. If not then OTG assist], Activate, small air combo, Chaos Dimension.

that kind of sucks all the fun out of using chaos dimension for resets T_T

Given that level 3 are not effected by damage scaling… kinda makes Chaos Dimension lose it’s luster. But whatever. I’m holding judgment until I play with the one-eyed guy.

You guys are crying about Chaos Dimensions and haven’t even touched the thing.