H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I hope Shuma color/glow when he is chaos mode get more detail to it.

Just saw the gameplay videos and his ending. Right now, the only thing that bothers is me is voice. I’ll have to adjust to it…
Other wise he looks sick! Mystic Smash looks amazing. His ending is pretty freaking hilarious, wasn’t expecting anything like it.

I do miss that one aerial he had where he’d basically throw his tentacles out in front of him. That had huge range.

Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen it in any video. That sucks, felt that it was one of his best moves.

Yeah, instead they kept the downward eye beam and I barely used that in any of games he was in. We’ll see though how it turns out.

Any of you guys think it would have been great if Shuma had a teleport too? He won’t need it from what I see in the videos. I just really liked that portal entry thing that he does before the fight and after chaos dimension. The animation is pretty cool and it gives him more of a mystical feel like he should (in addition to mystic ray ;)).

Speaking of his portals, do you think his entry pose or whatever you call it is complete? All he does is drop from his portal and goes straight to his idle/standing animation. Everyone else is not even half way finished with theirs and Shuma-Gorath is already dancing/ready to fight. Even Jill had a longer intro.

At this point I don’t care, because they did Shuma Gorath justice gameplay wise, from the look of the book.

Shuma-Gorath - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios.

It is ; Marvel official ratings have him as 6/7

Intelligence 6 (Super Genius, next level up is Omniscient)
Strength 5 (Can lift a potential maximum of 75 tons)
Speed 5 (Supersonic)
Durability 6 (This is almost a 7. His body is destroyed a lot but he always reforms. He technically is indestructible, but can be temporarily destroyed)
Energy Projection 7 (Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy)
Fighting Skills 5 (Master of a single form of combat. I guess part of the problem with being such a unique individual is there really is one fighting style you can learn, and you have to invent it :stuck_out_tongue: )

I always saw Shuma as a Deadpool type character in these games. He knows he is in a video game and messes around for the luls. this is why he hams up for the camera and limits himself to such a diminutive form, and why in MVC3 his ending is so silly. He sucked in MVC2 as protest for not being allowed in Shenmue. Sega Bastards!!!

A potential problem that could arise is that shuma doesn’t have any hypers he can activate while airborn. If you are using mystic smash for transportation, you’re not going to be able to cancel into a hyper and so characters with full screen hypers will be able to punish mystic smash on reaction (I’m thinking Ammy and Ryu, for example, won’t be too scared of Shuma using Mystic Smash to go over their projectiles.)

Mystic smash H does seem to leave you pretty vulnerable all around.

Another thing I noticed is that if you do mystic smash in the corner, it just goes straight up and straight down. I’m thinking that’s going to be awesome in combos, since it barely moves the opponent at all. If you can get them into the corner you should be able to land a lot of hits off mystic smash.

Also, it seems like you’re able to control Mystic Smash’s movements a bit. Or does it track?

so i just unlocked jill and shuma and played around with shuma for like 2 hours and completed all his missions.


-he feels really slow. his wave dash sucks, almost as bad as spencers.
-he has an air dash, also slow and can only go back and forward
-crouching h is jump cancellable which goes into j.m x2, j. u+h (upward eye beam), you can loop that for like 4x.
-tons of recovery on a missed command grab but the range seems decent.
-his normal throw is the life drain. 4 hits every time, non mashable :sad: only recovers red life :bleh:
-couldnt find a way to combo after any of his throws without an assist.
-mystic ray is an optic blast like move, done with flash kick motion. m and h version hits in an angle, then straight.
-his j. s is his stone drop. its kinda tricky ending his air combo with this.
-hyper mystic ray OTGs after j.s is used as a combo ender.

his ending is hilarious

that’s weird that he feels slow. He looks quite fast in the gameplay we’ve seen so far. I guess not having a wavedash does make a difference but I get the feeling you’re supposed to use mystic smash for getting around the screen.

how you did unlock?

Hows Mystic Ray as an assist?

Where you able to Otg after Chaos Dimensions?

either Bullshit or WTFhaxoorz

I was told use of a Jtag 360.

Why would they change his command grab? The life drain on it is one of his most famous aspects.

I’d love a video demo, Ouroborus. Especially of his assists.

His level 1 hypers OTG - do those not work?

Anyway, this is probably not how Shuma will be in his final version, so let us not get too excited or disappointed about things like frame advantage.

The life drain wasn’t a command grab it was a normal throw.

His command grab never drained life only his normal one right? Its just not mashable now :frowning:

I think it was only able to gain red life ever. Except maybe in the original MSH where there was no red life. Kinda sad that its not mashable… guess we will just get a set value. The problem with his supers from what we seen in the videos is that although they may cause a unrecoverable knockdown… he has to do a little pose first showing how awesome he is. :rofl: The guide did mention his command grab is a bitch to combo off from kinda like Morrigan’s command grab is.

Well, with a low assist, it shouldn’t be that bad. You can always just XFC out of the pose and follow up.