H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Time to answer those questions

His command normals cause knockdown, no mention of wall bounce. These are his eye beam normals though. Crystal drop is his Air S attack, so it hits overhead, does knockdown and OTG. Non cancelable though.

No mention of carrying on the special or hyper versions.

No mention of his dash, but checking against Deadpool’s info there’s no mention of the dash evade either. Dash isn’t really covered at all in character specifics, but canceling appears to be universal with a few character specific exceptions.

Guide isn’t talking about devitalization when mentioning throw combos as it talks about forward and backward versions. Devitalize is a command throw and doesn’t have a facing.

Only thing I see about this is a mention that if you’re lucky some balls will bounce completely vertically and stay in play for a long time. Sorry I can’t be clearer on this as it’s not very specific.

Thanks a million DMmystic, got one final question, Mystic stare does the eyes latch on even when blocked?

Directly from the guide

“Every eyeball that hits the opponent attaches itself to their body, exploding 180 frames later”

and in the Notes section for the move

“on hit projectiles attach to opponent”

I think it means they don’t attach on block but it could be interpreted either way.

The damage listed for the move is 46,600/117,000

Now I’m unsure if that’s meant to be a range of damage or if it’s the initial hit and then explosion

Do the eyes explode simultaneously or one by one? I think a slightly delayed explosion from each succeeding eyeball would be pretty cool. Especially since they can block the exploding eyes, this would keep them in some sort of block-stun or something until all the eyes finished exploding.

Thanks again DMystic.

Well Jill was Hacked and we got to see a bit of what she can do in screen shots so Shuma Gorath isn’t to far along.

I got the guide also. Chaos Dimension only does 350k now, but can be comboed into. Comes with all his frame data as well if you want.

Eyes all explode at the same time.

As for Chaos Dimension, yeah it’s only 350, but the initial activation does 50 and sets up combo opportunities into the grab.

So it’s a potential of 400+, heck tag 2 mediums in there and we’re looking at 480.

I’ll take the Frame Data, and appreciate it, love or hate it, only to find out that its all been changed in the retail version of Shuma Gorath. lol

Which would make it the most damaging or in the top 3 as most damaging level 3’s. Thats the main reason why I wanted Chaos Dimensions to stay classic, instead of a grab.

Does he get any perks by going into Chaos Dimension such as X-23’s invisibility?

Can’t a handful of other characters combo into their level 3s as well?

Way to ruin a really cool move D:

Does it mention if they disappear if he’s hit?

to my knowledge, the Stare did damage on hit in MvC2. as long as that damage stays, any damage from the explosions is just extra.

And I do like the idea of consecutive explosions rather than one big one. They decide to block the explosion? make them regret it!

Stare did minimal damage when it hit/latched. It chipped as if it did the explosion though.

Yeah they do.

no advantages listed, however any H attacks while active become the grab(which I think might be unblockable)

It also lasts for 300 frames

Yeah they can, but they can’t combo in between the start up and actual super, heck and if where able to Otg after the super is finished, Chaos Dimension will still be “Dat level 3 Super.”

It should be unblock-able, I don’t think they would remove that aspect about his super, I mean its been unblock-able for the most part in past games.

Dang I need my Shuma, I feel so empty with out em.

Shuma is so positive on a point blank :l: eyes that he can combo into launch afterwards…
guide gives reason to believe that you can combo into the eyes, and after and continue the combo until they explode.
Explosion is OTG so end your combo right before explosion, lv3, and then the explosion pops them rightr back up and continue combo into lv3.

just early thought proccess from what ive been reading from the guide so far

:h: is exactly like MVC2. Unblockable, combo-able and causes unrecoverable knockdown.

Mystic Stare :l: +10 on hit
Mystic Stare :m: +5 on hit
Mystic Stare :h: +0 on hit

no damage difference, just range.

hit does 46k, explosion does 117k (nice).

new eye beam moves sweeeps.
so if you do hp version ,it ends straight up effectively hitting anything from directly below him, to df, f, uf, u.
huge radius.

The ball super launches balls in random forward directions. They bounce withthe edges of the screen. They have a chance to bounce straight up so it takes forever for them to reach off the screen.

Makes me think that if you get a few lucky verticle balls you can start the rush down with them covering your ass.

Lv3 is 11 frames of start up, and 5 active frames
The entire thing has 15 frames of invincibility…

X-facter during a block string lv3 seems like a very very very good option.
Prob why its got low damage, invincibility through the roof.