H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

so I got the guide book tonight and Shuma looks AMAZING.

his mystic smash puts him at frame advantage(!!!) when blocked, both the ground and air version. He has a new mystic ray move and a mystic ray super (3 supers in all). He has all of his good normals back, including the air medium kick which was (basically) taken away in mvc2. Chaos Dimension looks sweet as you can still hit people with the activation but then do a bunch of other hits with the launcher before grabbing them with H (the only button which does the unblockable grab)

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Capcom still ripping us off? lol

does thy book say anything about being able to Otg after Chaos Dimensions?

any buffs to Mystic stare, and which version is it?

it doesnt say about otg after CD but I doubt it as the animation has obviously changed and is more elaborate.

mystic stare is the mvc2 “disappearing” version instead of the msh fullscreen version. the eyes attach to the opponent and are otg when exploded. lots of combos into mystic stare apparently

also mystic smash is no longer a charge move, just a simple qcf now

It says it gives an unrecoverable knockdown. Doesn’t mention if you can follow up as the combos don’t say you can. There is one interesting tidbit…:

“You can grab them during guard stun.” It looks like it got the X-23 treatment of an unblockable attack as opposed to a grab. Which helps out a lot because you can’t grab people that are in block stun eating another attack. The activation does 50k while the actual attack 350k.

Mystic stare eyeballs latch onto the enemy. They disappear if Shuma is hit. They can be blocked once latched on to avoid the explosion. Can’t find if they explode if Shuma tags out or if Shuma is used as an assist.

Hyper Mystic Smash has invincibility later on the super. Can cause some of the Shuma balls to go really far off the screen and can stay in play! Can be combo’ed from his regular throw! Hyper Mystic Smash is for non-corner combos.

Hyper Mystic Ray has beginning invincibility frames. Does two Hyper Mystic Rays H twice in a row but with a bigger beam. Can be used as OTG and causes unrecoverable knockdown. Deals more damage in corners.

Devitalization leaves the opponent in a unrecoverable knockdown state but says it is “nearly” impossible to start a combo from this. They mention that Shuma’s regular throw is more dangerous because u can combo off of it.

Does the guide say anything about His command normals cause ing wall bounce and ground bounce, does his crystal drop hit as an overhead?

Does Mystic Ray beam carry the Op?

Does he’s forward dash still go under a few projectiles? does his back dash have a bit of invincibility and can he cancel his dash and air dash into to normals?

When you say his normal thorw is more dangerous and you can combo after it, is the guide talking about Revitalization?

Regarding Hyper Mystic Smash, when you say the balls are still in play do you mean there will be a few bouncing around even after the super has ended?

Thanks in advance guys.

He still has the life draining throw, its in one of the screen shots. The eyes for mystic stare going full screen doesn’t really bother me either at this point since the screen/stages has gotten a lot longer compared to MvC2, Im guessing it has better/longer range then MvC2 version.

What bothers me is the block-able eye bombs, there has to be something to make up for that.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait, we already know who his voice actor is? :open_mouth:
What the - how is that possible? What is the source of that information?

Paul Dobson, huh? Let’s see how good his performance is.

Mystic stare is definately weirding me out. Almost all of what we knew from it is just getting worse. It must have a redeeming qualities but I can’t imagine what it would be.

Chaos dimension doesn’t seem so epic anymore with its damage. Dissapoiting because he is one of the pioneers in level 3 supers.

GamerNode: News - MvC3 Guide Offers More Than Expected

Lol at the quote.


how does the damage look?

Oooh, the game guide!

And yeah, nice quote!

In the previous page we were informed that the activation does 50k while the actual attack does 350k. 450k is usually what high damaging lvl 3s do while 400k is usually the lowest damage but those lvl 3s are easier to connect.

Im guessing the activation damage is when he bites and not when he “grabs” the opponent. It didnt used to do damage so it could mean that we can more reliably follow up with the “grab”.

Is there a list of the damage, the Level 3’s do?

I wanna know how much damage magnus level 3 does.

Not to mention I don’t think it will be that much of a problem since where still able to combo a bit after catching them in the activation/start up snap, and if where able to Otg after Chaos Dimension is finished then its going to hurt.

dame need trailers now.

Oh and did the book come with shuma’s Frame data?

“How can you expect to win a fight with only two arms?”

Shuma asking the important questions.

I bought the guide and will answer any questions people have about Shuma.

Starting with Shumagins above.

The activation damage is when he bites.
If the bite hits you can juggle them after before initiating the grab.

if you would be so kind.

thanks yo

honestly, when you consider everything that move can do, those make plenty of sense. I’d imagine the initial hit of the move does nice damage for a projectile, making the explosion unblockable would make it the best projectile in the game (from a damage standpoint). It being blockable doesn’t make it shit either, as it can continue combos it’s used in and it will make the opponent have to do a predictable block if it hits outside of a combo, thus allowing you to get in on them. It’s still a great move. and as for not being full screen, while that sucks, Shuma really should be up close and personal, he’s not supposed to be full screen playing fireball wars.

yeah, look at phoenix’s fireball - the explosion on it is hella useful, regardless if they get hit or block it

Mystic Stare was a favorite move of mine too due to its unconventional nature. It made using it and being successful with it very satisfying. I don’t want him to be a stright forward character dammit!

So far, we’ve heard only bad news about it (it can otg though… …) and as much as i’d like to say the worst is over, i’m a bit doubtful. Hopefully balancing is still in process for Jill and Shuma. If not, Smash and Ray better be ready to compensate awhole lot.

I agree, with you Mirc, but there use may be inside of a long combo, at least thats what the Otg explosion is telling me. Lets hope the damage and chip is nasty and that the fact they are going to have to block them eye mines proves useful Lockdown in some way.

Smash is already looking to be his beast move.

Man, i was already planning resets around the unblockable.

have we confirmation that initially blocking the eyeballs stops them sticking to you?