H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Yeah, you described it just fine. I just thought the H version was too good to be true if I imagined it the way you described it so I tried to imagine “sweeping” in a different way (didn’t really work out to well).

Y’know, I’ll have to check to see it it hits everything in front. That does sound waaaaaay too good, lol.

That sounds cool. I hope it has some decent speed on it. Kinda sounds like a reverse Captain Sword. At least for the normal version. Basically the H version sounds like it be awesome for AA since it goes from bottom to top. Typically most charge moves that are down and then up are anti-airs or something aerial. Maybe a launcher?

Shuma Gorath has a mini reverse Captain Sword, GODLIKE!

Im guessing His Hyper Ray will be a TRUE Captain Sword.

Shuma Gorath Why u soooo PimP!

forget Optic Blast, its Shuma SWWWWOOOOORRRRRRDDDDDD!

Nice we finally got an air dash, and stone drop is still in. His comand normals seem like the short range beam normals.

J good looking out.

Yeah, his command normals are those close beams from previous games.

is it the same range or a bit longer?

I know lol


Edit:I also think doom’s hidden missiles will be good with Shuma.

I do also like the visuals of Mystic rays burning the ground for a bit.

Looks about the same range. I’ll snap some pics tomarrow.

Nice, hope Im not asking for two much but is it possibly to see if his dash states anything about Shuma being able to crawl under some projectiles?

Ooh, thats a good one, I’ll look out for that.

So is Shuma still a high-damage rushdown character? What kind of assists will help him out?

Shuma-Gorath can air dash now? YES!!!

You’re the man, Jocelot.

Air dash YES. I was getting worried about that. Mystic Ray sound beautiful.

I’m hoping that Mystic ray has some good blockstun and/or a fast animation. It sounds like it’ll be very punishable on block, tbh, since Shuma is going to be sweeping the whole screen and if it’s blocked up close he’ll eat a combo.

I’m really interested to see Shuma SUWORUDO in action, the only mental image I can get seems kind of awkward looking. I’m VERY glad to hear he still his the stone drop though.

Shuma is gonna bring some great color to this already insanely colorful game. <3 pink mystic chaos squid
Just expect his charges to be better.

I imagine it like Tekken’s Devil/Jin laser eye move, only faster and with no headache afterward (being a god and all).

I imagine Shuma’s eye beam sweep to be very gundam in style. A quick whip of the laser followed by slightly delayed explosions/burns along the surfaces.

Ha, that would be pretty cool but the lasers look to large to be that style.

Thanks Jocelot for all that interesting message. I did notice one question that wasn’t asked about so I figured I’d throw it out there in case you’re in detective mode again.

You said Devitalization has no range difference per strength but is there any indication about the base strength of the different versions and any sort of approximation of what the range is like.

For example it’s known that Haggar’s PileDrive has pretty bad range, but all we know about shuma’s is the range doesn’t change the range…whatever that is.

Strength of the throw isn’t a big deal personally, range would be what I would class as the most important nugget of information, along with whether he has any thor style follow-ups after it.

Edit: Also guys…never played TvC, so how do the charges compare to SF4/MvC2 so I can get an idea of what I should prepare for?

I’m liking the look of his stuff now though. I’ve been imagining previously to reading about his moveset that he probably have a nice setup into a Chaos dimension threaten, but now I know more about his move properties I imagine an OTG Mystic Ray xx Hyper mystic ray (not a charge remember) will become a BnB combo and since he’s grounded may well set up for an XFC into Chaos Dimension. Might not be a true combo but it could just be a matter of jumping and grabbing them, and it’s going to make for a scary moment for all those seafood haters. Given what Thor has shown us about the game engine when it comes to throwing in combos then fingers crossed we could be looking at a reset into a level 3 throw here.

Link for anyone not in the know about Thor’s Reset combo:


Hell that might not even need X-factor. Could always OTG Mystic Ray and cancel into chaos Dimension startup. Assuming Ray causes ground bounce then it should be a reset situation. If it doesn’t then I imagine an assist that causes ground bounce will be a popular choice for when Shuma is on point.

First post updated with the information that we have so far.