H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

also, if it has the bomb effect I suspect they wanted to keep it under control.

Mystic beam sounds like it might be a bit slow for AA (per the list he starts out shooting downward).

Hopefully the charge inputs will be as quick as TvC but not as strict. I fucked up doing stuff like Joe’s wild lasso all the time.

I this seriously the only thing the “Jill and Shuma are already on disc” argument is based on? If so the whole thing is utter bullshit.

It’s one of the MANY reasons he sucks in mvc2, but yeah, not the main one and only because the charge times are so long.

is it the completed characters?

I don’t care about paying or not, at least we get them (besides I preordered CE).
His theme is so sexy though! I was hoping for a MSH remix but they did a great job remixing his MSHvsSF theme. It’s now one of my favorites.

From what they are saying yeah. The DLC just unlocks them. Oh well whatever. I don’t really mind… I love this bastard way too much. I am still skeptical about Shuma being charged based. I think he is the only one that is charged-based since I believe Hulk’s horizontal and vertical Gamma Charges used to be charge based but now are fireball/DP motions [forget which] and that is really the only character I can think of in this cast that has a charge move.

I don’t mind charge moves that much in slow-paced game but this is freaking Mahvel baby. Where near instantaneous cross-ups/overheads galore happen. Not very good to always be holding downback. Plus I am very curious to how he plays… he never really had a designed role. He was a mix of rushdown with good pokes for some weird ass keepaway and random grabs. It worked in MSH because of how his moves worked, but as the cast got more crap he sorta lagged behind.

Hell, I could be wrong about this and his charge moves are freaking amazing. Mystic Stare eats beams and continues going, safe on block Mystic Smash and these mysterious Mystic Ray that sounds like it could be a decent AA.

I doubt Shuma’s going to have an 8 way dash meaning he’s not going to be as fast as most of the cast anyways which should render the charge aspect of him to just be control flavor. I mean, it’s not a bad thing, you can have a character that’s constantly rush down and be capable of masking charges, just adds to the skill in using the character.

I actually like that they’re keeping Shuma charge based. after all, he’s one of the OG characters in this game, hell shuma’s popularity is directly proportional to Mahvel’s polularity. Keeping him charge based is basically Capcom keepin it real and aknowledgeing how some of the original characters have always played.

That, and who knows? maybe shuma is the one character that they sat down and were like “ok guys, let’s actually make a charge character NOT suck.” and they chose shuma since he was always the only fully charge-based character on the Marvel side. Hulk himself only has one charge move.

It seems like Capcom has alot of sentimental value in shuma, and I think it shows. Charge for LIFE son.

Yeah, Shuma was the first character that Capcom asked Marvel to be in game. Capcom and Shuma always had a love affair.

Okay, got his assists and a couple other small notes:

A- :h: Mystic Ray (hits OTG)
B- :l: Mystic Stare
Y- :l: Mystic Smash

He has two command normals, :f::h: (A close range eye beam) and :u::h: (in air), an upwards eye beam.

Oh and yeah, guide says he can air dash.

His assists don’t sound too bad. Liking how he has an OTG assist.

Awesome. Probably just horizontal air dash right? Totally want to see how Mystic Ray works!

Waiting for a Twelve style glider airdash where he stretches all out.

Gonna miss stone drop. Glad about the air dash though.

Wasn’t too sure on what kind of air dash it was, so anything is possible. Shuma with 8 way? Whooooooh boy…

Also, got this crappy pic of the Mystic Ray Strengths:

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

The move where he turns into stone is now his jump :s:. Don’t know how it’s gonna work now, though.
EDIT: Nice DMC4 av, btw.

What does OTG mean?

Thanks for the pics! Too bad he fires the laser standing up though but that’s just me (I want curled up Shuma shooting lasers).
Still wondering what’s meant by it being “sweeping” laser.

Good to know his stone drop is still there. Any other notable normals we should know about? :smiley:

Also, one improvement on his theme is that it sounds more evil and menacing. In addition to the dark aura emanating from where he stands, he certainly gives a vibe that should have been existent year’s ago. Yeah, just throwing it out there.

Off/On(?) the ground. Basically when a character is lying on his back, you can attack them with that attack. Not all attacks OTG.

Thanks. I assumed that’s what it meant but wanted to be sure…since as of late, I’ve noticed just about every MvC3 thread includes some type of comment about some type of move being OTG. lol

Well, by sweeping I meant he aims at the ground right below him and continues to fire until a certain point. Sweeping the beam across the field. The pics I posted show where the beams stop. Sorry, I’m bad at describing things.

Dude, you’re doin fine at explaining, and thanks for the much needed shuma info.

Mystic ray sounds sexy BTW, that one that goes straight up would hit EVERYTHING in front of shuma. Make that move hyper cancelable and you’ve found yourself a fullscreen punish move. Nice.