H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

So Hyper Mystic Ray is basically like Captain Sword? Neato, that’s what I expected too.

Also, damn, [media=youtube]sQe2GjaGt9M"[/media] sounds like something out of Gradius.

I believe he appeared purple first but I think it was only one issue. The rest of his appearances are in green

Silver Shuma looks fucking awesome.

White Shuma looks awesome, definitely picking that one. good to hear about the new move also. GIVE US A TRAILER CAPCOM.

With all the chracters they could have teased us with, why did it have to be Shuma Gorath.


Got his theme on repeat.

I really like the theme, but yeah it could have been better.

is it really shuma’s theme, was it ever confirmed?

Damn, I forgot to write down his assists. I’ll take another look after work tomarrow. Hopefully someone else has seen the guide and fills you in before then.

Jocelot you are godlike.

We appreciate it.

I kinda wish they’d played around less with the original tune. It sounds too experimental in a lot of places, and kind of uncomfortable, and a bit repetitive.

oh and also. Anyone else surpried that his inputs are still charge-based? :frowning:

^ Not really, Im charge man. >:[ we go hard.

So I guess Shuma has no command normals?

Probably does… damn, I can’t believe I forgot all this standard stuff.

I can understand mystic stare being a charge move still but why is mystic ray a charge move? It looks like it’ll interfere with jump inputs if anything.

Its cool his assist are most likely Mystic stare, Mystic Smash, and Mystic Ray.

how ever you are getting this info Jocelot, don’t get locked up over it.

Feel me?

Naw, it won’t unless your a masher.imo

PsychoJosh you is a Bison player right? transfer your skills and experience over.

Bison would be proud.

if they’re TVC style charge inputs it won’t matter. They’ll be short and easy.

^I never played TvC care to explain it to me?

Yeah, I feel you. Thanks man.