H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Shuma needs a teleport and fly mode for maximum baller status.

Alt outfits? I want smooth shuma from the character art.

I hope mystic stare can go full screen this time around.

I want a Shuma color that resembles the color in my avatar.


Yeah, but if Capcom handles mystic stare assist like I think they will, it might be one of the best projectile assist in the game.

after watching seth go on about Thors command grabs, Im interested in seeing the animation and and uses for Shuma’s Devitalization, I mean Devitalization was good in the past games. Even though everyone is hyped about shuma having an optic blast beam or just the standard beam super, that was shown in the screens, whats more important IMO is the Shuma’s Revitalization throw.

Please please please let his kick throw recover more than just red health.

OK, let’s get this out of the way; I LOVE Dormammu and Shuma, but, in the context of the game they ARE NOT more powerful than Galactus. Their power levels would be equal to that of Thor, so it’s not “beneath” them to become heralds for a while.

They are omnipotent IN THEIR OWN DIMENSIONS, and if you read all their appearances, not all the time. There’s always a cosmic or mystical loophole that can protect travellers to those dimensions; be it a spell, amulet or character. Yes, they always boast of their great power, but in reality it’s not always fool-proof. Intimidation is a big tool for the mystic beings in the Marvel U; that or they read a lot of Proust. :lol:

If you read any Dark Reign book, you know that Dormammu HAD TO use the Hood because he COULDN’T breach into the regular Marvel U. without a significant loss of power, thanks to that wimpy wizard with the 'stache. CROM! actually sent Shuma back to his own dimension thanks to Conan; CONAN! A guy with just a sword. :nunchuck:

So, to recap: YES, IN THEIR OWN DIMENSIONS, Shuma and Dormammu can be more powerful than Galactus, (can not are; that’s an editorial and writing decision) but Galactus is not stupid enough to go there in the first place. And, yes, Galactus can see beyond his current dimension and is not that stupid to begin with; unless you’re Reed Richards or Thanos, then you can justify him doing something stupid like getting “ultimately nullified” or “infinity gaunleted”. :cool:

Back to topic; green, purple… and what else? Pink and black? :lol: Somebody show some movies!

That’s the problem with comics, it’s the same effect at t work here that let the black panther come the silver surfer out.

The bold is where I stopped reading.

I really wish this Shuma canon argument would be taken to the Comic Book forum where I can skool yall, or learn a few things.

Not to mention the fact that yall derailing the thread.

We have a comic forum somewhere in general discussion. I’d be damned if I could find it though. Someone should link it if they could find it. I’ll have a look. Dorm = Thor? Honestly… If he beat Eternity, he could shit all over Galactus.

See thats the thing with comics, they’re so inconsistent in showing how powerful beings like this are. And most of the time when the really powerful ones theres always something going on, Weakened due to x, plot device by Y.

Galactus is on a tier above everyone, he is instrumential to the universe’s order of things, and that includes all the dimensions within that universe. Galactus has been around longer than these two and knows what they are and probably how to deal with them should he ever need to, he just doesnt because he knows his place and they know theirs.

Most of the time Galactus is severly famished when hes “beaten” and even then he doesnt stay that way for long

Neither dorm or shuma would stand a chance fi they fought a nourished galactus after he just fed. All I’m sayin

Trying my best NOT to correct the incorrect and hold true to my last post.


sigh He isn’t older, and I’ve lost interest in this argument. Galactus dies so much he’s a non entity. Killed by low tier cosmics like surfer. He has a serious case of Worf effect. :yawn:

So… how bout that trailer? I reckon at least a couple of weeks before the DLC drops.

You shouldn’t have because he was right.

And honestly, I don’t see much of a problem with this thread derailing a bit since we pretty much have NOTHING game play wise to discuss.

Read this post.

Have fun with that.

Doesn’t Thanos kick Galactus in the balls all day erry day? Either way, Shuma and Dormammu are probably in like the top 5 for strongest entities in the Marvel Universe. They are rrrrridiculous. The Universe in MvC3 could be said to just be an alternate earth where they aren’t as strong, if you want it to make some kind of sense…

Ok but come on son. He said any cosmic. So Shuma and Dorm can fuck with Living Tribunal now? No. Shit is garbage. And we all know comics are hella inconsistent. Eternity is the most common example of this. He has been around since the beginning of time like ALL the Cosmics. So why does he get pushed around the most? He’s like the fall guy for the cosmics. When you wanna show how boss someone is just have them mindfuck/manipulate/beat Eternity. How is it possible that lesser beings end up rescuing him?

Because it makes for good ass reading and it’s bad ass to see a demon take down a ridiculously powerful being to prove how bad ass he is. But then for that same demon to be outsmarted by a human or a group of humans or whatever is just laughable. Plus it doens’t matter how strong you are if the popel you fight have plot armor. No matter what Shuman and Dorm will NEVER beat Dr.Strange. And it’s not cuz he is so much smarter then them or knows more about magic. I mean how could he. They have lived his life time a million times over. It’s because they are the bad guys and he is the good guy. Plot armor FTW. So because of that you got people running around thinking Dr.Strange is stronger then Eternity even though Dr.Strange has said he answers to Eternity and has even served as his avatar on Earth in the past. SMH.

TL;DR version. Writers make shit up as they go to sell comics. Period.

And btw Shuma and Dorm aren’t stupid. They know they can only go so far before more powerful Cosmics would decide to just remove them. The last thing you want to do is get noticed by the Living Tribunal.

Also niggas are truly sleeping on Galactus. He is part of the universe and has a function to perform. He doesn’t even have a true physical form if you go by more recent comics. Yeah he’s been killed? And you know what? He fuckin revives himself.

I’m waiting for the comic where Squirrel Girl beats The One Above All, just so all continuity can collapse in on itself.

if this situation came up in a comic , the winner would be whoever the writer wanks up the most. they are only as strong as the writer wants them to be . reminds me of the anti monitor being beaten up by superman prime
or even worse the entire world war hulk

The best example of canon getting fucked in the ass ever:

Awesome. Just awesome.

You just made a grown man cry.