H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!


Venom > Superman. It is truth and it makes me so happy. It wasn’t even close, it was just rape. Absolute prison rape.


That is on the same levels of bad as wolverine beating lobo

I’m disappointed we didn’t get any gameplay trailers today. Seeing those pics just makes me want Venom more. XD

Let it loose flashy, Just let it all hang out.

Yes Yes let the Leak flow through you

It’s not as exciting as you think it’s going to be

That makes perfect sense to me.

Fuck Superman, and fuck DC comics. I’m glad Venom stomped his ass.

That’s one of the things that make guys like Eternity or Galactus somewhat lame to me. They rarely get to show how powerful they are, especially Eternity.

March 15th Shuma Gorath and Jill will be released, WHY CAPCOM WHY!? thats like an entire decade.


While I hate Superman, retarded ass boy scout bully that he is, that fight with venom makes no sense whatsoever, even for a crossover. Shit Mk vs DC has more plausible reasons for Superman getting beat up

This has been said since the Collector’s Edition was announced. I don’t know why people are so confused.

That is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen

Venom>Superman. I approve.

wassup guys,

i was never that big into marvel 2, but i’ve always loved how shuma looked and i’m really interested in playing him in marvel 3. i was hoping to get some questions answered regarding the character from people who know better than i do.

first off, he was low tier in marvel 2. what made him low tier? what tools did he lack? what were his strengths, if any? what was his general gameplan?

based on what we know about the marvel 3 engine and the little info we have about shuma as a character, does it seem like he will be competitive, or is it too early to tell? if its too early, then what will he need? any thoughts or opinions? thanks!

If I can remember correctly, in Marvel 2 he had low health. But right now, it’s WAY to early to tell about him in MvC3 since he haven’t gotten any gameplay.

Real talk, if Shuma says BEHOLD before his Optic Blast hyper I think I might die from hype overdose.

no one is confused just pissed.

Pissed =/= Confused.

whats so hard to understand?

He had low health for some unknown reason, was a charge character, and his special moves where very unsafe, he was more risk then reward. Mystic stares unblock-able was easily avoided also.

Mobility, and a means to cause great damage quickly. Sure some would shout Chaos Dimensions but you had to work for those 3 meters, and combo into it, which take more work/ falls under getting in.

He had nice normals/pokes that cover good space, his Revitalization throw was a great combo ender and healed shuma up while damaging the opp, Devitalization was good, and his infinite was super easy to land and keep going.

Thats depends on playstlye imo, my style was to get in asap and abuse Revitalization, get that Shuma infinite going, 3 meters after there character dies, set off a Choas Dimensions, on who ever is next.

I think its a tad bit early, but I will say this, with the way MvC3 is shaping up, I think Shuma will be viable.

Even if he’s not, I will main him.

It’s a waste of flesh to let it get you mad. Shuma is on the way.