H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Dude be serious. It’s the Marvel universe. Do you know how many beings have that title of omnipotence at one point or another? And are you implying that a sorcerer (again an extremely powerful one) is more powerful then Eternity? Granted Eternity doesn’t really engage in conflict and works through avatars to get his shit done. Sise-neg banished him and Eternity wouldn’t be able to do anything to him? Stop it. Stop. Stop. stop. That makes no sense. And generally the beings that do manipulate Eternity do so through some other means. No one straight up challenges him to a fight.

Also I don’t underestimate Strange. He was the Sorcerer Supreme. Funny thing though is that he knows full well the power of the cosmics and he damn sure doesn’t sleep on Eternity.

BTW Shuma ain’t takin anyone now anyways since Strange banished him to this different dimension beyond time and space. Don’t think he’s coming back anytime soon in terms on continuity. And it doesn’t matter anyways cuz even if he comes back he’s still gonna get rocked. Know why? Cuz he’s cocky as fuck and that’s why he gets his ass handed to him same as the rest of the old ones and godlike demons like Dormmamu, Nightmare, Mephisto and the rest of them.

Flashy keepin’ it real. Dr Strange has never ‘beaten’ Shuma or Dormammu. He only ever exploits weird mystical loop holes that merely temporarily stymie them. Silver Surfer has fucking killed Galactus before, and staggered him with blasts several time, and yet with Strange, Surfer, The Hulk, Clea and Ghost Rider together they couldn’t scratch Dormammu… AT ONE TENTH HIS POWER.

Also, did I mention Dorm is below Shuma by his own admission? Shuma is ridiculous. Not Living Tribunal ridiculous (he’s Jack Kirby’s right hand man!), but he’s pretty fucking ridiculous nonetheless.

I acknowledged he was OP. My main point was that there are beings far more powerful then he is and I am not incorrect about this.

It’s more that Marvel writers (and a lot of comic writers) don’t know what omnipotent means. Comics referring to things being omnipotent that actually aren’t is rather commonplace. For instance, The Living Tribunal is referred to as omnipotent, but it technically isn’t, as there is one thing above it (TOAA (and some nonsense like the Heart of the Universe, but I like to pretend that that doesn’t exist because it is stupid). However, from the perspective of just about anything else in the Marvel multiverse, it appears omnipotent. And it is nigh-omnipotent within all of the various Marvel universes. Below that are multiversal abstracts (personifications of some concept or primordial force, like Eternity), and then it gets a bit more complicated with other multiversal entities. Shuma is in the same category (though an especially powerful one within that group) as a couple of other demons / old gods who are far more powerful (and sometimes even nigh-omnipotent) within their own dimension, but that omnipotence can be superceded by something higher up, in the same way that The Living Tribunal’s nigh-omnipotence can be superceded by The One Above All.

And the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe says that he is “virtually omnipotent” within his own dimension.

He came back in a recent comic btw. It wasn’t a big one though and I forget what happened.

Thank you Mumei. Pretty much EVERY Cosmic has that same description. Near omnipotent/virtually omnipotent. But for every higher ranking Cosmic thier ability to manipulate reality is even greater. I suppose it’s a matter of relativity. For sumone like Thor with the OdinForce for example he would look near omnipotent to his friends and other heroes but he knows he is nothing compared to say Master Order who knows that Infinity and Eternity are stronger who know that the Living Tribunal could obliterate them and he only answers to The One Above All.

Basically comic book writers like to pull shit out of their ass.

Let’s face it though. Nobody in this game is even close to Shuma’s power barring Living Tribunal or TOAA being announced as DLC.

I’m not shocked. He’s a major villain for Dr.Strange.

Yeah, but saying he’s Galactus tier aint fair. He’s placed way higher than that. He ain’t The One Above All, but he aint G-man tier either. G-man isn’t even immortal and has died plenty of times. Shuma can only be told to go away for a while.

Yeah, Shuma is only ever temporarily banished. Same with Dorm. My favourite Strange plot line was the one that was postponed just because Dorm was all like: “You know what? I’m embarrassed to be fighting Hulk, Surfer, Ghost Rider and Strange. You guys aint worth my time. I’m going home”, and then he just fucking left. That’s pretty badass.

Dorm should be more worried about that traitorous skank he calls his sister then Dr.Strange.

Omnipotence is not a title its a state of power, Do you know who is omnipotence and who is not?

No, Im telling you Shuma Gorath > Eternity. Eternity is strong but he is not Omnipotence.

Do you know who Sise-neg is? aka Genesis? aka the guy who recreated the Marvel universe, and then put it back the way it was? if you know who he is then it does. Yes Shuma was banished but not in a fight, it was through situational means, aka I sucker punch you when you not lookin.

Dormammu lol at the bold.

and Eternity sure as damed well don’t sleep on Dr Strange.

Well he’s back in the Invaders Now #4 and #5 but Im pretty sure it will be ass writing and what not. Dormammu’s isn’t a demon, he’s a flatline.

I agree, but Eternity isn’t one of them.

I lol’d.

lol typo cuz.

meant Faltine

See what happens when you listening to tupac’s Hit em up.

I can’t even…continue this conversation anymore…motherfuckers have this game…and I…am sad.


Fuck you EmpireArcadia. Fuck you.

^fuk them niggas, 1 more day for me tho.

Who’s tentacle do I gotta hump to get a fucking copy… fuck you guys!

Ha ha! So true!


Im surprised Empire arcadia isn’t throwing no streams up.

As far as I know it’s just LI Joe and Noel that have the game and are playin it at his home I presume. Although I know other NYC heads have it.


Basically, Shuma is considered S tier with a handful of other characters in the marvel universe. Dormmamu, sometimes Thanos and other such beings are Top tier, and Galactus is upper mid.

at the end of the day, this is a confusing argument, becuase there’s alot of foggy (and sometimes downright bad) writing and situational shit that makes alot of this “Canonical powerlevel” shit messy as fuck.