H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

  1. it’s a single frame
  2. it still looks good

It’s nice to see it has a pictorial look, rather than all the fucking superfluous camera angles that plague the other level 3’s. Fucking 2.5d…

Ok cool, so what is chaos dimension if you don’t mind me asking? And whats with that move where he releases eyes that grab hold of his opponent?

Chaos Dimension looks way cooler now

It’s his level 3 super. When you activate it, he’ll start glowing for a limited time. You can still do light attacks while in this state, but pressing a heavy attack button will cause him to simply grab in front of him. If he grabs the opponent while in this state, he sucks them into himself and sends them into a vortex of doom for huge damage.

I never really dig his smooth look, I like the lets keep it real comic look, not to mention Im sure you will have a change of heart once he;s in motion.

Nice nice so it allows for some brutal resets I take it, sounds awesome.

i love how shuma gets the shine even in jills pics lol.
shuma >>>

I really wish they added little suction cups to his tentacles. That would be an awesome detail lol.

Is there any footage of people playing a good Shuma on youtube? All I see are people randomly mashing. Anything good from the past Vs games? Hell, even MSH. I see the odd combo vid here and there but I’m looking for match vids.

^lol Shuma’s ancient glory was before youtube, before thy internet.

look through the following vids. there might be some shuma play in them. if not you’ll at least get to see some high level mvsf play. at least the highest you can find on youtube.


Shuma-Gorath is no octopus, fool. You are little else than a blemish in his eye.

decent shuma play:
YouTube - Marvel Super Heroes v.s Street Fighter Killergambit Long Session.avi

Eh, the only thing that screenshot shows is the usual pre-cursor “big Shuma bubble”. It’s a nice-looking Shuma bubble, but it’s still the Shuma bubble. For all we know, the next step is gonna be the usual lameass “Shuma tornado” that I’ve come to hate, compared to the badass lvl3s that Maggy and Dormmy got.

Again, I hope I’m wrong.

And I hope you can still combo into it. Hopefully even easier now.

What I really hope CD retains above all else, being able to combo into it, and the damage. Once those are checked off on the list we can talk visuals. lol

Indeed, but the big damage should be default. I mean, they can’t screw that up. They just can’t. I expect similar (or more) damage to X-23’s Dirt Nap

Oh and I forgot to mention the otg after the CD. I hope they don’t mess up on that damage, I really do, it would be very usual if they do.


This is the best Shuma Gorath play I can find on Youtube.

YouTube - shyronin’s Channel

This guy has some MvSF game play with a great Chun/Shuma player.

Edit: Debs beat me to it lol.

They weren’t lying when they said Shuma has one of the best models out of every character so far!


Only the haters ought to disagree.