H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I find it funny how both shuma and MODOK went the farthest without info in both threads.

Jill Valentine is not amused.

Ugh, that thread should be fired into the sun. At least MODOK thread was fun.

Chaos Dimension works more like X’s Dirt Nap, which afaik can’t be kept when tagged out (too bad, invisible assists would be gdlk) and honestly I don’t think it would be THAT advantageous if you could keep. Likewise, as cool as petrify touch would be in theory, it’s iffy whether or not it would help him more than just a straight up hyper (not saying it wouldn’t, just that it’s iffy) But can you imagine if you kept petrify touch on tag out and Shuma had his RH as an assist? Oh my one-eyed god, that would wreck.


Hey, can you show me a vid of Petrified Touch? I’ve never seen it.

I’ve yet to find one, but basically, in MSH when Shuma activated the time gem he would get a second buff where whenever he hit an opponent they would be petrified until he hit them again. Definitely the most interesting of the character specific gem boosts.


Ya they need to bring that back.

Idk about that, Shuma never went invisible when he actives Chaos Dimensions.:stuck_out_tongue: Shuma was limited while Chaos Dimensions was active, If Shuma can’t tag out while Chaos Dimes is active and what not, I will be very surprised. Being able to tag em out while Chaos Dimensions is active would be another option that would lead to another way to land it, while using the the air exchange thingy, I mean what if you miss your chance to land Chaos Dimensions, or get put in a spot where you know you won’t be able to send the opp on a one way trip, them 3 meters are wasted and thats a huge loss.

LOL Yeah capcom would have to be extremely stupid to implement something like that, and I would luv em for it. lol

What Ideas do you have for a straight up hyper?


@44 sec yo

I was just saying it’d be cool if X stayed invisible when she tagged out, all I was trying to say is it’s similar in that you have a set amount of time to land the hyper after activating it.

How about this. You can’t keep CD timer when you tag out. BUUUUUUUUUUUT while the timer is going, before you land CD he has the time gem buff. Including speed up. I’d take that shit easy.

Idk about a straight up hyper, I’d just like him to have something for straight damage that was more versatile than Hyper Mystic Smash. Aimable Eye Shinku Hadoken? Ryu deserves it for being a waste of flesh.

Lol what if he keeps it but his assist becomes the chaos dimension grab.

Ohhh MY! lol godlike.

Sounds good but then again Hyper Mystic Smash would become obsolete, if he was to get some type of amiable beam super I’d rather they add it as an replacement for Hyper Mystic Smash. An idea I came up with randomly in the last five mins (lol) for A new super, is a level 1 super that places a curse on the Opp, which makes them damage themselves each time they land a hit on Shuma and in turn Shuma gains Life each time a hit is landed on the opp, of course it will have a timer attached.

I call it the Gift and the Curse lol.

I still think an Anak style go-into-background hyper would be incredibly Shuma.

If it were a Shuma-Gorath hyper, then the name would be what he would call it, wouldn’t it? From his perspective, it’s " The Gift and the ALSO-Gift."

Which is still a pretty good name.

I forgot about that, that would be fitting lol.

I forgot about that, that would be fitting lol.

Anak was able to combo into that super after launch right?

I don’t know, I used that move all of once.

For Shuma’s he should make walls with two of his tentacles then you can tap A/B/C to have him hit you with tentacles either low, high or from behind, or you can press E for an unblockable life drain grab or you can tap a direction to shoot an eye blast in that direction. It would still probably be useless, but it would be classy as hell.

I went and took a look, and Anakaris was able to combo into it after launch and keep the combo going in his hands, and man it does very nice damage. a super like that for sHuma would be more then classy, would be very useful if where able to juggle em with tentacles like Anakaris was able to with his hands. Couple with the life drain it would be broken.

I like broken.

Man, i really want to see some Shuma gameplay.

You mean Shuma going up against Dormammu?

I know Dormammu also once helped other mystic beings seal away Zom.