H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Shuma’s on my secondary team for sure. Forever and always.

the main reason i got the limited edition was for shuma alone all day every … im sticking with him.

why not lol? but seriously i mean come on, the guy is still one of the more powerful beings in the marvel universe, and you would never know it based on his lackluster gameplay, i just feel that he’s a bit boring for someone who could do much more than what they are allowing him. i get it, he was made back in the day when the versus series was never expected to take off like it did, but now you have a chance to re imagine him and spice up his moves, why not take this chance? the developers could have really had some fun and used their imagination for his powers, they could have made him much more than some body morphing tentacle slapping squid.

again i’m just speaking on assumptions, MAYBE they have spiced him up but based off Seth’s statement the changes won’t be too drastic and i’m slightly disappointed by that

Seriously, can you guys keep posting in the ask-capcom shuma thread?
seth responds to random people inquiries, if we keep bumping it he will be forced to at least acknowledge it when maybe SOME info

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The Future is now. Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Shuma Gorath R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

I agree, but I enjoyed him in the past games also. While the moves set don’t really reflect Shuma Gorath’s prowess in canon as a Lord of Chaos. (Tell you the truth I think that no cosmic or extra-dimension beings will reflect there canon prowess incarnations truthfully in a 2d fighter made by capcom.) Capcom did incorporate a fighting style that is true to the character for the most part.

1.) Shuma does love to crush/whip/batter foes with his tentacles, ask Dr Strange he knows all about it, So implementing tentacle rape action as Shuma Jabs, kicks, etc isn’t really out of character, since he is a tentacle extra-dimension demon.
2.) Shape shifting, Shuma possess that ability in the canon. Capcom implemented it in his gameplay, heck when I fist saw Shuma in MSH bite the shit out of an opp and toss em across the screen, I got all reminiscent about his OG Conan days.
3.) Sure his elder demon god powa isn’t represented visually in his supers, But you can’t knock Capcom for getting original in that department, with Chaos dimensions, and Hyper Mystic smash, and Petrify Touch. Revitalization was a huge nod to what Shuma is truly about eating/absorbing life energy and the like.

In truth Shuma Gorath is far from flashy, in canon, and in the game.

Well being slightly disappointed is better then disappointed. lol

Cuz he looks really crappy so far, right? And the number of people playing him from day 1 till day 30 is gonna be 0 smartass.

give him PURPLE ENERGY around his tentacles when he attacks, that’ll shut up the people who think he isn’t flashy enough 9_9

When he fights mortals, Shuma Gorath is like Jesus. He puts himself on par with the lesser beings so he can be a good sport.

you just won yourself an internet

Yo whats with the aggressive post fine sir, pretty sure he meant when Shuma-Gorath DLC drops.

As lame and lazy as that is, I would be happy with that. He still needs a teleport and an awesome Chaos Dimension though.

If shuma gets purple energy, I’ll find a way to put him on one of my teams.

^To make up for the fact Bison didn’t make it in?

I just like purple.

And I like shuma anyways, it would just seal the deal.

He’s still a smartass :slight_smile: Useless troll posts like that just piss me off, and I’ve been getting kinda touchy thinking about how soon this forum is going to turn into unity once the game drops.

Pink/Purple Shuma will look awesome in this

I can’t wait to see Shuma’s victory pose. I wonder if they’ll leave him with the sexy arms folded pose or give him some crazy pan dimensional reality warping shit.

If it isn’t a victory pose it will certainly be a taunt.

As for alts I would like a black and red alt.

Guise, don’t worry about Shuma. Sure they said he’ll be similar, but Im almost willing to bet money that his “Similar to his old self” playstyle will be GODLY in this game. Just cuz MvC3 automatically makes you awesome so long as ur name isn’t Ryu.

What I do want to know is what other specials they’ll give him and if he’ll still be able to combo after Chaos Dimension ala MvC2. ALSO, I wanna know if you can DHC into/out of Chaos dimensions activation AND if he retains the Chaos Dimension timer if you tag him out after activating it.
If so… oh the plans I have for that Tentacle Monster Godly Bastard…

Oh I forgot about the timer after tag out lol that would be great and think of the setups for that. I really hope they let him copy himself and give him better recovery and no bounce back from mystic smash can’t wait either way. Teleport would be nice.

Looking at some of the cast, Dante (devil trigger), Wolverine (speed up), Dormammu (paint on his hands), not to mention the statues ailments etc Joes (slow mode) I’d Assume Shuma will retain his Choas Dimensions mode while tagged out as well. The new Air Exchange mechanic/gimmick will make for an easy 1 way tickets to the abyss for anyone who gets caught up. Im still hoping Shuma Gorath gets his Petrified Touch as his new level 1 super. Lock down for dayz.

and lol we made 21 pages with out any new info.