H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I for one hope he stays about the same size and just gets longer reach on his tentacles. I think of him more as a slippery, tricky character and being huge wouldn’t go with that. That said, an Anakaris style super where he gets huge and goes into the background would be the tits. Maybe you just see his giant eye in the bg watching you and you can press different buttons to make giant tentacles shoot up out of the ground. Actually I think a lot of Anakaris style stuff would work well with Shuma.

Thats a nice Idea, but Im soooo bias towards MSH Petrify Touch. It really needs to make a come back in his MvC3, it would make Shuma a problem. I agree that he should get more range on his tentacles also. I pray and hope The dev look past MvC2 for ideas on how the returning characters play.

I’ve been intrigued by the character ever since I saw him in Dr. Strange, and have wanted to Rep him in the vs series but he usually isn’t good. Hopefully they rework him to make him better. They definitely need to make his moves directional inputs and not charge motions. Charge motions just break the flow of vs titles IMO.

Well most of Hulks and Chun’s charge moves where changed to motions for MvC3, IIRC I think they now only have one chrage move each, I expect the same for Shuma.

Hopefully Mystic Smash stays as the charge and Mystic Stare becomes a motion. Given the choice anyway.

4sho Mystic Stare as motion would be the ideal choice, over smash Imo. I use to get really pissed off when ever, I would lay them eye-bombs on the opp and them just switching out (which ever way) and the eye-bombs would just disappear -_- but with some of the characters revealed in MvC3 with moves that have status aliment effects gives me hope for Mystic stare.

Lol! Petrfy-> Snapback. Assist doesn’t come out any more lol.
And Hulk size would be awesome. His proportional increase in tentacle size would give him crazy reach.

lol Godlike! lockz

about the size I guess Hulk size would be cool, but I don’t want shuma to get any slower:sad:

Word form seth bout the sleeping one.

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Good news for shuma fans!!

How can both of his moves be a charge motion when there are no punches or kicks anymore? Only one move can be a charge motion.

i’m not feeling this, i hope they rework him but based on what seth said probably not. He’s almost like a joke, the man is one of the most powerful beings in the marvel universe, with vast magical powers he can use to achieve almost any effect he wants!!! why is he smacking you with tentacles and shooting eyeballs at you??? i feel the potential of this character has always been untapped. they did a much better job with blackheart, that’s how you make a super powerful demon in the versus series.

it just upsets me when something as powerful as Shuma Gorath is reduced to smacking you with tenatcles when this game has powerhouses like pheonix and dormammu as well as others. He can be right up there with them but they make him so uninteresting. again here’s hoping MVC3 changes that.

What are you talking about. Shuma does way more than just “smack you with tentacles”. He morphs into a variety of shapes, drains your life energy from your body and even sucks you into his dimension. He’s got loads of mystical abilities in the game.

and eye beams, let’s not forget eye beams. (and he can turn into stone too, which is pretty neat.)

And he could split into two .

But like you said, most of them were just body morphing. I’m pretty sure his mystical abilities are far more than that. Though I kinda excuse Capcom when they made his moveset, considering that the flashiest thing he did in the comics were making an earth voodoo doll and casting illusions(might be more, been some time since I saw them).

of people in this thread who will still be playing shuma after day one: 3

Come on son, don’t expect Shuma to crush the walls of reality with his jab.

Does it really matter? Well then again it does for people who make choices based on what the masses do.

I stick to my guns Fuk the majority.

you can count me in on that #. I’m ordering the SE for a reason. and that Reason is SHUMA.

same i’m hyped to see how he plays. i was always sad that he was nigh unusable in mvc2, i always thought he was cool