H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

If I were Dormammu I’d be pretty pissed off. Being upstaged as the final boss by a goofy, pink, low tier Jack Kirby character.

Choose your next words carefully robot, MODOK is a Jack Kirby character.

Uh oh, shit got real.

Look what I read concerning Deadpool and his dash.

Now, you fleshlings may ask me “Oh great Old one, what does that have to do with The distinguished Gentlemen that is thy Shuma Gorath?” Well his dash was super low as well.

I mean in MvC2 his forward dash was low enough to run under some projectiles. We may get that advantage, if it isn’t some kind of bug/glitch/kink/ something Capcom didn’t want in the game etc etc.

I know he’s Kirby. The only adjective that didn’t apply to MODOK was ‘pink’. But whereas MODOK is awesome, Galactus is lame.

I think Galacta shoulda been in over Galactus but thats just me. Galactus is a bad choice for super ending bad dude.

Edit: Not that Galacta would be a better final boss, but she is better overall.

Edit 2 Electric Boogaloo: Shuma is awesome

I know I’m just fucking with you.
Yeah I agree on that dash. I wonder if he will still have his old backdash.

The moon walk is epic, yea if so I how they add something special to it.

IIRC in MSH he was intangible for a bit when his body vanished.

also coo avatar.

if he gets karas backdash I’ll be really happy, especially if he has karas range on his tentacles.

Even better would be if he got Karas front dash and his old front dash became his forward walk. Trollin’ fireballers by Talbain-walking under them would be uber classy.

Oh fuck the hell yes. Do that.

I wonder how big he’ll be tho and what new moves he’ll have. Cuz you know they gotta give the tentacle monster that beats Galactus for free some moves that display his overbearing godliness.

I was determined not to seem out MODOK’d. I know my MODOK! And yeah, I want that dash to be awesome and not just because its awesomely creepy looking. Here’s hoping it’s quick and can work under projectiles etc.

That was the main reason I was tempted to use Taokaka in BB.

someone explain dis kara stuff to me.

I secod this notion, I never used karas a lot.

And windy, I’ll try and make that shoop by the end of the week. Theyre way too much fun to make!

Not Kara, Karas. A character.

Karas teleported for his dash, so in mid dash he was briefly invincible and could pass through opponents. If you’re familiar with Demitri or Slayer, it’s the same deal.

Okies. Coolz

oh I see.

I hope he’s not too big honestly. big characters get styled on due to large hurtboxes and Shuma is meant to be a bit of a slippery fish.