H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I don’t really care for size anymore sense it would be impossible to replicate his true size and might. The biggest I’ll take him is around sent’s or Hulks size.

I just Hope he doesn’t get butchered, I guess the bright side to Shuma Gorath and Jill being DLC, means they get more time to work on em, and make sure sh8t is right.

Give him a good “get off me” move and some invul. On one or two move, and your fine

I want some rad priority and range on his HK attacks for optimal molestation. cr.HK would be a great gtfo if they shrunk his hurt box to be mostly around his eye.

Exactly. With his crouching HK, I always imagine him going GTFO ME!!! It would be great for intercepting jump ins too if his hurt box is tiny

I’d like to see some next gen funky ass version of Chaos Dimension.

It would be cool if, since he’s only going to have a little over half of his normals, they made them mostly his kicks (where the money’s at) and turned his HP’s into hishouken type attacks to give him a ranged attack that’s actually quick and immediately damaging to make up for mystic stare. But he’s gotta have those kicks, he needs that otg after chaos dimension action, classy long range tentacle rape and of course, JSD’s av.

You know, I heard somewhere (can’t remember exactly where) that Zero’s projectile has been changed from a carge input to a quarter circle input for this game. Chances are that Shuma-Gorath’s specials will no longer be charge motions!

Karas’s dashes were retarded because of wavedashing. xD

There a huge chance for shuma to be able to otg after chaos dimension, he gained back the ability to ogt after chaos dimension for mvc2, don’t see why not now in mvc3.

yea I think in the new infor thread someone took snap shots of the command list for the MvC3 roster (TGS build) and there is only 2 characters with 1 charge motion each, and thats Hulk and Chun lee. iirc.

So at worst Shuma may have at least one charge motion.

HPs could just be command normals, seems like everyone is getting a few.

I would really like for him to be bigger. I think if he was hulk sized he would be a whole lot more threatening looking and those hitboxes would be sexy as long as they don’t slow him down.

I haven’t played for a while, how many of his normals were actually used?

Anyways as compared to mvc2 its 10 vs 12 for normals. (3:4 ducking 3:4 standing 4:4 jumping), they’re just sorted differently. Unless you mean as compared to MSH, in which case (*&@$# you.

Maybe that will also apply to Shuma and his Chaos Dimension. I Don’t know how effective it would be for Shuma to be tagged out while Chaos Dimensions is active, maybe during an air exchange (or whatever its called) it may be something to be feared or just another way to land a Chaos Dimension.

Just random thoughts.

I can’t wait to see what Chaos Dimension looks like in HD.

I envision, like, Shuma’s opponent getting sucked into a black void where all sorts of gigantic eyeballs open up and stare at him/her before one final massive eyeball opens up in the middle and sucks the character into a red vortex of Giygas mindrape. It’d be really cinematic, like Karas’ level 3 in TVC. Heavenly~

I am certain that Capcom are going to overkill it with the HD rendition of Chaos Dimension. Gonna be amazing, I tell ya.

As long as it does that nasty damage, Im happy with it.

Anyone here who is friends with that Street11 dude? Someone should get him to translate the Shuma-Gorath quote that is in the Japanese MVC3 website… and every other character’s, at that.

I just realized the profile picture is the pose he does after he lands that command grab.

Naw, in the profile he’s touching the tips of 2 tentacle, after he does a command grab he doesn’t touch the tips.

But he does do the “I’m sexy” look at the screen.

Love that B-boy swagger. Someone needs to photoshop Flava Flav’s clock onto Shuma’s portrait. Galactic Enemy #1.