H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Cool. That’s a pretty neat alternative to motions like qcf and what-not.

the only problem with those kinds of motions are when you are walking back and then walking forward and you quickly want to use a normal.

MK requires two distinct motions/taps, so walking back for a bit and then pressing forward with a button doesn’t activate the move. You have to quickly input back->forward->button to get the special. That would totally work for Shuma.

Actually with that method you are much more likely to get a typical charge move after blocking by trying to do a two button dash(my friend does it a lot with Strider’s two step fireball) than getting that accidentally.

I just made my COD Black Ops player card icon into Shuma. Fuck that game though.

New little piece of info regarding Shuma-Gorath.

In a new Chris Svensson interview about MVC3, there was this comment from a Capcom employee:

“You’ll be amazed when you finally see him in action. Such beautiful animations.”

Source: Capcom: DLC announcements and releases boost sales : News : EventHubs.com

And so they should be beautiful! Several Darkstalkers characters had to be shafted just so he could get a spot, since according to capcom, “morphing characters are hard in 3D”

Shoulda posted this in the info thread first. :smiley:

I can’t imagine how beautiful his movements are, so some gameplay should really give me a suprise.

Imagine his regular MvC2 animations, but without any clipping or awkward sprite transitions, and at 60fps. I’m trying, and I think I like what I’m imagining so far.

AND he’ll be bigger than he was in MvC2. He always did seem rather small for a cosmic abomination in that game. chances are, if they make him significantly larger but make all his attacks proportional, he may end up having GODLIKE range on alot of his moves, possibly giving him a zoning game, by making him zone using normals (dahlsim style). Imagine the range on his s.HK or his j.HK.


Or the j.HP

Hope Devitalization looks better this time, it always looked awkward to me


I actually digged how Devitalization looked. But yeah, it should look much more epic this time around.

Also, one thing you may have not noticed about Devitalization: if you look at the animation closely, you’ll see that it actually reuses Shuma-Gorath’s air throw animation.

Woops, I hadn’t noticed the existance of such a thread.

Oh well, it was a really tiny bit of new info, anyway, and it only concerned Shuma-Gorath.

ooooooh yes. any of his HP’s having better range would be fantastic.

I don’t think that making him bigger is going to give him better range, because his hitbox is going to expand too :confused:

You mean hurtbox. :stuck_out_tongue:

That doesn’t necessarily mean that. In the case of disjoints, they can shift hurtboxes to better support hitboxes. With Dhalsim it was obviously intended to stretch his hurtboxes too. I wouldn’t be suprised if they don’t do that so he won’t get jabbed out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you think we’ll get Shuma’s Chaos split hyper? He only had it in one versus title. I hear that his animations are coming along beautifully, so hopefully they release some gameplay vids soon.

What I meant is by simply making him bigger, you don’t really increase the range between his attack hitbox and his hurtbox, because while his hitboxes are getting bigger, his hurbox is too. All it does is make his body take up more space on the screen, which means he needs to move less in order to hit people and close distance (Think Hulk)

If they made his tentacles stretch out further than before when he attacks, then he’d have more range. I guess it just comes down to how true to his original animations he’s going to be.

I think they’re gonna be for the most part accurate to his MvC2 versions, but the ranges will be tweaked, almost definitely.

And dun worry, I do understand that his hurtbox would grow as well. if they give him average to slightly above average health, and make sure his normals do have good range (like hulk but MOAR) then I see that as more of a buff, despite the hurtbox increase.

Unless of course they just make the wad in the middle his hitbox and the tentacles just wiggle around and don’t get hit cause they’re all soft and wiggly n shit. That’d be jawesome, always found it wierd hitting the tip of a tentacle = OMFG YOU PUNCHED ME SO HARD.

Course that would never happen cause it’d be awkward as hell trying to hit him.

Actually if both grow porpotionally then there would be more space between his hitbox and his hurtbox. For example if he has a hitbox of 1 (1 ryu sized box) and his attack is 1 then they have to overcome that 1 ryu’s worth of space to hit you. Now if he gets twice as big and stays in porportion then he would have 2 for hurtbox and his attack would be 2. That means while you take up more space they still have to overcome double the distance to hit you through this attack.