H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Not sure if anyone already said this, but it’d be nice for the Mystic Stare “bombs” to be detonated on command like Jun the Swan’s yo-yo bombs.

That seems to be the general idea.

the thing is, Jun’s bombs detonated using a separate special move. In order to detonate his eyes like that he’d probably need a new special move for it, since the input is a charge motion (I think). and doing a charge motion to detonate bombs isn’t ideal.

Then make it motion move, and have only one eye sticking when it connects.

You could have Mystic Stare as like :qcf:A/B/C, then the detonation as :d::d: A/B/C or something. Or the eyebombs could just explode by themselves after a while like in previous games, and the :d::d: motion could be used if you want to explode them prematurely.

shuma tea bagXXtaunt ftw!

I think the most likely way they’ll do it is to make stare :qcf::p:, and the same motion again to detonate. Seems to be the pattern for that kind of move.

qcf punch
hold punch to not detonate quickly

How Dare You!:wow: just kidding, lol.

That’s not his theme tho bruh. This is


Someone made a mistake on that account or whatever. Thats his MSHvSF theme the one u posted.

I like the idea of his eyes being a 'hold button to not detonate" kind of move. That’d be cool and technical.

they should drain special bar while they’re stuck to the opponent or something. XD

I don’t think they’d ever do that >

He already has the life drain throw, meter sucking eyes wouldn’t be much of a stretch.

Also, can he puh-leez get some reason to use Devitalization ever? Worthwhile damage, good range, life/meter draining… anything to make it worth having.

allow him to combo off it. Simple. tick throws into combos are always nice.

Shuma doesnt REALLY need to have 236 motions. All he needs are safe normals. Hard attack should be safe and have blockstun.

At least one charge character should be fun.

I still want Bison to make it.

or instant charges. THere’s no reason that wouldn’t work >>

You mean like <<< pause >>> yeah that would work too.

Nobody has time for those super turbo charge times.

I’m thinking like the way it worked in darkstalkers.

Or Mortal Kombat…

There were charge motions in MK…? (Not hating, I just don’t play Mortal Kombat)

Back->forward motions with no pause, kinda like Talbain’s down->up Climb Laser.