H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Again, GGPO can never hurt you.

If the actual eyes themselves stay the same (charge motion, blockable, ground only) I don’t think it’s too much to ask for both. That would be the mahvel thing to do, let him get some shenanigan combos but limit the potential reps. It could also be cool if he could do the Stare in midair but it just hit like in MSH and left no bombs. TK Mystic Stare confusion nonsense!

I think one of the main things Shuma needs is for Mystic Smash to not suck in every way possible.

unblockable explosion on a set timer, maybe a different time for each strength.

Or if the explosion is blockable it should give a shitton of hitstun for combo shenanigans.

I support this 100%

Oh Mystic Smash… that shit is horrible. A move that flings him that sometimes causes you to lose your charge depending on character positions AND super punishable on block. It did OK chip last I recalled but that crap is never safe! >_<

Do you guys think they can simply give him something else aside from Mystic Smash or is there a way to even improve it?

I can think of a few ways to make it better.

  1. make it safe on block. Let him do attacks after he bounces back so he can follow up with aerial attacks to keep himself safe. A version goes horizontal, B version goes vertical and C version causes the opponent to wallbounce but is unsafe on block.

  2. Let it go through projectiles lariat style.

  3. make it OTG so he can use it after air combos or slams

HOw bout its start up delay isn’t so shitty and it doesn’t send the person to the farthest possible part on the screen? I mean, maybe launching em wouldn’t be so bad if he could tele to em, but as it stands he can’t.

Also, he shouldn’t bounce back much at all. Should be safe, especially the way 3 is working out.

Also, he shouldn’t bounce back much at all. Should be safe, especially the way 3 is working out.

Yeah, it would even make sense for the Mystic Smash to be safe on block. Shuma-Gorath could land and recover while the “duplicates” are still hitting the enemy.

Get it right, Capcom!

it may as well be safe on block, because people are just going to pushblock the hell out of him whenever it lands on guard.

Oh shit!!! I havent laughed this hard in a long time!!! Wait, let me wipe my tears off… Oh shit, that was funny! Btw, love that Shuma! Hope they give him a couple more tools so he can get all up in the tier whore’s face.

Shuma’s theme is something all of you should be clotheslined for not posting.

So awesome. Where was this when I was existing.

Or he could have a choice, like one version hardly bounces off at all, but he recovers in air so it’s not safe, but he can follow it, but another version can bounce off cvs2 blanka ball style and be crazy safe.

I think he should have the following 3 versions.

A: fast and safe. doesn’t go very far but he can combo off it because he’s able to attack almost as soon as he’s finished bouncing off them. Knocks the opponent slightly into the air, so he can smash, attack, land and launch for an air combo.

B: the mystic smash most of us know. Goes further than the A version in an arc and is less safe, knocks the opponent behind him for an untechable fall but -

C: goes really far, all the way across the screen, and launches the opponent really far behind him and causes wall bounce.

all versions OTG.

So you could have Shuma using Mystic smash B and then following up immediately with mystic smash C to OTG the opponent from all the way across the screen into a wallbounce into a followup combo. That’d be sweet.

Why haven’t you posted it!? I didn’t know Shuma’s theme was up yet!

I’m pretty sure he means the MSH theme

it’s an awesome theme indeed. Not very villain-ish though (would have fit nicely as Dr. Strange’s theme I think). I hope they don’t royally mess up the remix like they did with Viewtiful Joe’s theme.

Yeah, mah bad. But shit, I really don’t care too much about how fitting this specific theme is just because of the way it sounds.

If Cappy does it justice like like they FINALLY did with Ryu’s in TvC (best. ever.) I’ll cry.

IMO Dr. Doom’s theme isn’t very fitting either, and then there’s Modok…so it doesn’t really matter if Shuma gets a happy sounding theme, lol.

What they could do with smash is make the button versions change the arc similar to Adon’s Jaguar Kick, but you can hold the button down to keep him in the wrapped in tentacles ball, or once you release it the spikes protrude. If he hits while he’s just tentacles, it bounces off, is safe and can be followed. If he hits when he’s spikey it doesn’t bounce but does hits all the way until he lands, then he recovers on the ground. This way it could create guessing games for where/how Shuma will land and how soon they can stop blocking. I feel like Shuma’s big thing should be to be very confusing and unpredictable.