H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

MODOK thread 2.0. Not like we have much to talk about. All we know is that he’s in.

Yeas, ya know Shuma is the shizznet, forizzle, I mean man, he can hook you up.

I was just thinking that actually. not that that’s a bad thing. We could be arguing and getting all salty over stuff, or dealing with trolls. We’ve been lucky enough to avoid all that thus far.

Shuma would kick ass with teleports. just thought of that while typing. Teleporting through portals. just think of it. TeleportxxChaos-Dimension.

and now I have a hard-on. why do I do this to myself?

I hate to bring BlazBlue into a Marvel thread but shit. Arakune in that, if you airdashed against the wall, he would pull a pac-man and show up on the other side.

That would be so fuckin perfect for Shuma it’s RIDONK

Don’t get me wrong, the pictures are funny and shit, but all threads are becoming this :confused:

Yeah, I guess we need something to eat up time.

I hope its exactly like 2. Explode after the timer or when Shuma tags out.

Poor cap : (


didnt know what he was gettin into

Fucking amazing! You, sir, are awesome.


You know, it was actually Capcom who first had the idea of being able to dash backwards to the other side of the screen.

Anakaris could do that in the old Darkstalkers games. And yeah, Shuma-Gorath totally has to have that. It would make sooooooo much sense with him. If there is someone who can fuck up with the basic principles of reality, it is him.

Also, this. Although I hope that this time around they make the timer for the explosion after the latch much shorter.

Awesome. He should go back to being as powerful as he was in Marvel Super Heroes for this game.

another idea for a variation of Mystic Smash (that would include teleporting portals, and hoping its the move I’m thinking ove); something like Akari from Last Blade, where he hops into a portal, then comes out somewhere (Above, above/behind, above/infront, etc) flying straight at them in a mystic smash. Dunno if it’d be good, but it’d be awesome!

I think that’d be good. Imagine if he gets a wallbounce move. Wallbounce into teleport mystic smash from one side of the screen to another, then combo off that with a followup.

Teleport mystic smash would make for fun crossups too. But I doubt they’ll rework mystic smash. He’ll probably just end up having 3 strengths/arcs as usual.

Anakaris in Darkstalkers did that first. I always found it odd he couldn’t do it in MVC2

[quote=“FUN, post:185, topic:114610”]

Don’t get me wrong, the pictures are funny and shit, but all threads are becoming this :confused:


don’t worry man. It’s mostly because, aside from the character reveals, there still isn’t much to talk about for any of the previously revealed characters. But people still wanna talk, so they talk about silly thing (which is always beer than getting salty, I say)

Once we get some legit info, we’ll have more to talk about. right now it’s just guessing and theory fighter.

on topic, That backdash teleport would be GENIUS for Shuma, and would actually make him being a charge character alot better in Mahvel (if they do keep him a charge character). Most charge characters have problems getting locked down in the corner I’ve noticed. Make shuma able to backdash out, and BOOM. you can’t corner lock Shuma. it will also give him crazy shenanigans against say, full screen beam hypers, if he’s in the corner anyway.

just think of it , someone tries to full screen proton cannon, or chaotic flame for chip, Shuma teleports, bing bang boom, Insta-punish and a wasted hyper for the opponent. beautiful. The only issue I could see would be shuma losing his charge when eleporting, but I think that could probably be fixed if there was a slight lag in the inputs, like for just a moment after teleporting, he’d still have the charge. So teleport mystic smash would be badass.

Shuma is probably going to get a teleport of some kind. Maybe even flight? He is pretty lacking in tools.

yeah, that’s really what Shuma needs. doesn’t necessarily need new attacks, just slight tweaks and more tools. Teleport, flight, airdash etc. all those could help Shuma. I’m positive he’ll get at least one of those.

I’ve never played a Darkstalkers game unfortunately but it’s on my to do list

nor have I. I always feel like a terrible person whenever people talk about Darkstalkers and all I know are the characters that appeared in MvC2… :frowning:

I know a few more because I thought MUGEN was actually fun for a while, which is where I know Hsien-Ko from (unfortunately)

She has to be my favorite of them all.

Just don’t be Unity and Eventhubs all like “OMG I LUVVVV the characters from Dark Stalkers its one of teh best fighting games evar!!” without actually playing.

:shake: GGPO son. Talbain till I die

I’m not don’t worry. I encourage Capcom to make a 4th one (so I can actually play it) and have an interest in the characters themselves. I don’t go around screamin its praises since the only thing I know about its gameplay is “It has chain cancels”. outside of that, I’m oblivious.