H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

As I said before if you don’t like him don’t use him. Yeah I know he has literally no tools but I use him because I LIKE to use him. Do you think I don’t realize that every fight with Shuma is an uphill battle and I have to work twice as hard? Jeez, if you don’t like the challenge of using him then go play a top tier deadbeat. I really don’t care, but i’ll be sticking with Shuma on point for at least a while longer, win or lose.

You obviously can’t read because I clearly said over 4000 games which clearly means I am heavily dedicated to the character. I’ve been playiing this nigga for more than 10 years in fighting games. You clearly have not said what you just said in your previous posts.

Ive been using him since Marvel Super Heroes. And I have over 4000 matches as well. But I try to be optimistic as much as possible about my favorite character. Unlike you guys I don’t like talking down about Shuma.

there is a difference between being optimistic and ignorant as there is being negative and factual.

Ill say it again, If you think he’s too frustrating to use then don’t use him. Simple as that.

Then don’t call people pessimistic for stating flat out facts

“Of course most of this is still mute since shuma still has terrible priority/manueverability/mixups/optionselects/keepaway”

Shuma has terrible mix-up potential? Jeez the guy has Rapid fire high and lows, He rapes at point blank range in a corner.

Yeah this is a pretty pessimistic statement. Truth is, Shuma is not versatile, but when he gets in his comfort zone he’s quite decent.
Snadmonkey should of at least admitted that when he stated “the fact”

Shuma is not hsien-ko bad. Shuma actually deals shit tons of damage with the correct combos, but in a game with dhc glitch it doesn’t matter as much when other characters with stronger mobility can TOD people as well. He has his strong points (good range on c.m, c.h is a great antiair, high damage/meter building combos,mystic stare give your other characters great options, ray assist is very good, instant overheads that lead into full combos, all his supers cause hard knockdown, uncounterable tac combos),but he is still a very awkward and obscure character who is lower tier, and to top it all off he is DLC. So unless you were already a fan of shuma you probably won’t play him. Because he is unpopular not very many people play him, and because of that there aren’t many videos of him so people don’t know all the things he can do. Like I still haven’t seen match vids where other people use shumas mystic stare then tag out, use his strongest combos, or uncounterable tacs. I’m not saying shuma is a great character, but I really don’t think he is bottom. I would say closer to lower mid. I think shuma needs have have the team built around him though. He needs some kind of lockdown, and something that otgs or lets him still combo after an otg Ray. His main problems are trouble with keepaway, strong antiairs, and the fact he can be grabbed during smash.

I like shuma alot and have put as much time into him as anyone else. I’ve played him in tournies and money in every tournie i played in that was not a major,always 1 win away =( That being said it was mostly cause i was way better player than my opponents. I will still play shuma in UMvC3 but he won’t be on my serious teams cause a. his low tier apsect holds the team back and b. DLC makes him hard to use at times. For instance at Season’s beatings I was playing some casuals on saturday and NONE of the casuals stations had shuma, I tried to get vidness to buy him but no go. So having to play the likes of MarlinPie and Flocker without my main team took a bit of fun out of it. One tournie i went to had 5 stations i think and the only one with shuma was the one i brought, it can be very frustrating to hassle with all this to play a low tier character.

I hope shuma turns out ok and I’ll mess around with him but he will not end up on either of my teams unless there is some major break through with him. Also tbh some of the new assists look to be just as good or better than mystic ray like the dr strange disks.

I like shuma. I liked him in MvC2, and I like him in MvC3.

But I cannot ignore that he is a very, very weak character compared to even the mid-tier of this game.

It’s like using Dan in street fighter. : you can love the guy to death, you can style with him all you want, and you can love his play style until the cows come home. But you also have to acknowledge that you are using a character that is weaker than almost everyone else in the game. If you don’t, then you are deluding yourself.

I like shuma, I will still use shuma and check out the boards, but I cannot ignore his glaring design flaws. Shuma (along with a handful of other characters) got the short end of the stick in Mvc3, as well as in the transition from mvc3 to Ultimate. Shuma SHOULD have gotten more changes, because NEEDED more changes, and because he DESERVED better.

He deserved better.

Well guys perhaps he got something that wasn’t listed. But at least with the J.S untechable buff you can ground loop and preform somewhat damaging HC finishers from midscreen. We just have to figure out if the base damage of HMS has been nerfed, if it hasn’t, then we could easily pull a 550 - 580k midscreen through the mashing of HMS.

I hoping there’s something that was left out, but I doubt it.

And I’d be more hype for j.S if it’s OTGability wasn’t removed :confused: that could have really improved his synergy with other teams if they left that in, since the buff to j.S would have allowed him to combo off of it.

I’m curious as to Howe much damage chaos dimension will do now with mashing. Of the damage ends up being more than in vanilla, we might actually have a scary hyper to work with. Hopefully. Maybe.

^j.S OTG got removed for a reason. Imagine j.S hard knockdown to j.S OTG that also knocks down and repeat that about 100 times. Congrats, you have the easiest infinite in a Mahvel game since XMvSF.

All I know is if unbreakable TACs still exist in UMvC3 (hopefully not), expect Shuma to be highly usable. Draining supers from your opponents for free is no laughing matter.

Top tier Shuma right there, XD

lolno. We’re a bunch of bellyachers (well, most of us anyway) trying to get along. You guys are pretty good.

So it looks like Air XF will allow you to get an airgrab after you activate it while airblocking. Airblock, XF, airgrab and drain meter? Doesn’t sound too bad to me.

Oh. Totally didn’t think of that.

Good call. But they could have at least gotten him something to replace that OTG I say

No people were just hoping that just MAYBE they changed that. There were no videos showing us otherwise until just now. I was simply making a point, that is all. I just wanted to kill any wishful thinking that was going around (mine included).

Maximillian’s new changelog video, featuring Shuma-Gorath!

fixed :)!

Wow shuma got some great changes, + wit the undiscovered tech that seth pulled out of his azz its a safe bet shuma goon b Elder God tier