H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

The air dash is pretty good for getting around if you add an attack. Instant air dash M is usually what I do just to keep moving. When you’re close you can change to H for some air throw OS’s. And Mystic Smashing is a lot safer when you have assists helping, I use Sentinel assist for this at the moment, but I’m experimenting with some others, like Arthur.

Mystic Stare is a pretty good projectile IMO, especially because of the eye bombs after a hit, and it has pretty good durability. And spamming Mystic Ray is pretty legit in some cases. And his command throw absorbs projectiles, that’s nice too.

I swear for a bunch of Shuma mains y’all hate your character. I only sub him and I think he’s godlike. And I am certainly not a bad player, I know godlike when I see it.

That’s just it, though. You only SUB him. Play him a bit more and you’ll realize how many problems he has.
Online, I’ve only come across one really good Shuma player. Did he cause me trouble? Yes, he did, I wasn’t expecting a guy to come at me with such Shuma-related force. But then I just switched to Sentinel and that stuffed him right up. I don’t even use Sentinel on a regular basis, and my mediocre Sentinel was enough to stop him.

Eviltoaster, there’s a difference between “hating” and “being aware of your characters weaknesses”.

Let’s put it this way. We are very aware of Shumas weaknesses. Very, very, aware. They’re rather hard to miss. Also, devitalization absorbing projectiles is top tier useless, bringing that up only emphasizes the poor tools shuma has to work with.

I LOVE shuma, I loved him in MVC2, I loved him vanilla, and I’ll love him in ultimate. But the poor guy’s a shadow of what he used to be, and of what he could have been. It’s sad.

I don’t understand why they thought devitalization absorbing projectiles would be a good idea.
“Okay, his command grab. Let’s make it absorb one, single-hit projectile at a time, have it completely lose against multi-hit projectiles and beams, give it no benefits upon a successful block, and tell nobody that it can do this.” I mean, was it just a throwaway mechanic that they forgot to remove from the final product?

I don’t think any of us hate shuma. I’m not masochist… I’ve played over 4000 games with shuma and used countless numbers of teams and put a lot of work into this character. At the end of the day though, all of the stuff you just named is not going to help against someone who knows the matchup.

Tightening of frame data may be codename for "faster attacks but no mobility bonus) This could be a pretty good buff IF I’m correct. We may end up having a character that attacks as fast X-23 but moves the speed of Dormmamu :P. Better than nothing I suppose

If the frame tightening allowed for new combo and mixups once we actually get in, sure, I’ll call that a buff and take with appreciation.

if it’s just stuff like"hey, you’re a wee bit safer on block and… thats it." then I’l be D:/

but nothing would make me happier than a total rehaul of the character.

Am I the only one who wants Shuma to be smaller and lower to the ground XD? If he were bigger he wouldn’t be very rushdown like haha

I never really wanted shuma to be a RTSD kinda character IMO.

I would have preferred to see him play a dangerous projectile game. Or heck, if they were to make him HUGE, and therefore his tentacles HUGE, he could play some fullscreen rushdown dhalsim style XD

Make him a mid screen footsie/ projectile nightmare.

But that’s just me

Looks like the Frame Data tweak is gonna make people not pop-out of Shuma’s combos so easily. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this may be the buff were looking for.

So I’m going to Season’s Beatings, first tournie I’ve been to in several months and i decided to do something proactive with shuma. I had some strong setups with my team and have only improved on them but I’ve never really seen anything on this so let me ask. What your setups for post kills or snap ins, I found myself snapping in viscan’t phoenix 2-3 times against viscant and wishing I had brushed up on shumas post snap stuff since I usually settle for just pressure. I’ll lay out my setup and possible variations, I’ve got some sick wolvie or akuma setups but i feel my shuma is a bit lacking.

1.j.m, j.m --You can instead fake the j.m and go straight into heavy mystic smash with intent of -crossing them up but combo’n/reliablity is weak.
2. j. Medium mystic smash --You can do j.H mystic smash to catch those advance guard spammers, though if they don’t they can escape or punish.
3. land --Against tall characters you can jump into instant overhead here
4. akuma assist + s.l --The s.l is necessary so you don’t get grabbed before akuma hits.
5. s.l dash --Again one more hit to wait for akuma and then dashing to get point blank.
6. TK l.mystic smash or c.l --You need to hit this just as tatsu assist ends so it doesn’t mess you up, by now they should be grounded and you can get this good 50/50

A few variations of basically same setup with intent of getting them grounded for a 50/50 off akuma assist. Here are a few other setups.

  1. Akuma assist
  2. sj into air S
  3. into step 6 above.
    Objective of this setup is to get them grounded using air S. Sometimes i feel this is better against people who plan to x-f cancel or attack in air.

With x-factor: I bascailly spam j.H mystic smash and s. m mystic smash to try and get cross overs again and again.

lvl 3 setup.
Akuma assist + lvl 3 (first hit of lvl 3 should almost hit them or hit them just as they come in) + grab them, bascially a free setup against non upwards air dashers.

I use akuma assist but feel free to place your own assists.

Taskmaster Aim Master High Assist is a great way to cover Shuma and it allows him to actually do a screen switch mixup

I think this “unexplored” crap could have been avoid if they just allowed for Shuma to be playable in the UMvC3 builds. They could have gotten the much needed feedback

I love how they refuse to buff either Shuma or Jill, and even nerfed(!) Jill, just because they claim thet the characters have unexplored secrets.

If so, what are some of these awesome secrets were missing out on!? Especially for Jill, since they are supposedly good enough to warrant a nerf!

“what’s that? An underused character has some hidden potential that might make them good!? NERF THAT SHIT!”

I don’t care how good or bad shuma is going to be I’m playing him. How are the new UMVC3 characters looking as assist for shuma

How are you working it in? I just made a heartbreaking switch from Thor to Shuma. Not sure if it’s permenant, but I’m liking how the team is working. Running Taskmaster/Shuma/Skrull right now. Where do you guys stand on Shuma’s placement on the team? I like him running second, but how do you guys feel about him on point?

i would suggest skrull/shuma/task, except one of shuma’s myriad of problems is that his dhc’s really suck, and since tasks’ are so good it would be a shame not to put him after skrull, but then you are stuck with shuma on anchor which isn’t that great, although mystic ray assist is probably pretty fun for taskmaster.

As far as snapping in phoenix, i would either try a quick mixup as she comes in with standing mystic smash, or dash shenanigans into crouching M spam, as you can usually get one M hit to land as she tries to jump away.

I’m almost always running a team of Taskmaster/Shuma/Dormammu. Thankfully, putting Tasky up front leads to Shuma actually being a worthwhile DHC, leading from an aerial downwards Legion Arrow into Hyper Mystic Ray, and if I’ve got the meter, Chaotic Flame.
Should probably change Tasky’s assist to the H Aim Master. Don’t know why I didn’t think of that.

H Master covers mystic smash and leaves Shuma protected from grabs and attacks :slight_smile:

R.I.P. Gorath