H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

So, Seth said that Shuma’s only changes are the meter sucking grab, Hyper Mystic Smash is mashable, and he has a general tightening of his frame data.
I hope that frame data tightening means he’ll be faster, because that’s actually a change he needs. If he actually ends up being the least bit slower, than I’m going to punch someone. Someone at Capcom. Someone at Capcom who’s behind the character changes.

Somebody forward this to Seth Killian, Niitsuma and whoever else at capcom to the point of flooding their email inboxes / twitter accounts.

Shuma is so charismatic. He doesn’t deserve being the worst character in the game.

What’s funny is that due to the nerfing of Tron and (surprisingly) Wolverine, they might actually end up being worse. But he’ll still be bottom of the barrel.

I highly doubt Wolverine will end up being that bad, it just seems people are overreacting to his nerfs. And Tron can at least deal damage (or could - don’t know how things fare for her in Ultimate).

Unfortunately, Trons damage went down the shitter thus far due to how damage and hitstun scaling (something she already struggles with in vanilla) absolutely annihilated many of her best combos. I remember one guy tested her out in the tron forums, and said that she could barely go past a jump in abcsabcs boulder into hyper, which is both short, deals bad damage, not shuma bad, but kinda meh damage, and is just a generic, herpa derpy combo anyway, lacking any flavor.

In short, changes need to be made

I’m just glad that Shuma didn’t get his Mystic Ray assist pointlessly nerfed.


Haha, being a bit melodramatic, aren’t we?

It’s true that he’s still going to be a low tier, but I don’t think he’s gonna be the worst. Many characters that got nerfed are going to be the new worst characters, in my opinion. Plus, on the bright side, he’s still going to have a great assist, which is the best he has to offer in MVC3.
He definitely deserved some buffs, but oh well, it’s not going to stop me from maining him.

I support this idea. Seth Killian’s job is to take in fan input, isn’t it? Well, then couldn’t it be possible for someone to contact/write to him and let him know that Shuma-Gorath needs some critical buffs? Someone that makes it painfully clear that he is not “underexplored” or simply “technical,” but that he has some MAJOR, unfair weaknesses?

I asked him on his blog the other day if any of the less popular characters (tron, shuma, Haggar, hsien ko) were receiving any more changes.

I tried to be polite, and not mindlessly suggest ideas or act like an entitled asshole, just wanted to know if anything was coming.

No news yet

That’s too bad. Would asking him through his twitter work?

Actually, nevermind that. There are probably no more changes coming for any character, since it seems that the game’s content is already finished. I mean, the Assist Me! guy got a finished copy of the game and all. So yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath for any immediate changes.

do you have a link to his blog? it would help me out a lot

Well, I guess there’s always hope for post-release balance patches.

I don’t get you guys. Shuma is godlike, why y’all hatin?

Yeah, he’s godlike with his…low mobility…low damage…low health…difficult combos…I don’t see your point, Evil_ToasterofFP.

It’s not that his combos are “difficult…” it’s more that you can’t exactly always even do them.

Mystic Smash and instant air dashes give him enough mobility for me. His damage is no lower than Wesker’s. He can gain health with grabs, and you don’t need Health in Marvel anyway. I play Dante so don’t complain to me about hard combos. Not even mentioning his mixups are stupidly godlike.

So, a better term for his combos would be “fucking irritating”?

You know…maybe we’ve just convinced ourselves he’s bottom tier. Maybe…maybe he’s low-mid tier! Oh, what a glorious realization!

Shuma is decent vs people who don’t know the matchup, but the biggest problem with shuma is that a player who knows what he can do can negate all of his stuff. He can be grabbed out of mystic smashes. Many standing lights beat mystic smash. His air dash is slow as fuck. The thing that literally defines him in marvel games, chaos dimension, is a watered down version of dirt nap. The health gain from the grab is not really that noticeable. His mixups aren’t that hard to avoid to be honest… pushblock and grabbing him out of his stuff is your friend. I’m very aware that you are a rly good player, so I’ll take your word on the execution factor, but wesker can get hits much easilier and there isn’t much of a brain involved in his combos either.

Shuma has the worst air dash in the game and his only good manueverability can be beaten by 95% of all normals/specials in the game easily on reaction. Fortunently most people just instinctively block and give shuma an opportunity to get in. Not to mention that his other specials are basically worthless on point so he’s reverted to slow 1 dash character that can mystic smash that is easily stopped.