H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I want a gentleman shuma DLC costume. Top hat, monocle, and cane. Shit would be TOP TIER

From the other characters i would infer some kind of Black/dark color scheme, his silver scheme to be his light color, green of course, blue shuma, some kind of red shuma i assume darker red, then he will have some kind of gold color.


…or at least a proper hot pink shuma, rather than the current light purple bullshit.

I hope he gets the color yellow or orange for one of his colors just because it would look awesome

oh god, octopus Shuma would look awesome. like, if they were to make his… underbelly (?) lighter than the rest of him, and have splotchy orange and yellow on top, that shit would look great

So I was in the lab for a while yesterday and I found some VERY useful shuma tech and combos. I think this works on everybody.

(smash OR J.m) c.m,c.h,S, j.m(1hit) 236H, M,c.m,c.h,Lmysticstare, S, j.m,j.m,j.h ,j.s (should tac if this doesn,t bring them to the corner) otgbombs, S, j.h, j.s, otgassist OR M mystic ray into multihitting assist(dante,akuma ect), Lmystic stare, HyperMysticray. (~711k)

The combo builds exactly 2 meters after the final bombs explode

You can dhc afterwards and the bombs will otg for the next character letting you combo more if you have a character that can combo with high hit stun decay. If dhc into devil trigger, the followup combo does 950k(TOD on wolverine) with no extra meter. Or 1.1mill(TOD on wesker) if million dollars is used.

If you want to go for a reset in the corner… after the otgbombs do ,
Lmystic stare,S,j.h,s Hardtag.
if you have a teleport charcter you should be able to crossup RIGHT as the bombs are exploding and you can follow up after the bombs. Although bombs scale the damage hard.
Also another thing to note the mystic eye bombs only disappear if SHUMA is hit. And if the opponent advancing guards the bomb explosions it will not effect the other point character. If your attack is blocked and the bombs explode at the same time and the opponent pushblocks. Your character will not be pushed back.
Get creative with mystic eye tag setups.

Shuma has some really scary corner damage and resets. If somebody could find a good midscreen uncounterable TAC combo that starts with c.m or smash it would be really useful. Maybe ill look for one today.

Getting a midscreen combo with uncounterable TAC actually isn’t that hard if I get to pick an assist like dorm or ironman, solo thought there is not a a very pratical combo. Also the combo you have listed is basically the same combo i like to use except i use an assist instead of first mystic stare because I hate charge motions where you go from back to down back for normals, I out of habit go to straight down from playing sim in sf4 so much. Or sometimes I’ll just do a c.H loop after the first mystic smash for extra damage. Also note that if you do l mystic stare -> hyper mystic ray correctly then the bombs explode still in combo and you can get a free reset after it.

I found one. c.m, c.h, j.m, j,h.8h, M,c.m,c.h,Lstare, c.m,H(3 hits),s,j.m,j.h,j8h, TAC
A little tricky but its not unreasonable at all, Its his best midscreen combo(for guaranteed tac follow up included).

Haha! Awesome pics in there!

Shuma has some really interesting setups vs phoenix… I will try to record some of them some time with my amazing 240 quality. Using hyper sentinel force and then dhcing into shuma pre chaos dimension… xfactor to block the explosion, then using the HSF drones while they put her in block stun to cleanly eat her alive when she transforms. I don’t think there is any way out of this as not a single phoenix player I’ve fought has been able to escape it. Another setup…

This basic combo I use:
c:m::s: delay :m::m::h::h::u:standing medium standing heavy akuma assist into hyper mystic smash. Right before she transforms and she is getting hit by the balls, you can xfactor during the balls and chaos dimension, so when she transforms, she is still in block stun by the balls and you can standing heavy mystic smash over to her and eat her. The execution of the spacing and timing requires some work to make the area in which she can escape… if she even can… really tight, but I’m psure if you do it correctly, she cannot escape.

The second setup only works mid screen.

So all we’ve gotten is a confirmation of something we already knew: meter draining off of a grab


I think the main problem with Shuma-Gorath is that he doesn’t feel how Shuma-Gorath should.
I think he’d be totally fixed if they made him at least the size of Hulk, gave him a damage boost, and gave him more opportunities to drain the opponent’s meter.

It would be awesome if capcom REALLY made Shumas niche be raping the opponents hyper bar. Like, so a bnb combo from shuma still does kinda meh damage like current shuma (maybe a slight buff, just cuz I’d like it), but eats at least a full stock of meter from the opponent, maybe even more once relaunches and such get involved.

That would make shuma a lot scarier, because in MAHVEL, there are a lot of characters that get straight up GIMPED when they don’t have meter to burn. Make shuma a character that limits those options, and all of the sudden shuma becomes a vital team member versus meter reliant teams.

Like, have all of his moves take away just a bit of meter,making each hit really count, even if the don’t deal great damage. Like, rather than gaining 10% of a stock when getting hit by shuma s.H (pulled that value out of my ass btw), they LOSE 10% or something. All of the sudden, getting hit by shuma really, really sucks.

R.I.P shuma seth killian announces no changes made for shuma on stream, claims he is “underexplored.” sigh

under explored my ass he just sucks.


wow, I’m really, truly dissapointed

I’m now under the impression that Capcom really knows very little about game balancing and that the game would be a lot better in our hands.
But hey, maybe with some of the unnecessary nerfs like the ones to Haggar and Tron, he won’t be bottom tier, right? RIGHT!? Sobs in corner at the loss of his most precious and beloved characters chances at not being a liability on his team

What? No changes whatsoever? You’re kidding me, right? Oh, come on, Capcom, it doesn’t even take a very wild imagination to realize that he completely needs buffs!!! Didn’t they say that they took tournament tier lists into consideration? I’m sure that they didn’t even consider the idea of making changes to Shuma-Gorath to begin with. They probably didn’t even include him in the “make changes for” list.

Anyway, on the bright side, at least they didn’t nerf him, like I said before. Worst scenario, I was fearing that they could remove his H Mystic Ray assist, deeming it “too powerful.” At least he’s going to be the same for Ultimate.

Yeah, he’s going to be the same, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s probably going to end up being the new Roll/Hsien-Ko tier.
This is just rediculous. Capcom pushed for him to be in, they get money when people pay to play him, why don’t they give him the tools he needs? As it stands, he’s a rushdown character that can’t rushdown, do significant damage, take an average amount of damage, or do anything amazing without severely hard exectution. He’s got NOTHING positive going for him.
Make him faster or something. Give him a damage boost. Give him a health boost. Just. Something. I know it means absolutely nothing, but I put a topic into the Capcom-Unity suggestion box. Vote it up. Give him at least SOME hope.

WOOOOW thats gay. they shouldve completely reinvented him or given him something