H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

You know guys, maybe we’re approaching Shuma wrong.
I practiced straight defense/blocking for about a week now and I realized that Shuma can actually counter pretty damn well from blockstun due to his rapid fire low and rapid fire high.For the last few days ive been rocking Shuma on point and just countering opponent mistakes like crazy

It’s weird that they seem to be ignoring the DLC characters in general. Shuma got nothing useful and Jill actually got nerfed, wth?

Well, I wouldn’t say he’s got* nothing* useful. He’s got…oh wait…he did get nothing.

I mean, the health/meter sap from a throw is nice, but it’s not like it’s going to affect his gameplay at all.

You know what’d be nice? If they gave him the ability to cancel Mystic Smash/Air Mystic Smash into his throw. That would at least make that buff more useful.

Congratulations to Snad Monkey for rocking that Shuma in Seasons Beatings. Please give us an account of your experience in the tournament when you get back!

Ill bet you they buffed “minor and unimportant things” like his aerial special causes opponents to drop at a straight down angle. De-vitalization causes a longer ground stun. etc…things that wouldnt be noticied to the average player

Thank you, Heroes and Heralds mode. You give me the power to buff Shuma in any way I please. And have a team of three of him. And have him be silver. Thank you.

IF jumping S. did have that change, one of Shuma’s MAJOR weaknesses (can’t do shit outside of corner with his combos) would be alleviated. It would mean he can follow up with OTG assists, or mystic ray, Eyeball relaunches could actually be followed up, OTG Hyper Mystic Ray would do max damage since it would be up close, and he’d be able to stay on the opponent’s ass, thus making Shuma w/ lvl3 a much more legitimate threat.

all the sudden, his overall damage output is vastly improved, and since he lands right next to the opponent, Shuma gets rewarded for actually getting in and landing that hit.

EDIT: and if Devitalization had more hitstun… it might actually be useful

You know guys, I feel that Shuma would jump an entire tier IF Jumping S actually knocked opponents straight downward. (See advantages Macarratti mentioned).
Also I think this flaw is so blatantly obvious that if Seth Killian doesn’t fix it for Ultimate, then its proof that Capcom purposely-without-a-doubt-undeniably- ignored fixing the DLC cast and were out to make them low tier “novelty” characters.


after dicking around in the lab today (havent played the game much for a few weeks, so i needed a refresher course, haha) and comparing shuma’s VIABLE midscreen BnBs to his corner BnBs, his damage output would DOUBLE easily. I had difficulty breaking 300k outside of the corner, but his corner combos (which were longer and easier to continue thanks to them not flying a million miles away from shuma) aren’t bad at all really. Couple that with a now easier to land lvl.3 (you can combo into it outside the corner with a changed j.S bitches!) and Shuma is now comparable to say, Spiderman or Morrigan overall.

not GREAT mind you, but not Shuma-tier either.

lol least we have that.

I’m upset with my outcome at SB’s. I MM or did casuals with lots of people in 32 who I could easily beat and its a shame the only person to beat me was TMD. It was funny that everyone realized I was only shuma player and would recognize me by that only fact all weekend lol. I wish I had gotten a better pool or something my pool was one of only like 4 that had 2 top players in it. I also literally worked a 9 hour shift, drove 3 hours and as I walked in the door was called to go play, I had zero play time before pool play. Also I bodied anyone who didn’t make top 32. My shuma did alright I taught alot of people the matchup for sure lol. I also got some salty moments, people really hate his assist sometimes lol. In teams I lost to Flocker’s team and one of the teams from 8 on the break but still got top 8 in teams. Only really one person I played I couldn’t handle and that was some guy named limbo other than that as long as I didn’t play liek shit like i did on stream I could hold my own.

Awesome possum snadmonkey

Good job reppin’ Shuma-Gorath, Snadmonkey!

On a side note, I am getting impatient to see what his alt costume is going to be.

I’m tellin’ ya, it has to be gentleman shuma

also, I was dicking around in the lab, desperately trying to find any new strats that might help Shuma (seth said they’re in there damnit), and did anyone else know that you can fucking spam his c.H in corner combos for like, at least 4 reps? It actually does some nice damage in the stronger Xfs.

nothing groundbreaking, but nice to know.

Monocled Shuma-Gorath would be awesome, but, like I said before, it’s not very likely, I think.

Chris Baker’s hint about his alt costume seems to imply that it will be an outfit that he has had in the comics. Still, you never know, though.

Actually Macarratti you can combo c.m s.H into each other several times. Also I know what Seth is prolly referring to and thats tk mystic smashes. but honestll he is so slow you can never get close enough safely to throw in that crazy fast overhead.

Ugh Seth…

yeah, i noticed that as well while I was in the lab, but I figured I wouldn’t mention it since I figured you guys prolly already knew that XD

honestly, TK mystic smash IS nice. It’s a fast, safe on block overhead that is pretty easy to combo out of. BUT, like you said snadmonkey, it’s all about getting in, and shuma can’t do that.

as for seth, I’m pretty sure he’s tied up in PR shit, and I doubt he WANTS to lead us on like he’s been doing. Capcom pays his bills, so he can’t really go “yeah, shuma DLC was pretty crappy”, nor can he say “well, we kinda give no shits about shuma”, so he has to fall back on “FRAME TWEAKING!!!”.

don’t blame the messenger.