H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

I have lots of mail complimenting me on my shuma but it still doesn’t make him a good character. I don’t play more than like 6-8 characters really but I’m confident I could beat anyone’s shuma with half the roster. The only reason people think shuma is good is they don’t know the matchups.

I assume capcom doesnt/didnt know how terrible shuma is. Several of his priorities seem like additions after the fact because they felt shuma was too powerful. Specifically the posing after supers and low chaos dimension damage.

Here are the buffs I think shuma needs in ultimate:

-Faster start-up on supers, more invincibility on hyper mystic smash. Poses can stay in.
-Triple jump/dash ala joe and chun. I dont think 8-way air dash is necessary
-More damage for hyper mystic ray
-Alot more damage to the grab portion of chaos dimension. Like 100k more.
-Bigger hitbox for j. H
-Bigger hitbox for air mystic smash - should not be throwable
-Bigger throw range ala ammy
-Slightly more damage on all normals/specials due to severe hitstun scaling
-Command throw made useful or removed
-dash and cr. M should go under almost every attack in the game
-Less start up and recovery on mystic stare, make it go full screen

I’m assuming that at most, ONE of these things will happen, so yeah bye bye shuma it’s been fun.


yeah no offense or hostile intentions intended but…
your opponents in your video do not know the shuma gorath matchup. I’m not sure how many times I have to say this but, if your opponents don’t have downs and know how to play against shuma, the match is automatically not in your favor because the only mistakes shuma is fast enough to punish are mistakes that retards make like random gravity squeezes while ur 3 feet away or something. If your opponent knows the distance and mystic smash game, you should never even land a hit, and if you do it does no damage compared to landing a hit with the other characters in this game. I play magneto and shuma and as a magneto player, i take advantage of everything including tri dashes flight wave dashing etc. It just makes no sense why I can keep my opponent out for a good duration with magneto and be next to him from fullscreen (safely) in the blink of an eye, but when I play shuma, I have terrible zoning and even with assists, my approach is complete shit if my opponent does not have downs.

You’re being a little too exaggerated on the can’t/never get a hit thing. Relying only on unassisted Mystic smashes are a sure fire way to lose. Shuma needs a good assist for anything mid screen. Also btw Magneto isn’t a very good assist for Shuma, his beam doesn’t have enough block stun. As I said before daggers,arrows,shield work well for Shuma. In addition, I played 13 consecutive matches with that opponent and I tried to solo shuma as much as possible. I won 12 times (he caught me and my assist once).Now your logic says that since Shuma is so limited the opponent should of caught on quickly correct?
Why didn’t he?

Finally, Shuma works well in corners and definitely not zoning.

Remember, I’m not saying shuma is the best character in the game. He’s far from it. But he’s not complete shit like many are making him out to be. I would comfortably place him bottom mid-tier.


how should I know, I don’t know your opponent?

I have a feeling Shuma was thrown in just for kicks. I mean, I like our tentacled friend; he’s one of the unique members of the roster. But he’s half-baked. His whole character seems to revolve around these one-off jokes, with gameplay as an afterthought. Why should he have to struggle to do what other can do easily when he has no advantages over them save for a good assist? Just because he has Chaos Dimension? It’s silly. He probably even has potential to be a quirky, yet useful, character, but whether he’s supposed to be rushdown or what I don’t know. Same thing happened with Hsien-Ko. Good potential, crap execution. And Capcom seems to be turning a blind eye to what either needs. Drain meter on grab, whoohoo.

Maybe Niitsuma just wanted both in to appease his… desires. But hopefully there’s more down the pipe that we don’t know about. Maybe they’ll be playable at the next con.

If I were to see one, just one, buff for him, it’d be either a teleport or an 8-way dash. But hell, why not both? Or just even give Smash more priority. Not to mention the laundry list of other things that P. Gorath gave.

What made him so good in MSH? Could Capcom tune him to be more like that version? They did want to keep the characters true to their original games, right?

MSH apart from the broken stuff most every character had, shuma also had a fast, full screen mystic stare, and chaos dimension was level 1 and did a shit ton of damage

I’m no Shuma player, but what would you guys feel if you can OTG with mystic stare and get the explosive eyes on them and prepare for a mix-up?

I think it would be more useful if you could combo off an air S on a grounded opponent without an assist, or if his Air S knock the opponent straight down instead of down and away since he loses all forward movement when he does his S. Because with his air S otg’n I could then from a magic series combo otg into an assist and get a reasonable combo or easily combo into a super midscreen.

If we’re talking about possible buffs, I’d like to see:

-Increased priority on jumping mystic smashes.

-The legnth of knockdown increased on his jumping S and the pushback reduced on jumping S and Mystic Ray. So you can knock someone down, then OTG from midscreen and corner like dante

-Invincibility on standing H Mystic smash and Hyper Mystic Smash while he tosses the eyes. He should be vulnerable when he makes the pose.

-Damage increase or longer knockdown on devitalization.

-Mystic Stare should stay on the screen until it hits something or leaves the stage, so light and medium could work like a sonic boom.

-Damage increase on chaos dimension.

-I’d like to see chaos split come back…

i love this idea. Take it a step further and make devitalization knock them down, to give him the wesker shenanigans.

Imagine if Shuma had the speed of X-23 or a phoenix teleport…Damn

Here is some hope bait for us, guys: in his last interview in the Capcom-Unity stream, Niitsuma stated that all characters, Shuma-Gorath and Jill included, have undergone “extensive rebalancing.”

One can only hope that he underwent some major rebalancing. Knowing Capcom, it probably won’t happen (they are more likely to nerf him), but who knows. Maybe we will get lucky.

You know what always bugged to hell? The recovery off of a wiffed devitalization HAD to be the longest outof all the command grabs in the game.


I am probably dumb for not knowing this but I noticed the other day, while playing against a taskmaster that my backdash was being funky. I was in the corner and he did charging star, and I meant to block but I accidentally dashed back. I noticed that it seemed like I was invincible during the backdash. I did some training mode testing and my backdash if timed correctly was actually causing me to completely avoid all of the arrows. Has anyone else noticed this? His backdash definitely has some interesting properties. The arrows weren’t doing chip to me either.

Yeah, invincible backwash is a thing that shuma has… But the thing is, it’s counterproductive. Shuma doesn’t want to move AWAY from the opponent, he NEEDS to be near then to actually start combos. Honestly, they should make his forward dash identical to his back dash, it would be nice.

This may be interesting but the fact that shuma can not block after back air dashing until he touches the ground is more frustrating than this tidbit will ever be.

yes, not being able to block after back air dashing is the dumbest thing in the game…basically forces you to throw out an air mystic smash after a back dash to avoid hit…and even then it’s just an air mystic smash so you will get thrown out of it or straight up beat

I want Shuma’s mystic smash to have the shadows behind it again. They had hitboxes in mvc2, and the move actually looked… mystic.

MvC3 mystic smash looks like Shuma trying REALLY hard to be blanka and…succeeding (I kid, I kid)

but what if it had those shadow’s behind it again? And they keep going until they reach shuma, whether he gets hit or not. Shuma’s problem is getting hit out of mystic smash by everything? well now mystic smash would hit everyone else out of hitting shuma out of mystic smash.

and these copies need to follow waaay behind Shuma. when shums uses Mystic smash H, I want to see a RAINBOW of shumas behind him damnit. It would be like some weird combination of movement and zoning at the same time…

also, buff his voice back to MvC2. that shit was OP.

I actually like the new voice better. I think his old voice actor also died. I couldn’t understand what he was saying before, and the voice is a huge upgrade like magneto’s voice upgrade. The difference between chaos dimension! and THE CHAOOOOSSSSSS DIEMMMNNNSSSSSIIOOOON is pretty noticeable.