H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Shuma-Gorath’s first change from MVC3 to UMVC3 has been documented…

Now he can drain meter with his grab… Hooray?

I certainly hope that he has more changes than that, and that if he does, they are way more substantial.

Christ, i hope they give him something better than just that.

And I agree with P. Gorath in possibly having to drop him; unless he has substantial buffs to make him competative, the issues with not being able to use him consistantly being that he’s DLC and his just general lack of tools makes his usage more frustrating than is worth.

Hopefully, if he still sucks, i’ll be able to switch to Dr. Strange and be able to keep the same sort of theme with my team…which currently blows (dorm, x-23, shuma…horrible.)

a throw that drains meter… that’s pretty neat
I would love to see mystic stare as a charge move go.
Isn’t the point of charge moves to limit spamming of them? What is so strong about mystic stare that it needs to be a charge move ._.

I think Shuma could benefit greatly from an 8-way airdash. Really. It’s simple, too. Plus, the thought of his tentacles flailing all over the place as he tri-jumps across the screen makes me chuckle.

Just increase the priority of his mystic smashes is all it would take to make him vastly improved.

I really hope he gets a “playable” buff, I hate to admit it but I know he is holding my Taskmaster, Shuma, Dorm team back lol.

do u have xbox live?if so what’s your username? I think I may have played vs u.

He could really benefit from a teleport along with an Airdash. Hell, he uses portals during his backdash and during Chaos Dimension. I was appalled that he didn’t have one from the start.

Hey guys! Here’s my shuma online match vid. Nothing special but I find him a very fun character to use.
I know most of you probably get like 800k in one combo off of him but I settle with a good 350k to 375k mid screen and 580k in a corner. Reason is because his attacks make hitstun deteriorate rather quickly. Also most of his fancy combos require too much precision to be used consistently in battle. I don’t do massive damage in one combo so I usually corner hug with Shuma. So I can mixup the opponent easier and begin my wimpy combo over again haha. I cover Shuma with an arrows/cap shield/dagger assist instead of beams because beams dissapear too quickly after being blocked by an opponent.

When Shuma-Gorath was announced for vanilla MVC3, I thought Capcom would’ve made him competitive on point (I used him in MVC2). Only because I heard that Marvel didn’t want Shuma-Gorath in the game and Capcom begged them for him, hence the DLC. I find that really stupid, why go through all that trouble if you aren’t going to provide players the good reasons to use him. Come UMVC3, Capcom still refuse to acknowlegde (so it appears) how limited Shuma-Gorath is (and Hsien-Ko) compared to other characters in the game. A meter draining throw is hardly a buff when other characters have more throwing range than him. Mystic smash needs a lot more priority and he needs base damage upped due to his plethora of multi-hitting moves that accelerate damage scaling.

I really wanted Shuma-Gorath to be good this time around, here’s to hoping that the meter draining throw isn’t the only new ability he gets in UMVC3. And they need to make a non-reptilian looking alt for Shuma-Gorath (I cannot stand how detailed he looks compared to the other characters, lol).

I dont feel as if shuma is very limited, hes just not new person friendly. He could use a bit more base damage but not all that much. Half the battle of shuma is out thinking your opponent. Choosing a different mystic smash instead of the typical Y throws off tons of people. Using Aerial M is a good mixup. Jump canceling from down heavy to Mystic Smash L is also a good way to throw off the opponent. Using his command throw (which is never expected), and then DHCing into a partner is another good idea.

I dont know about you guys but I don’t have many problems with Shuma. I stick to the air and corners, I use his ranged normals to start combos and I rely on arrow assists at certain times.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh but then again I don’t play super competitively and I’m not a tier whore. I mean if you play the game THAT much I guess you could see a problem with him. But I’m content with him right now.

Really Mysticray? Where to begin…
a) shuma-gorath cannot combo after his command grabs and hence makes the move 100% worthless.
b)Sure you can mix people up with mystic smashes but once people learn the match-up they learn they can EASILY on reaction beat it out. For isntance Taskmasters back + heavy beats all mystic smashes even cross up ones. same kind of thing works for moves like wesker launcher, dantes any standing normal…, trish’s heavy etc. Not to mention even if they don’t have a move like that they can just short jump backheavy and grab you out of mystic smash on reactions…
c)his up close point blank mixup is really good. I’m a fan of j.m,j.m heavy mystic smashes to try and catch advance gaurds. The problem is that shuma is one of the slowest chars in the game without mystic smashes making him super super easy to zone out. Not to mention he has no air supers to DHC or threaten so don’t even get me started on the things chars like deadpool and arthur can do to exploit this. He has no way to get in close and thats really his biggest problem by far.
d) His projectiles and supers are so slow on start up you can’t use either underpressure or even while being zoned hard and that makes them pointless outside combos.
e) He does not have awesome combos unfortunently extending combos with shuma requires mediums but people instant pop out of mediums after like 20 hits, not to mention he needs to end in a corner to use a super.

Recap: I love shuma but he is pretty bad. I feel like i could do better with about half the rest of the roster after like 1 day of training but i can’t live without his assist.

A. They are so fun to troll at the end of a match though.

B. I usually use an assist to cover mystic smash to combat those tactics. I mean Mystic Smash does actually give an insignificant frame advantage to you on block, but combine that with a blocked assist attack such as Cap shield, Task Arrows, or Arthur Daggars and you basically have an escape route. Also if the opponent begins to hyper combo to kill my assist I just switch to low/high med to begin combos and keep my distance.

C/D - Shuma is a CQC corner jockey, one of his teammates should be able to take care of a distance zoning problem. When they start going heavy zoning on me I simply switch chars. Nothing to be ashamed of.

E. His med combos do good enough damage for me. And in a corner (With point blank mixup abilities) I can start multiple loopthroughs pretty easy. If they tech roll behind me I call in an assist and attack with low med to attempt a mix up.


G. Remember I take it you play more competively, I play online alot and I competed once at a local tournament so im nothing big. I do fine with Shuma on my level I have a decent record and I dont mind losing every once in awhile so thats why I’m content

So, I don’t know if other Shumas are using this
His air mystic smashes all have different trajectories than the ground ones and if you tiger knee them in conjunction with assists they can actually be pretty good.

light goes basically nowhere so its good for fake outs or to hit front
medium launches you about 3/4 of the screen distance so if you have a projectile assist you can close distance easier
heavy is really good as a close range cross up especially with a lock down assist like Ammy’s cold star

and since you can jump cancel dashes you can cancel into any of these from a dash which at least gives him more options in terms of mobility

I use Shuma as a battery for Shuma/Ammy/Phoenix and it works pretty well for me. I can extend combos w/ cold star or call it out on block and go for cross up mix up with the tk light and heavy mystic smash.

I use those tactics as well :slight_smile: except replace Ammy’s cold star with Tasky’s arrows

i feel like u guys are too optimistic about shuma… he is just a really bad character. I’ve played him since his release and I’ve exploited everything you can possibly do with him, but once you face an opponent with a brain, he is god awful. I replaced him with zero recently, and Zero is just so much better at every aspect possible that I would have to write a book about how much better he is. Once you face an opponent who knows that mystic smash is not beserker slash, he becomes hsienko 2.0.

I’m starting to wonder…for as much as Capcom desperately wanted Shuma to be in this game (contrary to Marvel’s initial opinion), why does it seem like Capcom purposely made Shuma really bad? It’s rather frustrating, especially considering the fact that you have to PAY for the character. Sweet, I just paid $5 for a DLC character that’s quite honestly one of the worst characters in the game. face plain

I’m seriously considering just dropping the tentacled god for somebody stupid easy like Wolvie, Sent, Wesker, etc.

WTF was Capcom thinking? 2 of his moves require charging. His command grab is WORTHLESS. His Supers have insane startup/recovery. He’s slow. His mid-screen combos don’t do much damage. He’s CRAP for DHCing. His best move (mystic smash) has low priority. Etc.

/end rant

You know guys I started playing with Shuma day one and I became “good” with him (I started getting a bunch of messages saying how skillful my Shuma is) around July. It takes a long time but like with any character eventually you know them inside and out. I feel as if the people who say Shuma is bad are trying to use him as a wolvie rushdown character which is what he obviously is not. Shuma punishes the opponents mistakes. When the opponent messes up, then you strike. land damage, wash rinse repeat.

Shuma requires patience and mad blocking skills.