H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

The thing about Trish’s round trip is that if the opponent Advance Guards it repeatedly you’ll be stuck on the far corner of the screen and will still have to chase them down.

It’s better to simply summon an assist like Ammy’s Cold Star and then do chaos dimension, since assists can’t be AG’d.


Advance Guard doesn’t push you back after you tag out.

When you use Round Trip with Trish, and tag out, they can AG all they want. The AG will only push back trish as a point character, but if you tag out, that’s no longer the case.

I was playing my friend a little ago and he wanted to kill out Shuma coming in with She-Hulk’s anti air grab super. Now for some reason, I was mashing forward heavy trying to grab her and sure enough it did. I don’t if this is character specific or not for facing She-Hulk but it was pretty lulzy.

You can’t be grabbed while coming in if you don’t attack or air dash etc. So what happens is the AA grab should wiff if you aren’t doing anything and then after the active frames end you air grabbed her. This is not character specific but a very common tact used to punish air based attacks sent at a coming in character.


Finally managed to clear all of Shuma-Gorath’s missions today! Man, Mission 10 is such a bitch.

I’ve been seeing some weird stuff with chaos dimension lately. One thing I haven’t really seen talked about is that if you mystic smash (ground or air) after activation and you hit the opponent (or they block it), you automatically get chaos dimension if you’re mashing H, regardless where the smash put you on the screen (ie you dont even have to have landed). This also seems to do some weird graphical things, like one time the smash pushed the opponent really far away, but shuma FLEW midair in a straight line towards them for chaos dimension. I literally had not seen an animation like it from him before. All this stuff is even better in xfc, as smash has practically no recovery when whiffed, so any time you are down to shuma and xfc with bars, you should be getting chaos dimension

here is some shuma footage from russia=) I just opened the channel but ill upload minimum 1 hour of shuma matches every week.and also there will be russian mvc3 tournament video’s soon.


I happened to have the stream up while doing some work last night and heard P. Gorath was on and actually watched his matches to see another shuma play. I am quit happy by what I saw, not that he was winning matches or showing me new things with shuma, but he reaffirmed that shuma against deadpool is dumb as shit and its not just me.

This brings up a more general point since I know struggle with this kind of thing, and apprently P. Gorath does to (only other decent shuma I’ve seen). I will make a list of ones I can never seem to find a realistic way of approaching at all with P. gorath on point that I can with other chars. All of these are about run away, totally irrelevant on their rushdown or mix ups etc.

1.Deadpool / any assist or solo. Jump back medium guns, heavy guns any mystic smash on reaction, light cutting time to switch sides if you S.J. All of shuma’s projectiles are slower and lose in durability to deadpool’s guns.

  1. Taskmaster/any slow or angled projectile. If you get caught in block stun you will likely eat 2-4 projectiles for about 180k damage chip. He can also easily on reaction charging star any mystic smashes without risking a baited counter. He can also easily push you full screen with these types of assist off any block arrows. Against all of shuma’s projectiles lose in speed and durability exchanges.

  2. Wesker/doom rocks or Haggar/ with meter for counters Doom rocks makes any ground approach unuseable against air gun (teleport straight down) spam. Haggar can on reaction stop any air approachs whitch makes stopping the same gun spam really hard aswell. If you close the distance his light teleport is basically unpunishable if you are up close, especially the air one, for him to rezone. Factor in that you have to worry about counters and its hard to close any distance.

  3. Phoenix/ lord help you if she has a good assist. I swear her super jump is just faster than shuma cause even at point blank I can’t super jump and grab her before fireballs come out. She can on reaction teleport to a mystic ray sound making zoning pointless. Also her dive kick beats out bascailly anything shuma does air or ground, meaning she can freely dive kick block string S.J away and rezone.

There are probabily more but these are the ones that I run into a few times and can’t seem to find a way around at all with shuma. I think maybe if I teamed him up with IM or doom beam assist you could do something, but lets assume either shuma is your assist char or you don’t have a team without a great fast projectile assist etc.

I feel the one thing that really holds huma back for getting around this keepaway is that his mystic smashes have 0 priority and his ground/air dashes are slower than dirt. These two fact greatly reduce your options especially against characters like this. Is this a permanent weakness that will forever low/mid teir shuma, or is there something I’ve drastically overlooked.

P.s. I can get around this kind of zoning with other characters that don’t have 8 way dash or flgiht mode such as spencer/wolvie/akuma/ryu, but I can’t seem to do anything with shuma.

Whoa, could you post a video of that if you get the chance? Shuma sure is a strange guy/octopus-thing, as is fitting of the lord of the Chaos Dimension. I just wish that Capcom does something for him in the future; right now, he seems oddly unfinished.

What role do you see Shuma fitting? From the little I’ve played of him, I see his benefits being Chaos Dimension, meter-building (I suppose), and Mystic Ray assist. But I’d appreciate it if the more experienced Shumas can tell me what kind of mindset he needs to be played with, because he doesn’t seem great at either rushdown or zoning.

I placed in top 16 at Powerup with my Shuma teams but no evo points cause they only had like 120 players not 128 =(. My 2 losses were to Floe and Nerdjosh, I just have 0 experience against she-hulk. I was also able to stay close or beat most of the other people in top 16 or even top 8 for that matter including players like Noel Brown and Frankie G in casuals. My only money match loss was to the Haggar player that got fourth. All in all my shuma team did really well at this tournie and I plan to keep him around. I feel if I get a strong third character I could push into top 8 at the chicago tournie. Shame I cracked under the pressure and completely forgot how to play when I was streamed in teams top 8.(frist set of games I was watching the projector of the stream not the monitor which meant i was watching a delayed video of the game)

Anyways tid bits on shuma. I run Wolvie/Shuma/Akuma though I play a good bit different than the standard Wolvie/akuma since i mostly use his assist for resets and combos rather than standard approaches. I saw about 4-6 other shuma’s in passing but everyone used him as an anchor which is fine but who isn’t scarying in level 3 xfactor. I was also dissappointed that other shuma’s just did the brady guide style combos which are simple/lowdamage/range and hitstun dependant. For instance all my BnB shuma combo’s incorporate assists in same way, depends on if corner or between mid/corner or between mid and far side but can be started off any aerial or anything under 10-12 hits. I can also easily 100% any character with no meter from anywhere on screen with lvl 3 xfactor. People really should look into the c.m c.h s j.m(or j.u.h) j.h.mystic smash combos.

To be honest when shuma was on point the only things I couldn’t seem to deal with were she-hulk =( and Haggar assist players. Also realize that if in the corner or off a grab you can easily call an assist and jump s to combo. Also you should establish the threat of air s for people trying to airgrab from below or setting things up below you, this goes a very long way for setting up mystic smashes. Also someuseful properties to hyper mystic smash for instance call it and DHc into berzerker charge right as it ends, opponent still blocking and gives you time for 2-3 mixups with wolvie while they are still blocking the eyeballs. Also if you DHC into mystic smash it will out prioritize almost all lvl 3 invicible activation supers like dante/wasker/she0hlk etc.

Nice work. Just a piece of advice against Haggar assist. If they are calling it predictably, you can nail him with a cr.M and combo from there since he’s vulnerable low and you duck under the lariat. It works the same against Tron’s fire assist too.

Anyway, you sound like a much better player than me, but this is just something I noticed.

Keep up the good work.

Haggar is not vulnerable low during lariat, only at the very end of the assist is he vulnerable at all. Most characters have plenty of time to make haggar safe if he wiffs. To be honest what makes the Haggar assist so good is for keep away. For instance if you’ve ever played a task + any projectile assist with shuma you know he can easily keep shuma out except for the air mystic smashes. Unofrtunently Haggar lets him just on reaction call the assist to get a free 700k damage combo on shuma. Tron you can navigate around but Haggar just seems to eliminate all air approaches which is tough against keepaway. This same principle also goes for some other chars like deadpool. The reason this is especially rough for my team is that Haggar assist is a hard counter to akuma assist, meaning my rushdown with shuma+akuma assist is to dangerous to even think about doing. Also ammy/haggar assist so she can spam 3 frame low or instant overheads is pretty much death for my team if I get caught in the corner, if they time it right they get like 3-4 attempts I have to guess 50/50 at correctly to escape.

Currently I’m looking to make a new team probably with Shuma as my anchor. I want something that can counter the she-hulk tron combo’s and the keepaway haggar teams. I feel my team is very weak to both match-up wise. Dorm/she-hulk is tough to but I think I’ve learned that changing my strat to a wait and bait akuma assist strat would work. To be honest I’ll miss shuma being my second, an opponent in the corner eating TK mystic smashes and advance gaurd bait c.m’s or advance guard bait j.m into smashes while being constantly locked down from either mystic smash for rushdown assist is sooooo effective its crazy.

You could always run Haggar too and call him second lol. Their invincibility runs out before yours and you may end up killing both of them. My new team is Haggar/Dorm/Shuma and I don’t really have problems with Tron assists or other Haggar assists.

Has anyone been successful doing keepaway with Shuma?

Shuma on point or with his assist? There are a few characters I can zone with akuma on point and ray assist pretty easily. With shuma on point the only character I feel I need to try and zone is trish, just to stop her jump trap dive strat cause without it she kind of sucks. The main reason I don’t even considering zone some characters is that mystic ray does almost no damage unless point blank.

Here’s a pretty good example of how to blow up the Haggar assist with Shuma, in the 2nd game: Pacquiao vs Zucco @ 8 on the Break #104 - MvC3

I heard someone say in commentary that you can TECH chaos dimension’s throw portion. Is this true?

Of course its not true. Shuma is not doing a grab input its simply an unblockable hit.

Nice find! I am totally going to exploit this online.

Shuma has got to be the most maddening character in the game. You know after all this time, I still don’t think I can do a single good combo consistently against a random member of the cast? I mean, one good combo that does 400k or more and works on all the cast shouldnt be too much to ask. It’s like how shuma’s hit box is wonky and he gets out of other peoples random combos? Well apparently they balanced this by making his own combos wonky as hell and hit differently every time on every character in every situation and spacing.

With the right assists I can do over 400k against the whole roster reliably in tournie settings midscreen, but with the right assist other characters can do 700k anywhere on the screen so =\

I’ve thought of a combo that I can make though I’ve yet to get it to connect with akuma assist though I only tried about 10 times. The idea is something like:

combo starter -> c.:m: c.:h: :s: j.:m: j.:qcf::h: land :m: :h: :a1: c.:h: mystic stare :s: -> air combo -> eye balls explode -> super or reset. I’m thinking this will work really well with an assist like phoenix TK shot, Dorm’s black hole, haggar lariat etc. I haven’t hashed out the details yet but in theory it seems like a strong combo with lots of leniance in execution because of the time the assist buys you to do mystic stare into launcher.