Guy Ultra SF4 Changes

Funny how people are finding everything wrong with a game tht hasn’t been out for 24 hours yet.

Faster walk speed? improved tc?

Im in there.

Zero youre being incredibly negative. How much of what you have described has affected your matches? Let the game breathe at least a week before you flip the table over and bail.

Guy isn’t a footsie character… correct me if I’m wrong here because wasn’t Guy a footsie based character in Alpha series… especially in Alpha 3… which… doesn’t contain any safejumps in that game whatsoever?

SF wasn’t always based on safejumps either, Guy is indeed a footsie character, he has footsies and he has a ground game. Pr Rog won how many tournaments and has how many placings in Top 8 during this games lifespan. Guy is in fact not a mixup character, he has the ability to mixup but so do many other characters of the cast. He doesn’t own a vortex at all, Yang and Guy are very similar they have a strong ground game with the ability to mix it up, you have the chance to go for meaty setups and other approaches off the ground you don’t always need to safejump for pressure there are other ways and you can then teach your opponent that delay wakeup doesn’t get you out of anything, I played Ultra beta, Delayed wakeup didn’t stop me from going on a winstreak. If it’s stopping you, enhance your game cause clearly it shows how limited you are.


No, Guy got nerfed a huge amount.
You can cross him up with an elbow drop if he is crounched…

Wait what ?

I don’t know which other chrounched character we can cross up with the elbow drop but mirror matches are gona be crazier anyway.

Run overhead hits twice on crouching ryu and
I did target combo run slide afterwards… did 332 dmg

Guy can cross up with the elbow some characters (ryu,gouken,barlog, bison until now i did it in a mach)
The TC is beter but still whifs in sakura (crouch) but well we cant have it all but is beter i hit Rose perfectly.
SHK very good and fast, CMP is ok you can feel the nerf there, walk speed run stop oo yes…
Red Focus and W ultra helps him alot.
Overall he is better!
But the cross up … there he wiffs like always…

im just getting the newsflash… guys not a footsie character… well shit… ive been bodying people the wrong way for years then. why didnt any of you tell me!?

on a serious note… bloods right, guy is made to be a footsie character. he always has been. you dont give some one walkspeed like he had in alpha and not expect him to be ground centric. why do you think theyve increased his walkspeed in every iteration of sf4? capcom realized his walkspeed didnt reflect what his gameplan was supposed to be. just because his footsies doesnt lead to huge damage like an evil ryu or ryu, or a vortex/safe pressure, doesnt mean hes not a footsie character. can he mix it up? of course… so can a lot of characters, but if youre relying on his severely lacking mixup game(i.e. flip elbow, command elbow, run overhead, etc) that can all get you horribly punished as none of what i listed is difficult to react to, then youre playing him wrong.

Just did it on a yang. Might have been a counter hit.

@Jet_Radio: You can cross up with the elbow if the opponent try a moves, i actually only have one vid on my youtube and it show just that (was the first youtube video about it, after that… well, i let the grown ups do the research) if he is perfectly still, it will not cross up. Here, i am saying that a perfectly still rounched Guy can be crossed up by the elbow.

Edit: Also, that walk speed buff is godlike, i am landing way more cross up than before.
Oh and a Decapre juste spammed her super at me, i counter spammed mine. Decapre just flew right under me and i avoided any chip damage… that was just weird.

Yo go back to TZ nothing really that isnt probably super obvious if you watched any of my other videos when the game first came out but meh… I said I would make it so…

Just in case anyone wondered you do Cl.HK , Ninja Sickle into MK tatsu in the corner, works on ryu so Im assuming it’ll work on a number of folks.

This however is character specific and a little strict you can manage to get HK tastu to connect, you have to buffer qcb walk slightly forward Hk.

cr. mp is meh
TC still whiffs on some people ;_;
Everything else, is thumbs up. Guy is looking strong.

Anybody else having trouble AA with St. Hk and online?

Online is online when AA sometimes you just can’t get it…

But after bushin flip, slight walk forward lp jump forward, huzzah safe jump

I know nothing about it was listed in the change logs, but does Guys jump feel different to anyone else? I know it didnt get faster or anything, but it feels like it is, or it feels more…springy, I dont know lol.

Soooooo Hugo only… that i’ve found anyways, also I may add… don’t elbow drop unless its on wakeup and its gotta hit low… dude is faaaaar to tall…

anyways. J.HK, Cl.HK, Ninja Sickle, MK tatsu… Super… 610 (y)

the regular safe jump after TC run slide is a no go on hugo. He can ex back breaker you right out of that.

Never got the backbreaker to hit, unless you meant his SPD… different names. Fun fact you can air grab the backbreaker

Oh and Hugo can also Ultra 1 in that safe jump.

Things to note, Guy’s Super is 7 frames not 8. CL HK TC works on Sakura. It previously did not. Also Poison has a small hitbox… you can only get 2 crouch lights on her, she is floaty on the juggle so Meterless U1 applies to her and Elena as well. Rolento has a small hitbox TC will whiff from CL.HK from time to time, may be due to his standing animation doesn’t whiff from a jump in though. Hugo can be hit by the Big Body combo… Decapre does NOT have the same hurtbox as Cammy. Only way you are hitting Rolento with Cl.HK Ninja Sickle is off a jumpin.

Lv.2 focus into CL.HK bushin chain will whiff on Poison so do something else instead if you hit with the focus.